Dipartimento di Fisiopatologia Medico-Chirurgica e dei Trapianti  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Tipo File Abstract
Genetic Variants Identified by Whole Exome Sequencing in a Large Italian Family with High Plasma Levels of Factor VIII and Von Willebrand Factor 2023 Pappalardo E.Peyvandi F. + Article (author) -
Factor V Leiden but not the factor II 20210G>A mutation is a risk factor for premature coronary artery disease: a case-control study in Iran 2023 Agosti, PasqualePagliari, Maria TeresaPappalardo, EmanuelaMaino, AlbertoPeyvandi, Flora + Article (author) -
Genetic variants at the chromosomal region 2q21.3 underlying inhibitor development in patients with severe haemophilia A 2022 Spena S.Pappalardo E.Gorski M. M.Garagiola I.Hassan S.Gualtierotti R.Peyvandi F. + Article (author) -
Role of ADAMTS13, VWF and F8 genes in deep vein thrombosis 2021 Pagliari M. T.Boscarino M.Mancini I.Pappalardo E.Bucciarelli P.Peyvandi F. + Article (author) -
Factor V Leiden but Not Factor II 20210G>A Is a Risk Factor in a Large Cohort of Iranian Patients with Premature Coronary Artery Disease 2020 I. ManciniM. T. PagliariE. PappalardoP. AgostiF. Peyvandi + Book Part (author) -
The HLA Variant rs6903608 Is Associated with Disease Onset and Relapse of Immune-Mediated Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura in Caucasians 2020 Mancini, IlariaArtoni, AndreaPappalardo, EmanuelaGualtierotti, RobertaPodda, Gian MarcoBirocchi, SimoneGattillo, SalvatorePeyvandi, Flora + Article (author) -
Factor V Leiden but not factor II 20210G>A is a risk factor in a large cohort of Iranian patients with premature coronary artery disease 2020 I. ManciniM. T. PagliariE. PappalardoP. AgostiF. Peyvandi + Article (author) -
Complications of whole-exome sequencing for causal gene discovery in primary platelet secretion defects 2019 Gorski, Marcin MFemia, Eti ALa Marca, SilviaPappalardo, EmanuelaLotta, Luca AArtoni, AndreaPeyvandi, Flora + Article (author) -
Platelet to Lymphocyte Ratio and Neutrophil to Lymphocyte Ratio as Risk Factors for Venous Thrombosis 2018 Artoni, AndreaBucciarelli, PaoloGianniello, FrancescaSCALAMBRINO, ERICAPappalardo, EmanuelaPeyvandi, Flora + Article (author) -
Next-generation DNA sequencing to identify novel genetic risk factors for cerebral vein thrombosis 2018 Gorski, Marcin M.Mancini, IlariaLotta, Luca A.Bucciarelli, PaoloPassamonti, Serena M.Pappalardo, EmanuelaPeyvandi, Flora + Article (author) -
Whole-exome sequencing to identify genetic risk variants underlying inhibitor development in severe hemophilia A patients 2016 M.M. GorskiL.A. LottaE. PappalardoI. GaragiolaI. ManciniM.E. MancusoM.R. FasuloF. Peyvandi + Article (author) -
Immunochip analysis identifies novel susceptibility loci in the human leukocyte antigen region for acquired thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura 2016 Mancini I.Pappalardo E.Gorski M. M.Peyvandi F.Rinaldi E.Di Francesco E.Giuffrida G.Podda G. M.Bertinato E. + Article (author) -
Risk factors for idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss and their association with clinical outcome 2015 S.M. PassamontiF. Di BerardinoA. ArtoniU. AmbrosettiA. CesaraniE. Pappalardo + Article (author) -
Next-generation sequencing study finds an excess of rare, coding single-nucleotide variants of ADAMTS13 in patients with deep vein thrombosis 2013 L.A. LottaWANG, MIAOHANS.M. PassamontiE. PappalardoC. ValsecchiG. RandiF. Peyvandi + Article (author) -
Identification of genetic risk variants for deep vein thrombosis by multiplexed next-generation sequencing of 186 hemostatic/pro-inflammatory genes 2012 L.A. LOTTAS.M. PASSAMONTIE. PAPPALARDOM. MENEGATTIP.M. MANNUCCIF. PEYVANDI + Article (author) -
Mutation screening of C1 inhibitor gene in 108 unrelated families with hereditary angioedema : functional and structural correlates 2008 E. PappalardoS. CacciaC. SuffrittiL.C. ZingaleM. Cicardi + Article (author) -
Molecular mechanism for the pathogenicity of the human C1-inhibitor Arg378Cys variant 2007 S. CacciaC. SuffrittiE. PappalardoL. MaggioniL. C. ZingaleM. Cicardi Article (author) -
Identification of variables causing different clinical expression of inherited c1-inh deficiency (hereditary angioedema) 2007 M. CicardiS. CacciaC. SuffrittiE. PappalardoL. MaggioniL.C. Zingale Conference Object -
Structural and functional characterization of mutations in C1-ihn responsible for hereditary angioedema 2006 S. CacciaE. PappalardoC. SuffrittiL. MaggioniA. ZanichelliL. C. ZingaleB. CicardiM. Cicardi Article (author) -
Angioedema without urticaria : a large clinical survey 2006 L.C. ZingaleL. BeltramiA. ZanichelliL. MaggioniE. PappalardoB. CicardiM.Cicardi Article (author) -