Dipartimento di Scienze per gli Alimenti, la Nutrizione e l'Ambiente
The green patina and chromatic alterations on surfaces of gypsum plaster casts by Lucio Fontana : multidisciplinary investigations in a case study of contemporary art
2022 S. Bruni, F. Troiano, V. Guglielmi, M. Longoni, F. Cappitelli, N.G. Ludwig
Biological risk assessment in the History and Historical Documentation Library of the University of Milan
2021 S. Savoldelli, C. Cattò, F. Villa, M. Saracchi, F. Troiano, P. Cortesi, F. Cappitelli
Bioremoval of graffiti using novel commercial strains of bacteria
2021 C. Catto', P. Sanmartin, D. Gulotta, F. Troiano, F. Cappitelli
An In Vitro Evaluation of the Biocidal Effect of Oregano and Cloves’ Volatile Compounds against Microorganisms Colonizing an Oil Painting - A Pioneer Study
2021 L. Gatti, F. Troiano, V.F. Vacchini, F. Cappitelli, A. Balloi
Valutazione del rischio microbiologico sulle salme dei santi Ambrogio, Gervaso e Protaso
2019 F. Troiano, F. Cappitelli
Assessment of indoor air environment of a Nigerian museum library and its biodeteriorated books using culture-dependent and –independent techniques
2018 O.E. Okpalanozie, S.A. Adebusoye, F. Troiano, C. Cattò, M.O. Ilori, F. Cappitelli
Secondary bioreceptivity of granite: effect of salt weathering on subaerial biofilm growth
2018 D. Vázquez-Nion, F. Troiano, P. Sanmartín, C. Valagussa, F. Cappitelli, B. Prieto
Damages of Gastrallus pubens Fairmaire (Coleoptera: Anobiidae) in a library
2018 S. Savoldelli, F. Cappitelli, P. Cortesi, M. Saracchi, F. Troiano, F. Villa
Unraveling the effects of food-related engineered NANOparticles on the GUT interactive ecosystem (NanoGut)
2015 E. Garuglieri, R. Zanchi, C. Cattò, F. Troiano, L. DE VINCENTI, F. Cappitelli
A methodology to select bacteria able to remove synthetic polymers
2014 F. Troiano, S. Vicini, E. Gioventù, P.F. Lorenzi, C.M. Improta, F. Cappitelli
2014 F. Troiano
Assessing the microbiological risk to stored sixteenth century parchment manuscripts: a holistic approach based on molecular and environmental studies
2014 F. Troiano, A. Polo, F. Villa, F. Cappitelli
Successful combination of chemical and biological treatments for the cleaning of stone artworks
2013 F. Troiano, D. Gulotta, A. Balloi, A. Polo, L. Toniolo, E. Lombardi, D. Daffonchio, C. Sorlini, F. Cappitelli
Strategies for increasing the scale of biocleaning treatment through sulfate crust bioremoval
2013 E. Lombardi, A. Balloi, F. Troiano, D. Gulotta, A. Polo, E. Gioventù, C. Sorlini, F. Cappitelli, D.G. Daffonchio
2013 A. Balloi, E. Lombardi, F. Troiano, D. Gulotta, A. Polo, E. Gioventù, S. Borin, L. Toniolo, C. Sorlini, F. Cappitelli, D. Daffonchio
Uso di batteri solfato-riduttori nel biorestauro di dipinti murari
2013 A. Balloi, E. Lombardi, S. Metaldi, F. Troiano, D. Gulotta, A. Polo, E. Gioventù, S. Borin, L. Toniolo, C. Sorlini, F. Cappitelli, D. Daffonchio
La liofilizzazione quale intervento di recupero di volumi alluvionati ed attaccati da Microfunghi
2012 F. Troiano, N. Barbabietola, P. Colaizzi, M. Montanari, P. Livi, F. Pinzari
The contribution of microbiological research in the field of book, paper and parchment conservation
2011 F. Pinzari, F. Troiano, G. Piñar, K. Sterflinger, M. Montanari
Alterative microorganisms living on stone artworks exposed to environmental stress conditions
2011 A. Polo, F. Cappitelli, L. Giacomucci, F. Troiano, C. Cattó, C. Sorlini