Dipartimento di Scienze Cliniche e di Comunità
Long-term mortality in obese subjects undergoing malabsorptive surgery (biliopancreatic diversion and biliointestinal bypass) versus medical treatment
2019 V. Ceriani, G. Sarro, G. Micheletto, A. Giovanelli, A.S. Zakaria, M. Fanchini, C. Osio, I. Nosari, A. Morabito, A.E. Pontiroli
Long-term mortality and incidence of cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes in diabetic and nondiabetic obese patientsundergoing gastric banding: a controlled study
2016 A. Pontiroli, A. Zakaria, E. Mantegazza, A. Morabito, A. Saibene, E. Mozzi, G. Micheletto
Long-term follow-up of UCLP patients : surgical and orthodontic burden of care during growth and final orthognathic surgery need
2015 M.C. Meazzini, A. Varacca Capello, F. Ventrini, L. Autelitano, A. Morabito, G. Garattini, R. Brusati
Melatonin reduces the need for sedation in ICU patients: A randomized controlled trial
2015 G. Mistraletti, M. Umbrello, G. Sabbatini, S. Miori, M. Taverna, B. Cerri, E.S. Mantovani, P. Formenti, P. Spanu, A. D'Agostino, S. Salini, A. Morabito, F. Fraschini, R.J. Reiter, G. Iapichino
Melatonin reduces the need for sedation in ICU patients : a randomized controlled trial
2015 G. Mistraletti, M. Umbrello, G. Sabbatini, S. Miori, M. Taverna, B. Cerri, E.S. Mantovani, P. Formenti, P. Spanu, A. D'Agostino, S. Salini, A. Morabito, F. Fraschini, R.J. Reiter, G. Iapichino
Multimodality treatment of osteosarcoma of the jaw : a single institution experience
2014 D. Ferrari, C. Codecà, N. Battisti, F. Broggio, F. Crepaldi, M. Violati, C. Bertuzzi, L. Dottorini, S. Caldiera, A. Luciani, L. Moneghini, F. Biglioli, G. Cassinelli, A. Morabito, P. Foa
Female sexual dysfunction and diabetes : a systematic review and meta-analysis
2013 A.E. Pontiroli, D. Cortelazzi, A. Morabito
Metabolic syndrome, hypertension, and diabetes mellitus after gastric banding: The role of aging and of duration of obesity
2013 A. Pontiroli, A. Morabito, M. Paganelli, A. Saibene, L. Busetto
Metabolic control and risk of hypoglycaemia during the first year of intensive insulin treatment in type 2 diabetes : systematic review and meta-analysis
2012 A.E. Pontiroli, L. Miele, A. Morabito
Bias reduction in repeated-measures observational studies by the use of propensity score : the case of enteral sedation for critically ill patients
2012 M. Umbrello, G. Mistraletti, D. Corbella, M. Cigada, S. Salini, A. Morabito, G. Iapichino
La melatonina riduce la necessità di sedativi e di analgesici in pazienti critici ad alto rischio
2011 G. Mistraletti, M. Taverna, S. Miori, M. Tozzi, L. D’Amato, B. Cerri, S. Salini, A. Morabito, F.L. Fraschini, G. Iapichino
Increase of body weight during the first year of intensive insulin treatment in type 2 diabetes : systematic review and meta-analysis
2011 A.E. Pontiroli, L. Miele, A. Morabito
Abnormal spiral artery remodelling in the decidual segment during pregnancy : from histology to clinical correlation
2011 L. Avagliano, G.P. Bulfamante, A. Morabito, A.M. Marconi
Effetti clinici della melatonina nei pazienti critici ad alto rischio
2011 G. Mistraletti, M. Tozzi, S. Miori, G. Sabbatini, B. Salihovic, B. Cerri, S. Salini, A. Morabito, F.L. Fraschini, G. Iapichino
Clinical effects of oral melatonin in high-risk critically ill
2011 G. Mistraletti, M. Tozzi, S. Miori, M. Taverna, B. Cerri, I. Galluccio, M. Umbrello, S. Salini, A. Morabito, F. Fraschini, G. Iapichino
Factors that affect variability in impairment of maxillary growth in patients with cleft lip and palate treated using the same surgical protocol
2011 M. Meazzini, C. Tortora, A. Morabito, G. Garattini, R. Brusati
Oral melatonin decreases need for sedatives and analgesics in critically ill
2011 G. Mistraletti, B. Cerri, S. Miori, G. Sabbatini, I. Galluccio, M. Umbrello, R. Fiameni, S. Salini, A. Morabito, F. Fraschini, G. Iapichino
Long-term prevention of mortality in morbid obesity through bariatric surgery. a systematic review and meta-analysis of trials performed with gastric banding and gastric bypass.
2011 A. Pontiroli, A. Morabito
Effect on antenatal betamethasone on maternal and fetal amino acid concentration
2010 A.M. Marconi, V. Mariotti, C. Teng, S. Ronzoni, B. D'Amato, A. Morabito, F.C. Battaglia
Propensity score to reduce bias in observational studies : the case of enteral sedation in ICU patients
2010 F. Rapido, M. Umbrello, E. D'Angelo, G. Mistraletti, M. Gomarasca, D. Palmisano, L. Bolgiaghi, B. Salihovic, A. Morabito, G. Iapichino