Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie e Ambientali - Produzione, Territorio, Agroenergia
The maize lilliputian1 (lil1) gene, encoding a brassinosteroid cytochrome P450 C-6 oxidase, is involved in plant growth and drought response
2018 G. Castorina, M. Persico, M. Zilio, S. Sangiorgio, L. Carabelli, G. Consonni
A mutational approach for the detection of genetic factors affecting seed size in maize
2016 S. Sangiorgio, L. Carabelli, D. Gabotti, P.S. Manzotti, M. Persico, G. Consonni, G. Gavazzi
Genes interaction in maize endosperm development
2012 S. Sangiorgio, D. Gabotti, P. Manzotti, L. Carabelli, G. Consonni, G. Gavazzi
Interaction between different genes controlling endosperm development in maize
2011 S. Sangiorgio, D. Gabotti, P. Manzotti, L. Carabelli, A. Malgioglio, A. Spini, G. Consonni, G. Gavazzi
Upper Permian Brachiopods from the Nesen Formation, North Iran
2010 L. Angiolini, L. Carabelli
New fossil findings and discovery of conodonts in the Guadalupian of Jebel Tebaga de Medenine: Biostratigraphic implications.
2008 L. Angiolini, C. Chaouachi, M. Soussi, V. Verna, V.I. Davydov, C.M. Henderson, A. Nicora, R. Rettori, L. Carabelli
Correlation of upper-Khuff equivalent Palaeotethyan sediments of the Alborz Mountain, northern Iran.
2008 L. Angiolini, M. Gaetani, L. Carabelli, S. Corrado, M.H. Stephenson, G. Price
Brachiopods and palynomorphs from the Lopingian Nesen formation of the Alborz Mountains
2007 L. Angiolini, L. Carabelli, M. Gaetani, G. Price, M.H. Stephenson
Brachiopods and other fossils from Permo-Triasic boundary beds of the Antalya Nappes (SW Taurus, Turkey)
2007 L. Angiolini, L. Carabelli, A. Nicora, S. Crasquin-Soleau, J. Marcoux, R. Rettori
Brachiopod biostratigraphy In the late Permian Nesen Formation of the Alborz Mountains (N Iran)
2005 L. Angiolini, L. Carabelli
Brachiopods at the Permo-Triassic Boundary in the Alborz Mountains (N Iran)
2005 L. Carabelli, L. Angiolini
Middle Permian Brachiopods from Greece and their palaeobiogeographical significance : new evidence for a Gondwanan affinity of the Chios Island upper unit
2005 L. Angiolini, L. Carabelli, M. Gaetani