Universita' degli Studi di MILANO
Fetal oxygen and glucose consumption in human pregnancy complicated by fetal growth restriction
2020 I. Cetin, E. Taricco, C. Mandò, T. Radaelli, S. Boito, A. Maria Nuzzo, D.A. Giussani
Estimation of fetal oxigen uptake in human term pregnancies
2012 T. Radaelli, S. Boito, E. Taricco, V. Cozzi, I. Cetin
Lactate detection in the brain of growth-restricted fetuses with magnetic resonance spectroscopy
2011 I. Cetin, B. Barberis, V. Brusati, E. Brighina, L. Mandia, A. Arighi, T. Radaelli, P. Biondetti, N. Bresolin, G. Pardi, M. Rango
Growth of fetal lean and fat mass in gestational diabetes
2010 M.S. Nobile De Santis, E. Taricco, T. Radaelli, E. Spada, S. Rigano, E. Ferrazzi, S. Milani, I. Cetin
Maternal and fetal fatty acid profile in normal and intrauterine growth restriction pregnancies with and without preeclampsia
2008 G. Alvino, V. Cozzi, T. Radaelli, H. Ortega, E. Herrera, I. Cetin
Fetal oxygen uptake in normal and GDM pregnancies
2008 E. Taricco, T. Radaelli, V. Cozzi, G. Rossi, D. Puglia, G. Pardi, I. Cetin
Evalutation of oxygen uptake in IUGR fetuses
2008 T. Radaelli, S. Boito, E. Taricco, V. Cozzi, G. Alvino, A. Martinelli, V. Signorelli, E. Iurlaro, G. Pardi, I. Cetin
Evaluation of fetal growth and fetal well-being
2008 I. Cetin, S. Boito, T. Radaelli
Higher mitocondrial DNA content in human IUGR placenta
2008 D. Lattuada, F. Colleoni, A. Martinelli, A. Garretto, R. Magni, T. Radaelli, I. Cetin
Differential insulin receptor splicing in trophoblast vs endothelial cells of the human placenta and splicing dysregulation in gestational diabetes but not in IUGR
2007 G. Desoye, T. Radaelli, G. Alvino, C. Wadsack, I. Cetin, U. Hiden
Fetal oxygen uptake in normal and IUGR pregnancies
2007 T. Radaelli, I. Cetin, S. Boito, V. Cozzi, E. Taricco, G. Alvino, E. Iurlaro, A. Martinelli, G. Pardi
Profile of COX-2 and PGI2 in human diabetic versus high glucose treated endothelial cells
2006 C. Bolego, C. Buccellati, T. Radaelli, I. Cetin, G.C. Folco, A. Sala
eNOS, COX-2, and prostacyclin production are impaired in endothelial cells from diabetics
2006 C. Bolego, C. Buccellati, T. Radaelli, I. Cetin, L. Puglisi, G. Folco, A. Sala
Differential insulin receptor splicing in trophoblast vs endothelial cells
2006 U. Hiden, C. Wadsack, S. Tabano, T. Radaelli, I. Cetin, G. Desoye
Placental transport and metabolism in fetal overgrowth – a workshop report
2006 T. Jansson, I. Cetin, T.L. Powell, G. Desoye, T. Radaelli, A. Ericsson, C.P. Sibley
Maternal and fetal amino acid concentrations in normal pregnancies and in pregnancies with gestational diabetes mellitus
2005 I. Cetin, M.S. Nobile De Santis, E. Taricco, T. Radaelli, C. Teng, S. Ronzoni, E. Spada, S. Milani, G. Pardi
Fetal nutrition : a review
2005 I. Cetin, G. Alvino, T. Radaelli, G. Pardi
Fetal lean and fat mass longitudinal growth in normal and gestational diabetic pregnancies
2005 I. Cetin, T. Radaelli, M.S. NOBILE DE SANTIS, E. Taricco, S. Rigano, E. Ferrazzi, S. Milani
Oxygenation, acid-base balance and glucose levels in fetuses from gestational diabetic pregnancies
2005 T. Radaelli, E. Taricco, G. Rossi, P. Antonazzo, N. Ciappina, P. Pileri, G. Pardi, I. Cetin
Fatty acids in normal (AGA) and intrauterine growth restricted (IUGR) pregnancies
2005 G. Alvino, H. Hortega, P. Pileri, T. Radaelli, E. Herrera, I. Cetin