Dipartimento di Scienze per gli Alimenti, la Nutrizione e l'Ambiente
Plant-based fish analogues vs. fish: Assessment of consumer perception, acceptance, and attitudes
2025 M. Appiani, C. Cattaneo, M. Laureati
Understanding the perceptual and behavioural barriers influencing the acceptance of plant-based tuna analogues
2024 M. Appiani, C. Cattaneo, C. Proserpio, E. Pagliarini, M. Laureati
Studio delle determinanti sensoriali e comportamentali del gradimento di prodotti vegetali analoghi del pesce
2024 M. Appiani, C. Cattaneo, C. Proserpio, E. Pagliarini, M. Laureati
Verso un’alimentazione sostenibile: profilazione degli atteggiamenti dei consumatori e loro attitudini verso prodotti vegetali analoghi del pesce
2024 M. Appiani, C. Cattaneo, C. Proserpio, E. Pagliarini, M. Laureati
How do consumers with different food neophobia levels react to health and environmental information? A case study on legume‐based formulations
2024 N.S. Rabitti, M. Appiani, C. Proserpio, E. Pagliarini, M. Laureati
Exploring perceptive drivers and barriers to the consumption of plant-based alternatives
2023 M. Appiani, C. Cattaneo, C. Proserpio, E. Pagliarini, M. Laureati
Sensory identity of wine from the ancient and almost forgotten grape variety Timorasso
2023 M. Laureati, M. Appiani, C. Cattaneo, N.S. Rabitti, Z. Verveur, S. Bergaglio, D. Valentin
Sensory properties and consumer acceptance of plant-based meat, dairy, fish and eggs analogs: a systematic review
2023 M. Appiani, C. Cattaneo, M. Laureati
The role of nutritional and sustainability information on consumer’s acceptance of gluten-free formulations fortified with pulses
2022 N.S. Rabitti, M. Appiani, C. Proserpio, E. Pagliarini, M. Laureati
Valorization of common (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench.) and tartary (Fagopyrum tataricum Gaertn.) buckwheat in gluten-free polenta samples : chemical-physical and sensory characterization
2022 N.S. Rabitti, M. Appiani, A. Marti, S. Buratti, S. Benedetti, G. Chiodaroli, C. Proserpio, M. Laureati
Advantages and pitfalls of the Rate-All-That-Apply method to characterize large and heterogenous wine samples
2022 N.S. Rabitti, C. Cattaneo, M. Appiani, C. Proserpio, M. Laureati
Describing the Sensory Complexity of Italian Wines: Application of the Rate-All-That-Apply (RATA) Method
2022 N.S. Rabitti, C. Cattaneo, M. Appiani, C. Proserpio, M. Laureati
Identification of the drivers of acceptance and rejection of new functional and sustainable plant-based ingredients: the case of Tartary Buckwheat (Fagopyrum tataricum)
2021 N.S. Rabitti, M. Appiani, C. Proserpio, E. Pagliarini, M. Laureati
Assessment of spatial lingual tactile sensitivity using a gratings orientation test
2021 N.S. Rabitti, M. Appiani, C. Cattaneo, R. Ford, M. Laureati
Tartary Buckwheat: A New Plant-Based Ingredient to Enrich Corn-Based Gluten-Free Formulations
2021 M. Appiani, N.S. Rabitti, C. Proserpio, A. Pagliarini, M. Laureati
Identification of the drivers of Acceptance and rejection of new Functional and sustainable plantbased ingredients: the case of tartary Buckwheat (fagopyrum tataricum)
2021 N.S. Rabitti, M. Appiani, C. Proserpio, E. Pagliarini, M. Laureati
Assessment of oral tactile sensitivity in adults and children: relationship with texture preference and eating behaviour. A cross-cultural study in UK and Italy
2020 M. Appiani, N.S. Rabitti, L. Methven, R. Ford, S. Stolzenbach Wæhrens, W. Bredie, M. Laureati
Methodological approaches to measure lingual tactile sensitivity in adults and children: association with food neophobia, food texture preferences and consumption
2020 M. Appiani, N.S. Rabitti, L. Methven, C. Cattaneo, M. Laureati
Assessment of Lingual Tactile Sensitivity in Children and Adults : Methodological Suitability and Challenges
2020 M. Appiani, N.S. Rabitti, L. Methven, C. Cattaneo, M. Laureati