Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 9.779
NA - Nord America 4.838
AS - Asia 3.477
SA - Sud America 239
AF - Africa 102
OC - Oceania 32
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 19
Totale 18.486
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 4.692
GB - Regno Unito 3.110
IT - Italia 3.062
CN - Cina 1.313
SE - Svezia 704
SG - Singapore 667
DE - Germania 603
RU - Federazione Russa 602
TR - Turchia 436
IN - India 355
IE - Irlanda 321
KR - Corea 314
UA - Ucraina 263
FR - Francia 236
NL - Olanda 232
FI - Finlandia 176
EU - Europa 162
CA - Canada 120
BR - Brasile 111
VN - Vietnam 93
PL - Polonia 89
CO - Colombia 85
ID - Indonesia 80
GR - Grecia 68
NG - Nigeria 60
DK - Danimarca 59
JP - Giappone 54
HK - Hong Kong 50
ES - Italia 47
BE - Belgio 40
CH - Svizzera 32
AU - Australia 31
RO - Romania 27
PT - Portogallo 26
AT - Austria 20
TW - Taiwan 20
MX - Messico 18
TH - Thailandia 15
AR - Argentina 14
CL - Cile 14
PH - Filippine 14
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 12
IL - Israele 12
MY - Malesia 11
PE - Perù 8
PK - Pakistan 8
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 8
HU - Ungheria 7
IR - Iran 7
DZ - Algeria 6
RS - Serbia 6
SA - Arabia Saudita 6
TN - Tunisia 6
BG - Bulgaria 5
EC - Ecuador 5
ZA - Sudafrica 5
CY - Cipro 4
EG - Egitto 4
HR - Croazia 4
LV - Lettonia 4
MA - Marocco 4
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 3
BD - Bangladesh 3
IQ - Iraq 3
SC - Seychelles 3
AL - Albania 2
CI - Costa d'Avorio 2
DO - Repubblica Dominicana 2
ET - Etiopia 2
GH - Ghana 2
JO - Giordania 2
MD - Moldavia 2
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 2
NO - Norvegia 2
SD - Sudan 2
SI - Slovenia 2
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 1
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
BF - Burkina Faso 1
BJ - Benin 1
BO - Bolivia 1
BS - Bahamas 1
BY - Bielorussia 1
CM - Camerun 1
EE - Estonia 1
GE - Georgia 1
GL - Groenlandia 1
IS - Islanda 1
JM - Giamaica 1
KE - Kenya 1
KH - Cambogia 1
LB - Libano 1
LK - Sri Lanka 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
MT - Malta 1
MU - Mauritius 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
PA - Panama 1
PS - Palestinian Territory 1
QA - Qatar 1
Totale 18.625
Città #
Southend 2.981
Seattle 505
Milan 457
Singapore 443
Princeton 387
Dublin 315
Chandler 294
Wilmington 292
Mountain View 260
Beijing 250
Redmond 215
Jacksonville 175
Rome 154
Dearborn 151
Ashburn 142
Sakarya 132
Des Moines 131
Fairfield 131
Nanjing 128
Frankfurt am Main 124
Ann Arbor 116
Houston 107
Bengaluru 96
Toronto 83
Woodbridge 83
Santa Clara 80
Boardman 79
Guangzhou 77
Bogotá 76
Shenyang 73
Andover 70
Serra 68
Warsaw 66
Athens 57
Lekki 55
Dong Ket 53
Jakarta 53
Jinan 53
New York 52
Somerville 52
Nanchang 50
Shanghai 45
Tianjin 44
Redwood City 41
Cambridge 40
Turin 40
Phoenix 39
São Paulo 38
Changsha 37
Hebei 36
Roxbury 36
Cagliari 34
Berlin 33
Eitensheim 31
Hangzhou 31
Naples 31
Bühl 29
Jiaxing 29
Napoli 29
Zhengzhou 28
Bologna 26
San Diego 25
Chicago 24
Helsinki 23
Hong Kong 23
Padova 23
Florence 22
Seoul 22
Bergamo 21
Brussels 21
Genoa 21
Ningbo 21
Fuzhou 20
Hanover 20
Odernheim 20
Parma 20
Verona 20
Bari 19
Monza 19
Tokyo 19
Amsterdam 18
Kunming 18
Trieste 18
Pisa 17
Grafing 15
Paris 15
Scottsdale 15
Sunnyvale 15
Taranto 15
Torino 15
Wuhan 15
Bitonto 14
Crespano Del Grappa 14
Hamburg 14
Istanbul 14
Los Angeles 14
Palermo 14
Desio 13
Falls Church 13
Ferrara 13
Totale 10.565
Nome #
Treating bipolar depression with esketamine: Safety and effectiveness data from a naturalistic multicentric study on esketamine in bipolar versus unipolar treatment-resistant depression 771
Performance characteristics and clinical utility of an enzymatic method for the measurement of glycated albumin in plasma 542
Refertazione dell'emoglobina glicata in presenza di varianti emoglobiniche 424
Raccomandazioni per l'identificazione e la gestione dei valori critici nei laboratori clinici 396
Anemia a cellule falciformi e sindromi correlate: aggiornamenti e prospettive 381
Effect of lercanidipine compared with ramipril on albumin excretion rate in hypertensive Type 2 diabetic patients with microalbuminuria. DIAL Study (Diabete, Ipertensione, Albuminuria, Lercanidipina) 345
Albumina glicata : un indice di controllo glicemico da rivalutare 309
Valutazione multicentrica dell'analizzatore Tosoh G8 per la misura dell'emoglobina A2 e dell'emoglobina F 265
Raccomandazioni per l’esecuzione della Curva Standard da Carico Orale di Glucosio (OGTT) per la diagnosi di Diabete Mellito 246
Analysis of red cell membrane proteins by capillary gel electrophoresis 193
Equations and nomogram for the relationship of human blood p50 to 2,3-diphosphoglycerate, CO2, and H+ 191
