Dipartimento di Fisiopatologia Medico-Chirurgica e dei Trapianti
Intracranial pressure monitoring in adult patients with traumatic brain injury: challenges and innovations
2024 T. Zoerle, E. Beqiri, C.A.I. Åkerlund, G. Gao, T. Heldt, G.W.J. Hawryluk, N. Stocchetti
Suspected intracranial hypertension in COVID-19 patients with severe respiratory failure
2024 M. Carbonara, E. Ferrari, T. Birg, V. Punzi, F. Bichi, B. Lazzari, V. Palmaverdi, N. Bottino, F. Ortolano, T. Zoerle, G. Conte, N. Stocchetti, E.R. Zanier, N. Null
Early systemic insults following traumatic brain injury: association with biomarker profiles, therapy for intracranial hypertension, and neurological outcomes-an analysis of CENTER-TBI data
2024 C. Robba, F. Graziano, E. Picetti, C. Åkerlund, A. Addis, G. Pastore, M. Sivero, P. Rebora, S. Galimberti, N. Stocchetti, A. Maas, D.K. Menon, G. Citerio
Clinical descriptors of disease trajectories in patients with traumatic brain injury in the intensive care unit (CENTER-TBI): a multicentre observational cohort study
2023 C.A.I. Åkerlund, A. Holst, S. Bhattacharyay, N. Stocchetti, E. Steyerberg, P. Smielewski, D.K. Menon, A. Ercole, D.W. Nelson
MesenchymAl stromal cells for Traumatic bRain Injury (MATRIx): a study protocol for a multicenter, double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled phase II trial
2023 E.R. Zanier, F. Pischiutta, E. Rulli, A. Vargiolu, F. Elli, P. Gritti, G. Gaipa, D. Belotti, G. Basso, T. Zoerle, N. Stocchetti, G. Citerio
Towards autoregulation-oriented management after traumatic brain injury: increasing the reliability and stability of the CPPopt algorithm
2023 E. Beqiri, A. Ercole, M.J.H. Aries, M.M. Placek, J. Tas, M. Czosnyka, N. Stocchetti, P. Smielewski
Accuracy of Manual Intracranial Pressure Recording Compared to a Computerized High-Resolution System: A CENTER-TBI Analysis
2023 T. Zoerle, T. Birg, M. Carbonara, P. Smielewski, M.M. Placek, E.R. Zanier, C.A.I. Åkerlund, F. Ortolano, N. Stocchetti
Genomic Characterization of Carbapenem-Resistant Acinetobacter baumannii (CRAB) in Mechanically Ventilated COVID-19 Patients and Impact of Infection Control Measures on Reducing CRAB Circulation during the Second Wave of the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic in Milan, Italy
2023 D. Mangioni, V. Fox, L. Chatenoud, M. Bolis, N. Bottino, L. Cariani, F. Gentiloni Silverj, C. Matinato, G. Monti, A. Muscatello, A. Teri, L. Terranova, A. Piatti, A. Gori, G. Grasselli, N. Stocchetti, C. Alteri, A. Bandera
Comparative Effectiveness of Mannitol Versus Hypertonic Saline in Patients With Traumatic Brain Injury: A CENTER-TBI Study
2023 E. van Veen, D. Nieboer, E.J.O. Kompanje, G. Citerio, N. Stocchetti, D. Gommers, D.K. Menon, A. Ercole, A.I.R. Maas, H.F. Lingsma, M. van der Jagt, Å. Cecilia, A. Krisztina, A. Nada, A. Lasse, A. Audny, A. Anna, A. Gérard, A. Philippe, Maria Luisa Azzolini, B. Ronald, B. Pál, B. Romuald, B. Ronny, B. Bo-Michael, B. Antonio, B. Habib, B. Maurizio, B. Luigi, B. Morten, B. Peter, B. Alexandra, B. Vibeke, B. Joanne, B. Camilla, B. Andras, B. Monika, C. Manuel, C. Alessio, C. Emiliana, Maria Rosa Calvi, C. Peter, Guillermo Carbayo Lozano, C. Marco, C. Simona, C. Giorgio, C. Arturo, C. Hans, C. Mark, C. Jonathan, D.C. Jamie, C. Marta, Č. Amra, C. Nicola, C. Endre, C. Marek, Claire Dahyot Fizelier, D. Paul, D. Helen, Véronique De Keyser, D. Vincent, Francesco Della Corte, Hugo den Boogert, D. Bart, Đ. Đula, D. Abhishek, D. Emma, D. Jens, Guy Loup