Universita' degli Studi di MILANO  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Tipo File Abstract
Increase of Circulating Endothelial Progenitor Cells and Released Angiogenic Factors in Children with Moyamoya Arteriopathy 2023 Giuliana PollaciFrancesco AcerbiAida Zuluetaanna bersanoIgnazio Gaspare Vetrano + Article (author) -
Proteome Profiling of the Dura Mater in Patients with Moyamoya Angiopathy 2023 Pollaci, GiulianaAcerbi, FrancescoVetrano, Ignazio G.Bersano, Anna + Article (author) -
Effect of Migalastat on cArdiac InvOlvement in FabRry DiseAse: MAIORA study 2023 Bandera, FrancescoBersano, AnnaMotta, IreneValaperta, ReaTondi, LaraGuazzi, Marco + Article (author) -
The diagnostic challenge of Divry van Bogaert and Sneddon Syndrome : report of three cases and literature review 2016 BERSANO, ANNAL. Perucca + Article (author) -
Clinical pregenetic screening for stroke monogenic diseases: results from Lombardia GENS registry 2016 A. BersanoS. LanfranconiG.B. BoncoraglioS. CortiD. RonchiG.P. ComiP. VitaliCANDELISE, LIVIA + Article (author) -
A novel efficient method to isolate human adipose-derived stromal cells from periumbilical biopsies without enzymatic digestion 2015 A. CanazzaG. BediniE. LatorreV. TosettiM. DossenaA. BersanoM.G. GrimoldiF. CorsiA.M. Di GiulioS. CarelliA. Gorio + Article (author) -
Heart-fatty acid-binding and tau proteins relate to brain injury severity and long-term outcome in subarachnoid haemorrhage patients 2013 T. ZoerleA. BersanoN. Stocchetti + Article (author) -
Considerations on a mutation in the NOTCH3 gene sparing a cysteine residue: a rare polymorphism rather than a CADASIL variant 2012 A. BersanoM. RanieriC. CinnanteS. LanfranconiL. CandeliseI. GhioneE. BallabioN. Bresolin + Article (author) -
Growth factors in ischemic stroke 2011 S. LanfranconiS. CortiL. CandeliseG. P. ComiN. BresolinA. Bersano + Article (author) -
Anti-muSK-positive myasthenia gravis in a patient with parkinsonism and cognitive impairment 2011 S. LanfranconiS. CortiL. BorelliniN. BresolinA. Bersano + Article (author) -
A cortically blind patient with preserved visual imagery 2010 S. ZagoS.P. CortiA. BersanoE. BallabioS. LanfranconiC.M. CinnanteN. Bresolin + Article (author) -
Guillain-Barre syndrome after rtPA therapy for acute stroke 2010 A. BersanoD. SantoroS. LanfranconiM. RanieriN. Bresolin + Article (author) -
Clinical studies in stem cells transplantation for stroke: a review 2010 A. BersanoE. BallabioS. LanfranconiG.B. BoncoraglioS. CortiF. LocatelliN. BresolinL. Candelise + Article (author) -
Aberrant splicing due to a silent nucleotide change in CCM2 gene in a family with cerebral cavernous malformation 2009 S. LanfranconiA. BersanoS. CortiN. Bresolin + Article (author) -
Stem cell therapy in stroke 2009 F. LocatelliA. BersanoE. BallabioS. LanfranconiD. PapadimitriouN. BresolinG.P. ComiS. Corti + Article (author) -
Aphasic and visual aura with increased vasogenic leakage : an atypical migrainosus status 2009 S. LanfranconiS. CortiA. BersanoA. CostaN. BresolinI. Ghione + Article (author) -
Effect of steroid treatment in cerebellar ataxia associated with anti-glutamic acid decarboxylase antibodies 2009 R. VirgilioS.P. CortiD. SantoroS. LanfranconiL. CandeliseN. BresolinG.P. ComiA. Bersano + Article (author) -
Transthyretin asn90 variant: amyloidogenic or non-amyloidogenic role 2009 A. BersanoR. Del BoE. BallabioC. CinnanteS. LanfranconiG.P. ComiN. BresolinL. Candelise + Article (author) -
Recovery after L-DOPA treatment in peg-interferon and ribavirin induced parkinsonism 2008 A. BersanoA. AghemoM. RumiE. BallabioL. CandeliseM. Colombo Article (author) -
Increased levels of CSF heart-type fatty acid-binding protein and tau protein after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage 2008 L. LonghiA. BersanoT. ZoerleN. Stocchetti + Book Part (author) -