Valutazione della commutabilità per il sistema analitico Cobas Integra dei materiali di controllo utilizzati nella VEQ per l’emoglobina glicata 181
A new spectrophotometric cuvette holder for low temperature studies; its application to the study of carbonmonoxyhemoglobin oxidation rate 176
Variabilità biologica dell’emoglobina glicata: un’analisi sistematica della letteratura 173
Raccomandazioni per l'identificazione e la gestione dei valori critici nei laboratori clinici 173
Le raccomandazioni per lo screening e la diagnosi del diabete gestazionale: semplificazione o confusione 164
PDCD10 gene mutations in multiple cerebral cavernous malformations 161
Improvement of glycosylated hemoglobin measurement by disposable ion-exchange columns 159
Sviluppo di un metodo in elettroforesi capillare per la determinazione del lattulosio e del mannitolo nelle urine e sue applicazioni allo studio della permeabilità intestinale in diabetici di tipo 1 152
Associazione tra sintetasi degli acidi grassi, resistenza insulinica, diabete di tipo 2 e tumori 152
Utilità clinica della misura dell’emoglobina fetale 147
Global standardization of glycated hemoglobin measurement : the position of the IFCC Working Group 145
Analytical evaluation of the Tosoh HLC-723 G7 automated HPLC analyzer for hemoglobin A2 and F determination 144
Calcium-Sensing Receptor: a candidate gene for Kidney Stone Disease 142
Utilizzo di un pool di sangue umano fresco congelato per la valutazione intralaboratorio dell’imprecisione della determinazione dell’emoglobina glicata 139
Capture-based next-generation sequencing improves the identification of immunoglobulin/t-cell receptor clonal markers and gene mutations in adult acute lymphoblastic leukemia patients lacking molecular probes 139
La determinazione dell'emoglobina glicata nel sangue umano : attualità e prospettive 138
IFCC reference system for measurement of hemoglobin A1c in human blood and the national standardization schemes in the United States, Japan, and Sweden: a method-comparison study 137
La determinazione dell'emoglobina A2 nel sangue : attualità e prospettive 137
I "microarray" a proteine per una medicina personalizzata 137
Screening e diagnosi del diabete gestazionale : definite le raccomandazioni 137
The First Case of Hb G-Honolulu [α30(B11)Glu→Gln (GAG>CAG); HBA2:c.91G>A] Observed in Association with Hb S [β6(A3)Glu→Val, GAG>GTG] in a Healthy Italian Child 132
Lactulose and mannitol intestinal permeability detected by capillary electrophoresis 131
Automated HPLC analysis can lead to successful prevention of severe Thalassemia diseases 130
Assay using succinyldithiocholine as substrate: the method of choice for the measurement of cholinesterase catalytic activity in serum to diagnose succinyldicholine sensitivity 130
Revaluation of biological variation of HbA1c using an accurately designed protocol 130
Determination of HbA2 by quantitative bottom-up proteomics and isotope dilution mass spectrometry 130
Applicazioni dell'elettroforesi capillare all'analisi delle proteine della membrana eritrocitaria 128
A patient-side technique for real-time measurement of acetylcholinesterase activity during monitoring of eptastigmine treatment 127
Analytical goals for the determination of HbA₂ 125
National survey on the use of measurement of cholinesterase activity in serum 124
Characterization of Hb Camperdown [beta 104(G6)Arg-->Ser] by capillary electrophoresis and automated solid phase DNA sequencing 120
Il deficit di G6PD in Medicina di Laboratorio = G6PD deficiency in Laboratory Medicine 120
Approved IFCC reference method for the measurement of Hb A1c in human blood 119
The determination of ethanol in whole blood by differential pH measurements 119
EurA1c: The European HbA1c trial to investigate the performance of HbA1c assays in 2166 laboratories across 17 countries and 24 manufacturers by use of the IFCC model for quality targets 117
Biological variability of glycated hemoglobin 114
Role of fructosamine-3-kinase in protecting against the onset of microvascular and macrovascular complications in patients with T2DM 114
Determinazione dell'attività della colinesterasi nel siero e suo utilizzo clinico: risultati di una indagine conoscitiva 113
National survey on the execution of the oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) in a representative cohort of Italian laboratories 112
Standardization schemes for hemoglobin A1c determination 112
Diagnostica del diabete mellito 112
Whole blood L-lactate assay by a new differential pH method: application to metabolic investigations 111
Localization of DNA replicator sites near the nuclear membrane in plant cells 111
Reference intervals for hemoglobin A1c in pregnant women : data from an Italian multicenter study 110
