DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE FARMACOLOGICHE (attivo dal 01/01/2001 al 27/04/2012)
Rapid Metabolization of Protectin D1 by β-Oxidation of Its Polar Head Chain
2019 L. Balas, P. Risé, D. Gandrath, G. Rovati, C. Bolego, F. Stellari, A. Trenti, C. Buccellati, T. Durand, A. Sala
Selective estrogen receptor-α agonist provides widespread heart and vascular protection with enhanced endothelial progenitor cell mobilization in the absence of uterotrophic action
2010 C. Bolego, G.B. Rossoni, G.P. Fadini, E. Vegeto, C. Pinna, M. Albiero, E. Boscaro, C. Agostini, A. Avogaro, R.M. Gaion, A. Cignarella
Critical role of COX-1 in prostacyclin production by human endothelial cells under modification of hydroperoxide tone
2009 C. Bolego, C. Buccellati, A. Prada, R.M. Gaion, G. Folco, A. Sala
The 15-lipoxygenase-modified high density lipoproteins 3 fail to inhibit the TNF-alpha-induced inflammatory response in human endothelial cells
2008 A. Pirillo, P. Uboldi, C. Bolego, H. Kuhn, A.L. Catapano
Prolonged ovarian hormone deprivation impairs the protective vascular actions of estrogen receptor alpha Agonists
2008 C. Pinna, A. Cignarella, P. Sanvito, V. Pelosi, C. Bolego
Gender differences in endothelial progenitor cells and cardiovascular risk profile : the role of female estrogen
2008 G.P. Fadini, S. de Kreutzenberg, M. Albiero, A. Coracina, E. Pagnin , I. Baesso, A. Cignarella, C. Bolego, M. Plebani, G.B. Nardelli, S. Sartore, C. Agostini, A. Avogaro
Cyclic AMP in rat ileum : evidence for the presence of an extracellular cyclic AMP-adenosine pathway
2008 M.C. Giron, A. Bin, P. Brun, S. Etteri, C. Bolego, C. Florio, R.M. Gaion
Selective agonists of estrogen receptor isoforms : new perspectives for cardiovascular disease
2006 C. Bolego, E. Vegeto, C. Pinna, A. Maggi, A. Cignarella
Metabolic syndrome, inflammation and atherosclerosis
2006 R. Paoletti, C. Bolego, A. Poli, A. Cignarella
Profile of COX-2 and PGI2 in human diabetic versus high glucose treated endothelial cells
2006 C. Bolego, C. Buccellati, T. Radaelli, I. Cetin, G.C. Folco, A. Sala
eNOS, COX-2, and prostacyclin production are impaired in endothelial cells from diabetics
2006 C. Bolego, C. Buccellati, T. Radaelli, I. Cetin, L. Puglisi, G. Folco, A. Sala
Raloxifene elicits combined rapid vasorelaxation and long-term anti-inflammatory actions in rat aorta
2006 C. Pinna, C. Bolego, P. Sanvito, V. Pelosi, R. Baetta, A. Corsini, R.M. Gaion, A. Cignarella
Potential pro-inflammatory action of resveratrol in vascular smooth muscle cells from normal and diabetic rats
2006 A. Cignarella, C. Minici, C. Bolego, C. Pinna, P. Sanvito, R. M. Gaion, L. Puglisi
Hypolipidemic therapy for the metabolic syndrome
2006 A. Cignarella, S. Bellosta, A. Corsini, C. Bolego
The acute estrogenic dilation of rat aorta is mediated solely by selective estrogen receptor ERalpha agonists and is abolished by estrogen deprivation
2005 C. Bolego, A. Cignarella, P. Sanvito, V. Pelosi, F. Pellegatta, L. Puglisi, C. Pinna
Effect of the ATP-sensitive potassium channel opener ZM226600 on cystometric parameters in rats with ligature-intact, partial urethral obstruction
2005 C. Pinna, L. Puglisi, P. Sanvito, C. Bolego, A. Cignarella
Purine- and pyrimidine-induced responses and P2Y receptor characterization in the hamster proximal urethra
2005 C. Pinna, R. Glass, G.E. Knight, C. Bolego, L. Puglisi, G. Burnstock
Safety considerations for statins
2002 C. Bolego, R. Baetta, S. Bellosta, A. Corsini, R. Paoletti
Gender differences and antioxidant treatment affect aortic reactivity in short-term diabetic rats
2001 C. Pinna, A. Cignarella, R. Zanardo, C. Bolego, L. Puglisi
Two distinct P2Y receptors are involved in purine- and pyrimidine-evoked Ca2+ elevation in mammalian brain astrocytic cultures
2001 C. Bolego, C. Centemeri, M.P. Abbracchio, S. Ceruti, F. Cattabeni, K.A. Jacobson, L. Puglisi, G.E. Rovati, G. Burnstock, S. Nicosia