Dipartimento di Scienze e Politiche Ambientali
Conservation of mechanisms regulating emotional-like responses on spontaneous nicotine withdrawal in zebrafish and mammals
2021 L. Ponzoni, G. Melzi, L. Marabini, A. Martini, G. Petrillo, M. Teh, J.V. Torres-Perez, S. Morara, C. Gotti, D. Braida, C.H. Brennan, M. Sala
Photoprotective properties of Vitis vinifera L. leaves extract on UVA-induced damage in human endothelial cells (EA.hy926 cells)
2020 G. Melzi, L. Marabini, M. Marinovich, M. Dell'Agli, S. Piazza, G. Lombardo, E. Donetti
Effects of Vitis vinifera L. leaves extract on UV radiation damage in human keratinocytes (HaCaT)
2020 L. Marabini, G. Melzi, F. Lolli, M. Dell'Agli, S. Piazza, E. Sangiovanni, M. Marinovich
Rhus coriaria l. Fruit extract prevents UV-A-induced genotoxicity and oxidative injury in human microvascular endothelial cells
2020 E. Nozza, G. Melzi, L. Marabini, M. Marinovich, S. Piazza, S. Khalilpour, M. Dell'Agli, E. Sangiovanni
Rhus coriaria extract: protective effect against UVA irradiation in human dermal microvascular endothelial cells (HMEC-1)
2019 L. Marabini, G. Melzi, F. Lolli, S. Khalilpour, M. Marinovich
Effect of plant extracts on the genotoxicity of 1′-hydroxy alkenylbenzenes
2019 L. Marabini, C.L. Galli, P. La Fauci, M. Marinovich
UV-B damage: a potential molecular play of Vitis vinifera L. extract
2019 F. Lolli, L. Marabini, G. Melzi, S. Piazza, M. Marinovich
DNA damage in human skin fibroblasts from patients with dermatitis herpetiformis
2019 G. Lombardo, L. Marabini, L. Doneda, V. Lombardo, A. Scricciolo, L. Elli, V. Della Valle, S. Muratori, L. Roncoroni
Vitis vinifera L. Leaf Extract Inhibits In Vitro Mediators of Inflammation and Oxidative Stress Involved in Inflammatory-Based Skin Diseases
2019 E. Sangiovanni, C. Di Lorenzo, S. Piazza, Y. Manzoni, C. Brunelli, M. Fumagalli, A. Magnavacca, G. Martinelli, F. Colombo, A. Casiraghi, G. Melzi, L. Marabini, P. Restani, M. Dell'Agli
Gliadin effect on the oxidative balance and DNA damage : an in-vitro, ex-vivo study
2018 E. Monguzzi, L. Marabini, L. Elli, V. Vaira, S. Ferrero, F. Ferretti, F. Branchi, G. Gaudioso, A. Scricciolo, V. Lombardo, L. Doneda, L. Roncoroni
Il metabolismo dei farmaci
2018 L. Marabini, S. Radice, E. Chiesara
Effetti tossicologici del particolato ultrafine emesso da impianti residenziali a biomassa : note sul progetto TOBICUP
2018 S. Ozgen, D. Caruso, E. Corsini, P. Fermo, G. Lonati, L. Marabini, R. Vecchi, M. Marinovich
Opioid K receptor variant is associated with a delayed onset of dyskinesias in Parkinson's disease
2017 R. Cilia, R. Asselta, E. Cereda, R. Benfante, G. Barbella, D. Vallauri, L. Marabini, D. Fornasari, S. Goldwurm, G. Pezzoli
Assessment of Toxicity of Myristicin and 1’-Hydroxymyristicin in HepG2 Cell Line
2017 L. Marabini, L. Neglia, E. Monguzzi, C..L. Galli, M. Marinovich
Ultrafine particles (UFPs) from domestic wood stoves : genotoxicity in human lung carcinoma A549 cells
2017 L. Marabini, S. Turacchi, S. Aminti, F. Arnaboldi, G. Lonati, P. Fermo, L. Corbella, G. Valli, V. Bernardoni, M. Dell’Acqua, R. Vecchi, S. Becagli, D. Caruso, C.L. Galli, M. Marinovich
The chemical composition of ultrafine particles and associated biological effects at an alpine town impacted by wood burning
2017 E. Corsini, R. Vecchi, L. Marabini, P. Fermo, S. Becagli, V. Bernardoni, D. Caruso, L. Corbella, M. Dell'Acqua, C.L. Galli, G. Lonati, S. Ozgen, A. Papale, S. Signorini, R. Tardivo, G. Valli, M. Marinovich
Tryptophan hydroxylase type 2 variants modulate severity and outcome of addictive behaviors in Parkinson's disease
2016 R. Cilia, R. Benfante, R. Asselta, L. Marabini, E. Cereda, C. Siri, G. Pezzoli, S. Goldwurm, D. Fornasari
Thymol and Thymus vulgaris extract protects human keratinocyte cell line (HaCaT) from UVA and UVB damage
2016 M. Mapelli, R. Calò, L. Marabini
Effects of UV rays and thymol/Thymus Vulgaris L. extract using an ex vivo human skin model: morphological and genotoxicological assessment
2016 L. Cornaghi, F. Arnaboldi, R. Calò, F. Landoni, F. Baruffaldi Preis, L. Marabini, E. Donetti
Effects of UV rays and natural compound repairs using an ex-vivo human skin model: morphological and genotoxicological analysis
2015 L. Cornaghi, F. Landoni, F.W. Baruffaldi Preis, R. Calò, L. Marabini