Dipartimento di Scienze per gli Alimenti, la Nutrizione e l'Ambiente
New molecular features of cowpea bean (Vigna unguiculata, l. Walp) β-vignin
2018 F. Ederlan de Souza, J. Capraro, F. Sessa, C. Magni, D. Aureluce, A. Consonni, N. Valdir Augusto, M. Cilli Eduardo, M. Duranti, A. Scarafoni
Structural basis of the lack of endo-glucanase inhibitory activity of Lupinus albus γ-conglutin
2016 A. Scarafoni, A. Consonni, S. Pessina, S. Balzaretti, J. Capraro, E. Galanti, M. Duranti
Identification in lupin seed of a serine-endopeptidase activity cleaving between twin arginine pairs and causing limited proteolysis of seed storage proteins
2012 C. Magni, F. Sessa, G. Tedeschi, A. Negri, A. Scarafoni, A. Consonni, M. Duranti
Proteomic studies on the lupin seed storage proteins phosphorylation
2011 J. Capraro, A. Scarafoni, A. Ronchi, C. Magni, A. Consonni, M. Duranti
Massive secretion of de novo-synthesized chitinase during germination : a defense role only?
2011 A. Scarafoni, A. Ronchi, B. Prinsi, L. Espen, A. Consonni, M. Duranti
Endo-β-xylanase inhibitory activity bestowed to lupin seed γ-conglutin by PCR gene fusion mutagenesis
2011 A. Consonni, A. Scarafoni, S. Pessina, S. Balzaretti, C. Magni, M. Duranti
Mutagenesis confers endo-xylanase inhibitory competence to L. albus seed γ-conglutin
2011 A. Consonni, A. Scarafoni, S. Pessina, C. Magni, M. Duranti
Heterologous expression and purification of the soybean 7S globulin α′ subunit extension region: In vitro evidence of its involvement in cell cholesterol homeostasis
2011 A. Consonni, M.R. Lovati, A. Parolari, C. Manzoni, P. Morazzoni, C. Magni, M. Duranti
Cloning, yeast expression, purification and biological activity of the extension region of the soybean 7S globulin alfa’ subunit involved in Hep G2 cell cholesterol homeostasis
2010 P. Morazzoni, A. Riva, C. Ponzone, D. Berlanda, M. Duranti, A. Consonni
Cloning, yeast expression, purification and biological activity of a truncated form of the soybean 7S globulin alpha' subunit involved in Hep G2 cell cholesterol homeostasis
2010 A. Consonni, M.R. Lovati, C. Manzoni, A. Pizzagalli, P. Morazzoni, M.M. Duranti
Identification and characterization of a Bowman-Birk inhibitor active towards trypsin but not chymotrypsin in Lupinus albus seeds
2008 A. Scarafoni, A. Consonni, V. Galbusera, A. Negri, G. Tedeschi, P. Rasmussen, C. Magni, M. Duranti
The major proteins of lupin seed : characterisation and molecular properties for use as functional and nutraceutical ingredients
2008 M. Duranti, A. Consonni, C. Magni, F. Sessa, A. Scarafoni
Inhibitory properties and solution structure of a potent Bowman-Birk protease inhibitor from lentil (Lens culinaris, L.) seeds
2006 E.M. Ragg, V. Galbusera, A. Scarafoni, A. Negri, G. Tedeschi, A. Consonni, F.A. Sessa, M.M. Duranti
Solution Structure Elucidation of a Bowman-Birk inhibitor from Lens culinaris by 1H-NMR and molecular dynamics calculations
2005 E. Ragg, V. Galbusera, A. Scarafoni, A. Negri, A. Consonni, F. Sessa, M. Duranti
Proteome analysis of lentil seeds with low trypsin inhibitor content In ‘Legumes for the benefit of agriculture, nutrition and the environment : their genomics, their products, and their improvement
2004 A. Scarafoni, A. Consonni, J. Panozzo, C. Magni, E. Sironi, V. Dani, M. Duranti