Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche e Cliniche
Complement and contact system activation in acute congestive heart failure patients
2017 C. Suffritti, E. Tobaldini, R. Schiavon, S. Strada, L. Maggioni, S. Mehta, G. Sandrone, E. Toschi-Dias, M. Cicardi, N. Montano
Diagnosis, Course, and Management of Angioedema in Patients With Acquired C1-Inhibitor Deficiency
2017 A. Zanichelli, G.M. Azin, M.A. Wu, C. Suffritti, L. Maggioni, S. Caccia, F. Perego, R. Vacchini, M. Cicardi
Ricerca e valutazione di marker plasmatici indicativi di stato di malattia in pazienti con deficit di C1 inibitore
2009 L.M. Maggioni
Gene regulation in the pathogenesis of angioedema due to inherited c1 inhibitor deficiency (hereditary angioedema)
2009 M. Cicardi, A. Zanichelli, E. Bonanni, C. Suffritti, L. Maggioni, S. Caccia, R. Russo, Y. Zhi, S. Duga, R. Asselta, V. Rimoldi, G. Castellano
Remittent C1-inhibitor deficiency due to Arg378Cys mutation
2008 S. Caccia, C. Suffritti, C. Drouet, L. Maggioni, M. Cicardi
Hereditary angioedema-induced acute pancreatitis : clinical picture and effect of C1-esterase inhibitor replacement
2008 M. Cancian, A.L. Andreas, R. Bendo, L. Maggioni, E. Ossi, G. Vettore, G. Realdi
Identification of variables causing different clinical expression of inherited c1-inh deficiency (hereditary angioedema)
2007 M. Cicardi, S. Caccia, C. Suffritti, E. Pappalardo, L. Maggioni, L.C. Zingale
Molecular mechanism for the pathogenicity of the human C1-inhibitor Arg378Cys variant
2007 S. Caccia, C. Suffritti, E. Pappalardo, L. Maggioni, L.C. Zingale, M. Cicardi
Plasmatic markers of acute attack in patients with angioedemadue to C1 inhibitor deficiency
2007 A. Zanichelli, M. Cugno, S. Griffini, L. Maggioni, A.G. Bellatorre, L.C. Zingale, M. Cicardi
Natural history and clinical impact of cryoglobulins in chronic hepatitis C : 10-year prospective study of 343 patients
2007 M. Viganò, P. Lampertico, M.G. Rumi, C. Folli L. Maggioni, A. Morabito, E. Del Ninno, M. Cicardi, M. Colombo
Structural and functional characterization of mutations in C1-ihn responsible for hereditary angioedema
2006 S. Caccia, E. Pappalardo, C. Suffritti, L. Maggioni, A. Zanichelli, L.C. Zingale, B. Cicardi, M. Cicardi
Structural and functional characterization of mutations in C1-inh responsible for hereditary angioedema
2006 S. Caccia, E. Pappalardo, C. Suffritti, L. Maggioni, A. Zanichelli, L.C. Zingale, B. Cicardi, M. Cicardi
Angioedema without urticaria : a large clinical survey
2006 L.C. Zingale, L. Beltrami, A. Zanichelli, L. Maggioni, E. Pappalardo, B. Cicardi, M. Cicardi
Use of C1 inhibitor concentrate for treatment of angioedema attacks in patients with C1 inhibitor deficiency : survey of 1102 infusions in 503 patients
2005 A. Zanichelli, L.C. Zingale, B. Cicardi, L. Maggioni, E. Pappalardo, M. Cicardi