Dulière, E. Patrick, E. Erzsébet, F. Martin, L.F. Valery, F. Kelly, F. Shirin, F. Alex, G. Pablo, G. Damien, G. Dashiell, G. Guoyi, G. Pradeep, Alexandre Ghuysen Chu, G. Lelde, G. Ben, G. Jagoš, A.G. Pedro, G. Johannes, G. Benjamin, G. Francesca, L.G. Russell, G. Deepak, A.H. Juanita, H. Iain, H. Raimund, H. Eirik, H. Lindsay, H. Jilske, J.H. Peter, J. Bram, J. Stefan, J. Mike, Ji Yao Jiang, J. Faye, J. Kelly, K. Mladen, G.K. Angelos, K. Erwin, K. Daniel, K. Evgenios, Lars Owe Koskinen, K. Noémi, K. Ana, L. Alfonso, L. Linda, L. Steven, L. Fiona, L. Didier, L. Rolf, L. Valerie, L. Aurelie, M.C.L. Ana, L. Leon, L. Roger, M. Marc, M. Marek, M. Alex, M. Geoffrey, M. Costanza, M. Hugues, M. Julia, M. Catherine, M. Béla, M. David, M. Tomas, M. Ana, M. Benoit, M. Visakh, M. Lynnette, N. Ancuta, N. David, N. Virginia, N. József, O. Otesile, O. Matej, O. Fabrizio, P. Aarno, M.P. Paul, Jean François Payen, P. Natascha, P. Vincent, P. Paolo, P. Wilco, P. Anna, P. Matti, P. Dana, P. Horia, P. Suzanne, P. Inigo, Renan Sanchez Porras, P.P. Jussi, P. Louis, R. Andreea, R. Arminas, R. Rahul, R. Malinka, Isabel Retel Helmrich, R. Jonathan, R. Sylvia, R. Sophie, R. Samuli, R. Saulius, R. Cecilie, R. Jonathan, V.R. Jeffrey, R. Christina, R. Guy, R. Rolf, R. Sandra, R. Daniel, R. Martin, S. Juan, S. Oliver, S. Janos, S. Nadine, S. Silke, S. Herbert, S. Guus, Rico Frederik Schou, S. Elisabeth, S. Charlie, S. Toril, S. Peter, S. Abayomi, S. Emmanuel, S. Simon, S. Robert, S. William, W.S. Ewout, S. Nina, T. Riikka, T. Viktória, T. Tomas, Mark Steven Taylor, Braden Te Ao, T. Olli, T. Alice, T. Matt, T. Dick, T. Marjolein, T. Christos, T. Tony, Cristina Maria Tudora, U. Andreas, V. Peter, V. Shirley, V. Egils, V. Zoltán, Gregory Van der Steen, Joukje van der Naalt, M.V.D. Jeroen T J, A.V.E. Thomas, Wim Van Hecke, Caroline van Heugten, Dominique Van Praag, Thijs Vande Vyvere, J.V.W. Roel P, V. Alessia, V. Emmanuel, V. Kimberley, V. Jan, M.V. Paul, V. Anne, V. Rimantas, V. Victor, Nicole von Steinbüchel, V. Daphne, V. Petar, W.W. Kevin K, W. Eveline, W. Guy, W. Lindsay, W. Stefan, W. Stefan, Y. Zhihui, Y. Peter, Y. Alexander, A.Z. Frederick, Z. Veronika, Z. Agate, T. Zoerle
The lower limit of reactivity as a potential individualised cerebral perfusion pressure target in traumatic brain injury: a CENTER-TBI high-resolution sub-study analysis
2023 E. Beqiri, F.A. Zeiler, A. Ercole, M.M. Placek, J. Tas, J. Donnelly, M.J.H. Aries, P.J. Hutchinson, D. Menon, N. Stocchetti, M. Czosnyka, P. Smielewski
Perceived Utility of Intracranial Pressure Monitoring in Traumatic Brain Injury: A Seattle International Brain Injury Consensus Conference Consensus-Based Analysis and Recommendations
2023 R.M. Chesnut, S. Aguilera, A. Buki, E.M. Bulger, G. Citerio, D.J. Cooper, R.D. Arrastia, M. Diringer, A. Figaji, G. Gao, R.G. Geocadin, J. Ghajar, O. Harris, G.W.J. Hawryluk, A. Hoffer, P. Hutchinson, M. Joseph, R. Kitagawa, G. Manley, S. Mayer, D.K. Menon, G. Meyfroidt, D.B. Michael, M. Oddo, D.O. Okonkwo, M.B. Patel, C. Robertson, J.V. Rosenfeld, A.M. Rubiano, J. Sahuquillo, F. Servadei, L. Shutter, D.M. Stein, N. Stocchetti, F.S. Taccone, S.D. Timmons, E.C. Tsai, J.S. Ullman, W. Videtta, D.W. Wright, C. Zammit
Prognostication and Goals of Care Decisions in Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: A Survey of The Seattle International Severe Traumatic Brain Injury Consensus Conference Working Group
