Dipartimento di Fisiopatologia Medico-Chirurgica e dei Trapianti
Standardization of hemoglobin A2 and hemoglobin F: Achievements and perspectives
2025 A. Mosca, C. Arsene, R. Paleari, P. Kaiser, K. Harteveld, Y. Daniel, C. Amano, A. Murakami, G. Auclair
Screening for sickle cell disease: focus on newborn investigations
2024 A. Mosca, R. Paleari, G. Palazzi, A. Pancaldi, L. Iughetti, D. Venturelli, R. Rolla, E. Pavanello, F. Ceriotti, M. Ammirabile, S. Capri, A. Piga, G. Ivaldi
Analysis of annual distributions of hemoglobin A2 values as a method to test for HbA2 standardization
2023 M. Vidali, R. Paleari, F. Ceriotti, S. Bernardini, I. Giambini, D. Brugnoni, L. Trainini, C. Carru, F. Porcu, M. Carta, D. Giavarina, M. Ciaccio, B. Lo Sasso, G. Corso, C. Paolillo, R. Dorizzi, M. Rosetti, M. Fiorini, M. Bombara, M. Grosso, M. Giuliano, M. Locatelli, A. Lucci, F. Mencarelli, N. Scattolo, M. Strollo, A. Mosca
Reference intervals for glycated albumin during physiological pregnancy of Europid women: Evidences from a prospective observational study
2023 R. Paleari, M. Vidali, F. Ceriotti, B. Pintaudi, M. Luisa De Angelis, E. Vitacolonna, I. Cataldo, E. Torlone, E. Succurro, E. Angotti, E. Alessi, A. Mosca
Treating bipolar depression with esketamine: Safety and effectiveness data from a naturalistic multicentric study on esketamine in bipolar versus unipolar treatment-resistant depression
2023 G. Martinotti, B. Dell'Osso, G. Dilorenzo, G. Maina, A. Bertolino, M. Clerici, S. Barlati, G. Rosso, M. Dinicola, M. Marcatili, G. D'Andrea, C. Cavallotto, S. Chiappini, S. Defilippis, G. Nicolo, P. Defazio, I. Andriola, R. Zanardi, D. Nucifora, S. Dimauro, R. Bassetti, M. Pettorruso, R.S. Mcintyre, S.L. Sensi, M. di Giannantonio, A. Vita, G. Baldacci, S. Belletti, A. Bellomo, B. Benatti, M. Carminati, R. Carullo, D. de Berardis, R. de Filippis, R.D. Chiaie, F. di Carlo, G. Di Petta, A. Galluzzo, V. Giorgelli, G. Lombardozzi, V. Martiadis, C. Mattei, A. Mosca, C. Niolu, M. Olivola, M. Percudani, M. Pepe, E. Rossi, M.I. Scardigli, F. Tati, A. Valchera, M. Vismara
Re-thinking diabetic nephropathy: Microalbuminuria is just a piece of the diagnostic puzzle
2022 D. Ceccarelli Ceccarelli, R. Paleari, B. Solerte, A. Mosca
Performance evaluation of Arkray HA-8190V system for measuring glycated hemoglobin
2022 R. Paleari, F. Ceriotti, A. Mosca
Modified prepubic urethrostomy with body wall tunneling: Description of technique and long-term outcome in eight male cats
2022 L. Bresciani, A. Mosca, S. Romussi
A telemedicine-based approach with real-time transmission of blood glucose data improves metabolic control in insulin-treated diabetes: the DIAMONDS randomized clinical trial
2022 S. Di Molfetta, P. Patruno, S. Cormio, A. Cignarelli, R. Paleari, A. Mosca, O. Lamacchia, S. De Cosmo, M. Massa, A. Natalicchio, S. Perrini, L. Laviola, F. Giorgino
Topical nerve growth factor prevents neurodegenerative and vascular stages of diabetic retinopathy
2022 G. Zerbini, S. Maestroni, L. Leocani, A. Mosca, M. Godi, R. Paleari, A. Belvedere, D. Gabellini, P. Tirassa, V. Castoldi, I. Viganò, S. Galbiati, V. Turco, A. Lambiase, P. Rama
A roadmap for the standardization of hemoglobin A(2)
2021 A. Mosca, R. Paleari, C.L. Harteveld
Malattia renale nel diabete: oltre la nefropatia diabetica = Kidney disease in diabetes : beyond diabetic nephropathy
2021 D.C. Ceccarelli, R. Paleari, R. Tarenzi, A. Mosca, B. Solerte
Why glycated albumin decreases in pregnancy? Evidences from a prospective study on physiological pregnancies of Caucasian women
2021 R. Paleari, E. Succurro, E. Angotti, E. Torlone, A. Caroli, E. Alessi, F. Ceriotti, A. Mosca
Il deficit di G6PD in Medicina di Laboratorio = G6PD deficiency in Laboratory Medicine
2020 A. Mosca, R. Paleari, E. Capoluongo
Capture-based next-generation sequencing improves the identification of immunoglobulin/t-cell receptor clonal markers and gene mutations in adult acute lymphoblastic leukemia patients lacking molecular probes
2020 R. Cavagna, M.L. Guinea Montalvo, M. Tosi, M. Paris, C. Pavoni, T. Intermesoli, R. Bassan, A. Mosca, A. Rambaldi, O. Spinelli
Role of fructosamine-3-kinase in protecting against the onset of microvascular and macrovascular complications in patients with T2DM
2020 G. Sartore, E. Ragazzi, S. Burlina, R. Paleari, N.C. Chilelli, A. Mosca, F. Avemaria, A. Lapolla
Correct determination of glycemia in the diagnosis and management of diabetes: Recommendations for the optimization of the pre-analytical phase
2019 G. Bonetti, M. Carta, A. Lapolla, R. Miccoli, R. Testa, A. Mosca
The analytical performance of laboratory plasma glucose and HbA1c measurements are largely acceptable
2019 A. Mosca, M. Quercioli, R. Paleari
EurA1c: The European HbA1c trial to investigate the performance of HbA1c assays in 2166 laboratories across 17 countries and 24 manufacturers by use of the IFCC model for quality targets
2018 C. Weykamp, W. John, E. English, R. Erasmus, D. Sacks, C. Buchta, M. Mueller, Y. Lenga, M. Budina, J. Kratochvila, B. Friedecky, J. Siest, P. Kaiser, A. Haliassos, O. Panagiotakis, K. Makris, H. Graham, A. Kane, T. Smith, N. Barrett, L. Sciacovelli, M. Plebani, A. Faria, A. Cardoso, H. Correia, M. Alemany, C. Alsina, C. Gómez, G. Nordin, C. Persson, R. Fried, F. Akcadag, M. Akgöz, D. Aslan, S. Jones, A. Thomas, P. Gillery, S. Jaisson, A. Mosca, R. Paleari, R. Slingerland, J. Slootstra, S. Leppink, A. Elmgren, R. Little, S. Connolly, V. Makky, M. Nowicki, C. Siebelder, L. Schröer-Janssen, M. Te Winkel, I. de Graaf, E. Lenters-Westra
Calibration by commutable control materials is able to reduce inter-method differences of current high-performance methods for HbA2
2018 R. Paleari, F. Ceriotti, C.L. Harteveld, M. Strollo, G. Bakker-Verweij, J. ter Huurne, S. Bisoen, A. Mosca