DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE VETERINARIE E SANITA' PUBBLICA (attivo dal 27/04/2012 al 01/03/2016)  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Tipo File Abstract
Characterisation of adiponectin and its receptors in the bovine mammary gland and in milk 2015 C. LecchiC. GiudiceA. ScarafoniA. BaldiP. Sartorelli + Article (author) -
Effects of EPA and DHA on lipid droplet accumulation and mRNA abundance of PAT proteins in caprine monocytes 2013 C. LecchiG. InvernizziA. AgazziS. ModinaP. SartorelliG. SavoiniF. Ceciliani Article (author) -
α1-Acid glycoprotein modulates phagocytosis and killing of Escherichia coli by bovine polymorphonuclear leucocytes and monocytes 2013 C. LecchiA. ScarafoniV. BronzoP.A. MartinoP. SartorelliF. Ceciliani + Article (author) -
Widespread expression of SAA and Hp RNA in bovine tissues after evaluation of suitable reference genes 2012 C. LecchiF. DildaP. SartorelliF. Ceciliani Article (author) -
Distribution of acute phase proteins in the bovine forestomachs and abomasum 2012 DILDA, FRANCESCAL.F. PisaniM.M. RahmanS. ModinaI. TessaroP. SartorelliF. CecilianiC. Lecchi Article (author) -
Parametri metabolici di base nella valutazione dello stato di benessere di ungulati selvatici alpini : esperienze in meta-popolazioni di camoscio e cervo 2012 P. SartorelliP. Lanfranchi + Article (author) -
Gestione sanitaria integrata nella metapopolazione di cervi (Cervus elaphus) dell'Alta Valle Camonica (BS) 2012 P. SartorelliP. Lanfranchi + Article (author) -
Acute phase protein expression in non-phatologic bovine forestomach mucosae 2010 F. DildaL.F. PisaniL. RestelliMD.M. RahmanS.C. ModinaI. TessaroP. SartorelliC. LecchiF. Ceciliani Conference Object -
Modulation of goat monocyte immune functions by omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids EPA and DHA 2010 G. SavoiniC. LecchiA. AgazziS. ModinaM. FerroniPISANI, LAURAG. InvernizziP. SartorelliF. Ceciliani Book Part (author) -
The acute phase protein response to intramammary infection in water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) 2010 L.F. PisaniC. LecchiP. SartorelliP. MoroniL.M. ScaccabarozziM.M. RahmanF. Ceciliani + Conference Object -
Lipopolysaccharide-binding protein : local expression in bovine extrahepatic tissues 2010 MD.M. RahmanC. LecchiG. AvalloneP. RoccabiancaP. SartorelliF. Ceciliani Article (author) -
Indagine preliminare sulla possibile presenza di sostanza amiloide (AA) in prodotti lattiero-caseari bovini 2010 L.F. PisaniL. RestelliA. CasulaP. SartorelliF. Ceciliani + Article (author) -
Acute phase protein expression in non-pathologic bovine forestomach mucosae 2010 F. DildaL.F. PisaniL. RestelliM.M. RahmanS.C. ModinaI. TessaroP. SartorelliC. LecchiF. Ceciliani Article (author) -
Espressione di mirna in monociti bovini dopo stimolazione in vitro con challengers infiammatori 2010 F. DildaG. GioiaL.F. PisaniL. RestelliF. AlbonicoV. BronzoM. MortarinoP. SartorelliF. Ceciliani Article (author) -
Acute phase protein response in Alpine ibex with sarcoptic mange 2010 M.M. RahmanC. LecchiC. FraquelliP. SartorelliF. Ceciliani Article (author) -
Down-regulatory effect of alpha(1)-acid glycoprotein on bovine neutrophil degranulation 2010 A. Miranda-RiberaC. LecchiV. BronzoL.M. ScaccabarozziP. SartorelliF. FranciosiF. Ceciliani Article (author) -
Modulation of goat monocyte immune functions by W-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids EPA and DHA 2009 C. LecchiG. InvernizziF. RivaS. ModinaA. AgazziP. SartorelliG. SavoiniL.F. PisaniF. Ceciliani Book Part (author) -
In vitro modulatory effect of ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (EPA and DHA) on phagocytosis and Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) production of goat neutrophils 2009 L.F. PisaniC. LecchiG. InvernizziA. AgazziP. SartorelliG. SavoiniF. Ceciliani Conference Object -
In vitro modulatory effect of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (EPA and DHA) on phagocytosis and ROS production of goat neutrophils 2009 L.F. PisaniC. LecchiG. InvernizziP. SartorelliG. SavoiniF. Ceciliani Article (author) -
Espressione di lipopolysaccharide bindign protein in tessuti bovini non patologici 2009 M. Md RahmanC. LecchiP. SartorelliG.AvalloneP. RoccabiancaF. Ceciliani Article (author) -