Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie e Ambientali - Produzione, Territorio, Agroenergia
Evaluation of ammonia and odour emissions from animal slurry and digestate storage in the Po Valley (Italy)
2020 M. Zilio, V. Orzi, M.E. Chiodini, C. Riva, M. Acutis, G. Boccasile, F. Adani
Measuring the organic amendment properties of the liquid fraction of digestate
2019 F. Tambone, V. Orzi, M. Zilio, F. Adani
Anaerobic digestion coupled with digestate injection reduced odour emissions from soil during manure distribution
2018 V. Orzi, C. Riva, B. Scaglia, G. D'Imporzano, F. Tambone, F. Adani
Life Vitisom, la concimazione organica a rateo variabile
2018 I. Ghiglieno, F. Adani, G. Arata, F. Bedussi, D. Facchinetti, P. Fermi, V. Orzi, D. Pessina, L. Valenti
Potential agronomic and environmental properties of thermophilic anaerobically digested municipal sewage sludge measured by an unsupervised and a supervised chemometric approach
2018 B. Scaglia, F. Tambone, L. Corno, V. Orzi, Y. Lazzarini, G. Garuti, F. Adani
Solid and liquid fractionation of digestate: Mass balance, chemical characterization, and agronomic and environmental value
2017 F. Tambone, V. Orzi, G. D'Imporzano, F. Adani
Short-term experiments in using digestate products as substitutes for mineral (N) fertilizer : agronomic performance, odours, and ammonia emission impacts
2016 C. Riva, V. Orzi, M. Carozzi, M. Acutis, G. Boccasile, S. Lonati, F. Tambone, G. D'Imporzano, F. Adani
The role of biological processes in reducing both odor impact and pathogen content during mesophilic anaerobic digestion
2015 V. Orzi, B. Scaglia, S. Lonati, C. Riva, G. Boccasile, G.L. Alborali, F. Adani
Comparison of different pretreatments for the production of bioethanol and biomethane from corn stover and switchgrass
2015 G. Papa, S. Rodriguez, A. George, A. Schievano, V. Orzi, K.L. Sale, S. Singh, F. Adani, B.A. Simmons
Use of digestate as fertilizer : environmental aspects
2014 V. Orzi, C. Riva, S. Lonati, S. Motta, S. Brenna, F. Adani
Digestato: concime ideale se ad alto tenore ammoniacale
2014 C. Riva, S. Lonati, V. Orzi, F. Adani
Biogas from dedicated energy crops in Northern Italy : electric energy generation costs
2014 A. Schievano, G. D'Imporzano, V. Orzi, G. Colombo, T. Maggiore, F. Adani
L’uso del digestato in campo sostituisce i concimi chimici
2013 C. Riva, M. Carozzi, V. Orzi, F. Sommariva, M. Acutis, G. Boccasile, F. Adani
Dalla digestione anaerobica fertilizzanti davvero “rinnovabili”
2012 V. Orzi, A. Schievano, G. D’Imporzano, C. Ledda, G. Boccasile, F. Adani
On-field study of anaerobic digestion full-scale plants (Part II) : New approaches in monitoring and evaluating process efficiency
2011 A. Schievano, G. D’Imporzano, V. Orzi, F. Adani
Odours and volatile organic compounds emitted from municipal solid waste at different stage of decomposition and relationship with biological stability
2011 B. Scaglia, V. Orzi, A. Artola, X. Font, E. Davoli, A. Sanchez, F. Adani
Con sottoprodotti e scarti meno costi di rifornimento
2011 A. Schievano, V. Orzi, G. D’Imporzano, F. Adani
Assessing amendment and fertilizing properties of digestates from anaerobic digestion through a comparative study with digested sludge and compost
2010 F. Tambone, B. Scaglia, G. D’Imporzano, A. Schievano, V. Orzi, S. Salati, F. Adani
Potential odour emission measurement in organic fraction of municipal solid waste during anaerobic digestion : relationship with process and biological stability parameters
2010 V. Orzi, E. Cadena, G. D’Imporzano, A. Artola, E. Davoli, M. Crivelli, F. Adani
Aerobic solid-state processes to mitigate greenhouses gas emission in municipal solid waste management
2010 B. Scaglia, V. Orzi, F. Adani