DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE FARMACOLOGICHE (attivo dal 01/01/2001 al 27/04/2012)
Le basi farmacologiche della terapia : il manuale
2015 L.L. Brunton, C.R. Sirtori, L. Calabresi, F. Celotti, G. Folco, S. Govoni, A. Sala
A potential role of PUFAs and COXIBs in cancer chemoprevention
2015 M. Vara Messler, C. Buccellati, L. Pustina, G. Folco, G..E. Rovati, M. Hoxha
The pulmonary pharmacology of [4-methoxy-N1-(4-trans-nitrooxycyclohexyl)-N3-(3-pyridinylmethyl)-1, 3-benzenedicarboxamide](2NTX-99), an anti-atherotrombotic compound with therapeutic potential in pathological conditions that target lung vasculature
2012 I. Brivio, C. Buccellati, F. Fumagalli, J. Hodge, C. Casagrande, G. Folco, A. Sala
Synthesis of cysteinyl leukotrienes in human endothelial cells: subcellular localization and autocrine signaling through the CysLT2 receptor
2011 C. Carnini, M.R. Accomazzo, E. Borroni, L. Vitellaro-Zuccarello, T. Durand, G. Folco, G. Rovati, V.C. Capra, A. Sala
Biomarkers of inflammation and oxidative stress in patients with COPD and healthy smokers
2010 P. Montuschi, M. Aiello, C. Buccellati, G. Ciabattoni, A. Chetta, E. Clini, G. Folco, F. Fumagalli, M. Losi, D. Olivieri, R. Pisi, R. Shohreh, A. Sala
Dual COXIB/TP antagonists : a possible new twist in NSAID pharmacology and cardiovascular risk
2010 G.E. Rovati, A. Sala, V. Capra, S.E. Dahlén, G. Folco
Transcellular byosynthesis of eicosanoids
2010 A. Sala, G. Folco, R.C. Murphy
Critical role of COX-1 in prostacyclin production by human endothelial cells under modification of hydroperoxide tone
2009 C. Bolego, C. Buccellati, A. Prada, R.M. Gaion, G. Folco, A. Sala
Vino e salute
2009 G. Folco, M. Rossoni
Alla scoperta del mondo del vino: per un consumo consapevole
2009 O. Failla, G. Folco, R. Foschino, G. Mela, R. Miravalle, L. Monterisi, R. Pastore, A. Rossi, M. Rossoni, A. Scienza, M. Sorbini, A. Tirelli, A. Zappata, A. Zorloni
Le basi farmacologiche della terapia : il manuale
2008 C.R. Sirtori, L. Calabresi, F. Celotti, G. Folco, S. Govoni, A. Sala
A new class of nitric oxide-releasing derivatives of cetirizine; pharmacological profile in vascular and airway smooth muscle preparations
2007 A.K. Larsson, F. Fumagalli, A. Di Gennaro, M. Andersson, J. Lundberg, C. Edenius, M. Govoni, A. Monopoli, A. Sala, S.E. Dahlen, G.C. Folco
Antagonism of thromboxane receptors by diclofenac and lumiracoxib
2007 E. Selg, C. Buccellati, M. Andersson, G. Rovati, M. Ezinga, A. Sala, A.K. Larsson, M. Ambrosio, L. Lastbom, V. Capra, B. Dahlen, A. Ryrfeldt, G. Folco, S.E. Dahlen
Cysteinyl-leukotrienes and their receptors in asthma and other inflammatory diseases: Critical update and emerging trends
2007 V. Capra, M.D. Thompson, A. Sala, D.E. Cole, G. Folco, G. Rovati
Pharmacological modulation of the leukotriene pathway in allergic airway disease
2007 P. Montuschi, A. Sala, S.E. Dahlen, G. Folco
Pharmacological characterization of 2NTX-99, a potential antiatherothrombotic agent with antithromboxane and no-donor activity
2006 C. Buccellati, A. Sala, G.B. Rossoni, V. Capra, G. Rovati, A. DI GENNARO, G. Folco, S. Colli, C. Casagrande
Eicosanoid transcellular biosynthesis : from cell-cell interactions to in vivo tissue responses
2006 G. Folco, R.C. Murphy
From field to health : a simple way to increase the nutraceutical content of grape ss shown by NO-Dependent vascular relaxation
2006 F. Fumagalli, M. Rossoni, M. Iriti, A. Di Gennaro, F. Faoro, E. Borroni, M. Borgo, A. Scienza, A. Sala, G. Folco
Activation of cerebral endothelium is required for mononuclear cell recruitment in a novel in vitro model of brain inflammation
2006 L. Librizzi, S. Mazzetti, C. Pastori, A. Salmaggi, C. Buccellati, A. Di Gennaro, G. Folco, L. Vitellaro- Zuccarello, M. de Curtis
Profile of COX-2 and PGI2 in human diabetic versus high glucose treated endothelial cells
2006 C. Bolego, C. Buccellati, T. Radaelli, I. Cetin, G.C. Folco, A. Sala