Frequency of butyrylcholinesterase gene mutations in individuals with abnormal inhibition numbers: an Italian population study 110
Diagnosi di laboratorio e prevenzione delle emoglobinopatie: considerazioni e proposte sulla comunicazione del risultato degli esami di primo livello 110
Relationship between pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of eptastigmine in young healthy volunteers 109
Feasibility of organophosphorus pesticide screening in waters with a cholinesterase inhibition test 108
[Hemoglobin S as the cause of primary hyperviscosity of the blood] 107
Revaluation of biological variation of glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) using an accurately designed protocol and an assay traceable to the IFCC reference system 105
Temperature control in glycosylated hemoglobin assay 105
Aspetti biologici e clinici della malaria : progressi verso l’eradicazione della malattia 105
Plasma protein glycation as measured by fructosamine assay 103
Biological variability of albumin excretion rate and albumin to creatinine ratio in hypertensive type 2 diabetic patients 102
The role of haemoglobin A2 testing in the diagnosis of thalassaemias and related haemoglobinopathies 102
Recommendations for detection and management of unsuitable samples in clinical laboratories 101
The relevance of hemoglobin F measurement in the diagnosis of thalassemias and related hemoglobinopathies 101
Standardization of the HbA2 assay 101
Urea, creatinine, and glucose determined in plasma and whole blood by a differential pH technique 100
Standardizzazione dell’emoglobina glicata nell’ambito dello studio DAI 98
A re-evaluation of glycohemoglobin standardization : the Italian experience with 119 laboratories and 12 methods 97
Evaluation and improvement of a commercial method for routine chromatographic measurement of glycosylated hemoglobins 97
The analytical performance of laboratory plasma glucose and HbA1c measurements are largely acceptable 96
Indagine conoscitiva sulla determinazione quantitativa dell’albumina nelle urine nei laboratori italiani 95
Double heterozygosity for hemoglobin Malmö [beta 97 (FG 4) His-->Gln] and beta-thalassemia traits 95
External quality assessment of hemoglobin A2 measurement : data from an Italian pilot study with fresh whole blood samples and commercial HPLC systems 94
The IFCC Reference Measurement System for HbA1c : a 6-year progress report 94
A review of the challenge in measuring hemoglobin A1c 94
Reference range for HbA1c in pregnancy 93
G6PD/PK ratio : a reliable parameter to identify glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency associated with microcytic anemia in heterozygous subjects 93
Perché e come misurare l’emoglobina glicata 93
Avanzamenti nella misura e nell'utilizzo clinico dell'emoglobina glicata 93
Can plasma glucose and HbA1c predict fetal growth in mothers with different glucose tolerance levels? 92
The fast acetylator phenotype in diabetes mellitus: abnormal prevalence and association with the ABO blood groups 92
Sources and performance criteria of uncertainty of reference measurement procedures 92
Experiences in the measurement of RBC-bound IgG as markers of cell age 90
Reference intervals for acetylated fetal hemoglobin in healthy newborns 88
New analytical tools and epidemiological data for the identification of HbA2 borderline subjects in the screening for beta-thalassemia 87
Esperienze pilota sulla Valutazione Esterna di Qualità della misura dell’emoglobina A2 con campioni di sangue intero e metodiche HPLC commerciali 87
Determinazione della variabilità biologica dell'emoglobina A2 87
Towards the development of a certified reference material for hemoglobin A2 86
Analysis of bicarbonate binding to crocodilian hemoglobin 86
Adenosine induced production of a soluble factor affecting lymphocyte activation 86
Measurement of lipase activity by a differential pH technique 86
Commutability of control materials in glycohemoglobin determinations 86
A roadmap for the standardization of hemoglobin A(2) 86
Posttranslational deamidation of proteins: the case of hemoglobin J Sardegna [alpha50(CD8)His->Asn->Asp] 85
ICSH recommendations for the measurement of haemoglobin F 85
Totale 14.320
Categoria #
all - tutte 52.003
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 52.003

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020828 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 109 303 257 126 33
2020/20211.818 52 89 145 68 197 112 111 73 230 79 493 169
2021/20221.627 125 75 47 50 203 80 150 83 160 153 170 331
2022/20232.329 322 88 167 248 211 467 102 140 224 65 178 117
2023/20241.920 129 147 104 129 343 133 140 138 80 126 221 230
2024/20251.824 194 360 200 376 296 183 169 46 0 0 0 0
Totale 19.697