2023 B. Sarigul, R.S. Bell, R. Chesnut, S. Aguilera, A. Buki, G. Citerio, D.J. Cooper, R. Diaz-Arrastia, M. Diringer, A. Figaji, G. Gao, R.G. Geocadin, J. Ghajar, O. Harris, A. Hoffer, P. Hutchinson, M. Joseph, R. Kitagawa, G. Manley, S.A. Mayer, D.K. Menon, G. Meyfroidt, D.B. Michael, M. Oddo, D.O. Okonkwo, M.B. Patel, C. Robertson, J.V. Rosenfeld, A.M. Rubiano, J. Sahuquillo, F. Servadei, L. Shutter, D.D. Stein, N. Stocchetti, F.S. Taccone, S.D. Timmons, E. Tsai, J.S. Ullman, P. Vespa, W. Videtta, D.W. Wright, C. Zammit, G.W.J. Hawryluk
Prehospital ventilation targets in severe traumatic brain injury
2023 T.M. Olasveengen, N. Stocchetti
Systemic immune response in young and elderly patients after traumatic brain injury
2023 M. Magatti, F. Pischiutta, F. Ortolano, A. Pasotti, E. Caruso, A. Cargnoni, A. Papait, F. Capuzzi, T. Zoerle, M. Carbonara, N. Stocchetti, S. Borsa, M. Locatelli, E. Erba, D. Prati, A.R. Silini, E.R. Zanier, O. Parolini
Multidrug-Resistant Bacterial Colonization and Infections in Large Retrospective Cohort of Mechanically Ventilated COVID-19 Patients1
2023 D. Mangioni, L. Chatenoud, J. Colombo, E. Palomba, F.A. Guerrero, M. Bolis, N. Bottino, G. Breda, M.V. Chiaruttini, G. Fior, M. Marotta, G. Massobrio, C. Matinato, A. Muscatello, P. Previtali, S. Santambrogio, F. Tardini, G. Zuglian, G. Grasselli, R. Fumagalli, A. Gori, N. Stocchetti, G. Monti, A. Bandera
Feasibility and preliminary efficacy of brief tele-psychotherapy for COVID-19 patients and their first-degree relatives
2023 B. Biagianti, I. Lisi, A. Di Liberto, N. Turtulici, G. Foti, S. Zito, V. Ginex, C. Fornoni, F. Gallo, F. Cantu, V. Tombola, V. Di Fede, M.G. Rossetti, E. Colombo, N. Stocchetti, E.R. Zanier, M. Bellani, C. Bressi, P. Brambilla
Traumatic brain injury: progress and challenges in prevention, clinical care, and research
2022 A.I.R. Maas, D.K. Menon, G.T. Manley, M. Abrams, C. Åkerlund, N. Andelic, M. Aries, T. Bashford, M.J. Bell, Y.G. Bodien, B.L. Brett, A. Büki, R.M. Chesnut, G. Citerio, D. Clark, B. Clasby, D.J. Cooper, E. Czeiter, M. Czosnyka, K. Dams-O'Connor, V. De Keyser, R. Diaz-Arrastia, A. Ercole, T.A. van Essen, É. Falvey, A.R. Ferguson, A. Figaji, M. Fitzgerald, B. Foreman, D. Gantner, G. Gao, J. Giacino, B. Gravesteijn, F. Guiza, D. Gupta, M. Gurnell, J.A. Haagsma, F.M. Hammond, G. Hawryluk, P. Hutchinson, M. van der Jagt, S. Jain, S. Jain, J. Jiang, H. Kent, A. Kolias, E.J.O. Kompanje, F. Lecky, H.F. Lingsma, M. Maegele, M. Majdan, A. Markowitz, M. Mccrea, G. Meyfroidt, A. Mikolić, S. Mondello, P. Mukherjee, D. Nelson, L.D. Nelson, V. Newcombe, D. Okonkwo, M. Orešič, W. Peul, D. Pisică, S. Polinder, J. Ponsford, L. Puybasset, R. Raj, C. Robba, C. Røe, J. Rosand, P. Schueler, D.J. Sharp, P. Smielewski, M.B. Stein, N. von Steinbüchel, W. Stewart, E.W. Steyerberg, N. Stocchetti, N. Temkin, O. Tenovuo, A. Theadom, I. Thomas, A.T. Espin, A.F. Turgeon, A. Unterberg, D. Van Praag, E. van Veen, J. Verheyden, T.V. Vyvere, K.K.W. Wang, E.J.A. Wiegers, W.H. Williams, L. Wilson, S.R. Wisniewski, A. Younsi, J.K. Yue, E.L. Yuh, F.A. Zeiler, M. Zeldovich, R. Zemek
Cerebrospinal fluid and arterial acid-base equilibria in spontaneously breathing third-trimester pregnant women
2022 F. Zadek, G. Giudici, C. Ferraris Fusarini, M.T. Ambrosini, A. di Modugno, V. Scaravilli, A. Zanella, R. Fumagalli, N. Stocchetti, E. Calderini, T. Langer
Clustering identifies endotypes of traumatic brain injury in an intensive care cohort: a CENTER-TBI study
2022 C.A.I. Åkerlund, A. Holst, N. Stocchetti, E.W. Steyerberg, D.K. Menon, A. Ercole, D.W. Nelson
Intracranial pressure: current perspectives on physiology and monitoring
2022 G.W.J. Hawryluk, G. Citerio, P. Hutchinson, A. Kolias, G. Meyfroidt, C. Robba, N. Stocchetti, R. Chesnut