Dipartimento di Scienze per gli Alimenti, la Nutrizione e l'Ambiente
Identifying the Main Drivers in Microbial Diversity for Cabernet Sauvignon Cultivars from Europe to South Africa: Evidence for a Cultivar-Specific Microbial Fingerprint
2022 J. Tronchoni, M. Evodia Setati, D. Fracassetti, F. Valdetara, D. Maghradze, R.C. Foschino, J. Antonio Curiel, P. Morales, R. Gonzalez, I. Vigentini, F. Franz Bauer
Transcriptomics unravels the adaptive molecular mechanisms of Brettanomyces bruxellensis under SO2 stress in wine condition
2020 F. Valdetara, M. Skalic, D. Fracassetti, M. Louw, C. Compagno, M. du Toit, R. Foschino, U. Petrovic, B. Divol, I. Vigentini
Identifying the main drivers in microbial diversity for Cabernet-Sauvignon cultivars, from Europe to South Africa
2019 J. Tronchoni, M.E. Setati, F. Valdetara, D. Fracassetti, D. Maghradze, R. Foschino, P. Morales, R. Gonzalez, I. Vigentini, F.F. Bauer
Georgian yeasts and grape cultivars do edit the wine quality in a precision oenology
2017 D. Maghradze, I. Vigentini, M. Petrozziello, F. Bonello, V. Mezzapelle, F. Valdetara, O. Failla, R. Foschino
Analysis of the fungal population of Cabernet Sauvignon in wine-growing regions of different countries compared to the local cultivar yeast population by NGS
2017 J. Tronchoni, E. SETATI M., F. Valdetara, D. Fracassetti, D. Maghradze, R. Foschino, P. Morales, R. Gonzalez, I. Vigentini, F. BAUER Florian
Investigation of the SO2 stress response in Brettanomyces/Dekkera bruxellensis using RNA-seq
2017 F. Valdetara, M. Louw, M. Škalic, D. Fracassetti, U. Petrovič, C. Compagno, R. Foschino, M. DU TOIT, B. Divol, I. Vigentini
2017 F. Valdetara
A response surface methodology approach to investigate the effect of sulfur dioxide, pH, and ethanol on DbCD and DbVPR gene expression and on the volatile phenol production in Dekkera/Brettanomyces bruxellensis CBS2499
2017 F. Valdetara, D. Fracassetti, A. Campanello, C. Costa, R. Foschino, C. Compagno, I. Vigentini
Use of Native Yeast Strains for In-Bottle Fermentation to Face the Uniformity in Sparkling Wine Production
2017 I. Vigentini, S. Barrera Cardenas, F. Valdetara, M. Faccincani, C.A. Panont, C. Picozzi, R. Foschino
Cloning the putative gene of vinyl phenol reductase of Dekkera bruxellensis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
2017 D. Romano, F. Valdetara, P. Zambelli, S. Galafassi, V. De Vitis, F. Molinari, C. Compagno, R. Foschino, I. Vigentini
Wild grape-associated yeasts as promising biocontrol agents against Vitis vinifera fungal pathogens
2017 G. Cordero-Bueso, N. Mangieri, D. Maghradze, R. Foschino, F. Valdetara, J.M. Cantoral, I. Vigentini
Yeast selection for the production of novel “mixed-fruit wines”
2016 F. Valdetara, D. Fracassetti, P. Bottelli, R. Foschino, I. Vigentini
Indigenous georgian wine-associated yeasts and grape cultivars to edit the wine quality in a precision oenology perspective
2016 I. Vigentini, D. Maghradze, M. Petrozziello, F. Bonello, V. Mezzapelle, F. Valdetara, O. Failla, R. Foschino
Unravelling SO2 stress response in Brettanomyces/Dekkera bruxellensis using RNA-seq
2016 F. Valdetara, M. Louw, M. Škalic, D. Fracassetti, U. Petrovič, C. Compagno, R. Foschino, M. Du Toit, B. Divol, I. Vigentini
The vintage effect overcomes the terroir effect : a three years survey on the wine yeast biodiversity in Franciacorta and Oltrepò Pavese, two Northern Italian vine-growing areas
2015 I. Vigentini, G. De Lorenzis, V. Fabrizio, F. Valdetara, M. Faccincani, C.A. Panont, C. Picozzi, S.A. Imazio, O. Failla, R. Foschino
Each vine cultivar, its wine yeast: exploring the biodiversity of georgian strains for a precision oenology
2015 I. Vigentini, D. Maghradze, V. Mezzapelle, O. Failla, R. Foschino, F. Valdetara