Universita' degli Studi di MILANO
Predominant right temporal lobe atrophy: Clinical, neuropsychological and structural differences based on amyloid status
2024 J. Di Napoli, A. Arighi, G. Conte, T. Carandini, L. Sacchi, M. Arcaro, C. Fenoglio, F. Sorrentino, M. Mercurio, A.M. Pietroboni, G. Giardinieri, F. Triulzi
A “glympse” into neurodegeneration: Diffusion MRI and cerebrospinal fluid aquaporin‐4 for the assessment of glymphatic system in Alzheimer's disease and other dementias
2024 L. Sacchi, F. D'Agata, C. Campisi, M. Arcaro, T. Carandini, B. Örzsik, V.P. Dal Maschio, C. Fenoglio, A.M. Pietroboni, L. Ghezzi, M. Serpente, M. Pintus, G. Conte, F. Triulzi, L. Lopiano, D. Galimberti, M. Cercignani, M. Bozzali, A. Arighi
Inflammatory plasma profile in genetic symptomatic and presymptomatic Frontotemporal Dementia − A GENFI study
2024 C. Fenoglio, M. Serpente, M. Arcaro, T. Carandini, L. Sacchi, M. Pintus, E. Rotondo, V. Borracci, L. Ghezzi, A. Bouzigues, L.L. Russell, P.H. Foster, E. Ferry-Bolder, J.C. van Swieten, L.C. Jiskoot, H. Seelaar, R. Sánchez Valle, R. Laforce, C. Graff, R. Vandenberghe, A. de Mendonça, P. Tiraboschi, I. Santana, A. Gerhard, J. Levin, S. Sorbi, M. Otto, F. Pasquier, S. Ducharme, C.R. Butler, I.L. Ber, E. Finger, M. Carmela Tartaglia, M. Masellis, J.B. Rowe, M. Synofzik, F. Moreno, B. Borroni, J.D. Rohrer, A. Arighi, D. Galimberti
Long Non-Coding RNA Profile in Genetic Symptomatic and Presymptomatic Frontotemporal Dementia: A GENFI Study
2024 M. Serpente, N. Null, C. Fenoglio, M. Arcaro, T. Carandini, L. Sacchi, M. Pintus, E. Rotondo, V. Borracci, L. Ghezzi, A. Bouzigues, L.L. Russell, P.H. Foster, E. Ferry-Bolder, J.C. van Swieten, L.C. Jiskoot, H. Seelaar, R. Sánchez Valle, R. Laforce, C. Graff, R. Vandenberghe, A. de Mendonça, P. Tiraboschi, I. Santana, A. Gerhard, J. Levin, S. Sorbi, M. Otto, F. Pasquier, S. Ducharme, C.R. Butler, I. Le Ber, E. Finger, M.C. Tartaglia, M. Masellis, J.B. Rowe, M. Synofzik, F. Moreno, B. Borroni, J.D. Rohrer, A. Arighi, D. Galimberti
Utility of visual rating scales in primary progressive aphasia
2024 N. Falgàs, L. Sacchi, T. Carandini, N. Montagut, G. Conte, F. Triulzi, D. Galimberti, A. Arighi, R. Sanchez-Valle, G.G. Fumagalli
Banks of the Superior Temporal Sulcus in Alzheimer's Disease: A Pilot Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping Study
2023 L. Sacchi, V.E. Contarino, S. Siggillino, T. Carandini, G.G. Fumagalli, A.M. Pietroboni, M. Arcaro, C. Fenoglio, E. Orunesu, M. Castellani, S. Casale, G. Conte, C. Liu, F. Triulzi, D. Galimberti, E. Scarpini, A. Arighi
Association between enlarged perivascular spaces and cerebrospinal fluid aquaporin-4 and tau levels: report from a memory clinic
2023 L. Sacchi, M. Arcaro, T. Carandini, A.M. Pietroboni, G.G. Fumagalli, C. Fenoglio, M. Serpente, F. Sorrentino, C. Visconte, M. Pintus, G. Conte, V.E. Contarino, E. Scarpini, F. Triulzi, D. Galimberti, A. Arighi
Unravelling the Association Between Amyloid-PET and Cerebrospinal Fluid Biomarkers in the Alzheimer's Disease Spectrum: Who Really Deserves an A+?
2022 L. Sacchi, T. Carandini, G.G. Fumagalli, A.M. Pietroboni, V.E. Contarino, S. Siggillino, M. Arcaro, C. Fenoglio, F. Zito, G. Marotta, M. Castellani, F. Triulzi, D. Galimberti, E. Scarpini, A. Arighi
Teaching Neuroimage: Crowned Dens Syndrome, an Acute Attack of Calcium Pyrophosphate Deposition Disease Mimicking Acute Meningitis
2022 A. Francia, G. Conte, G. Platania, A. Arighi, A.M. Pietroboni, G.G. Fumagalli, S. Floro, E. Scarpini, D. Galimberti, M.C. Saetti, T. Carandini
Aquaporin-4 cerebrospinal fluid levels are higher in neurodegenerative dementia: looking at glymphatic system dysregulation
2022 A. Arighi, M. Arcaro, G.G. Fumagalli, T. Carandini, A.M. Pietroboni, L. Sacchi, C. Fenoglio, M. Serpente, F. Sorrentino, G. Isgrò, F. Turkheimer, E. Scarpini, D. Galimberti
Role of Chitinase 3-like 1 as a Biomarker in Multiple Sclerosis: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
2022 S. Floro, T. Carandini, A.M. Pietroboni, M.A. De Riz, E. Scarpini, D. Galimberti
miR-150-5p and let-7b-5p in Blood Myeloid Extracellular Vesicles Track Cognitive Symptoms in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis
2022 F. Scaroni, C. Visconte, M. Serpente, M.T. Golia, M. Gabrielli, M. Huiskamp, H.E. Hulst, T. Carandini, M. De Riz, A. Pietroboni, E. Rotondo, E. Scarpini, D. Galimberti, C.E. Teunissen, M. van Dam, B.A. de Jong, C. Fenoglio, C. Verderio
Clinical features and disease course of patients with acute ischaemic stroke just before the Italian index case: Was COVID-19 already there?
2021 A.M. Pietroboni, S. Lanfranconi, A. Novella, T. Carandini, A. Arighi, E. Abati, R. Brusa, G. Costamagna, G. Lazzeri, E. Mauri, M. Pozzato, L. Sacchi, G. Valcamonica, D. Villa, S. Bonato, G.P. Comi, N. Bresolin, D. Galimberti, E. Scarpini, A. Nobili
Niemann-Pick Type C 1 (NPC1) and NPC2 gene variability in demented patients with evidence of brain amyloid deposition
2021 F. Sorrentino, A. Arighi, M. Serpente, B. Arosio, M. Arcaro, C. Visconte, E. Rotondo, R. Vimercati, E. Ferri, G.G. Fumagalli, A.M. Pietroboni, T. Carandini, E. Scarpini, C. Fenoglio, D. Galimberti
In vivo evidence of functional disconnection between brainstem monoaminergic nuclei and brain networks in multiple sclerosis
2021 T. Carandini, M. Mancini, I. Bogdan, C.L. Rae, A.W. Barritt, M. Clerico, A. Sethi, N. Harrison, W. Rashid, E. Scarpini, D. Galimberti, M. Bozzali, M. Cercignani
The distinct roles of monoamines in multiple sclerosis: A bridge between the immune and nervous systems?
2021 T. Carandini, M. Cercignani, D. Galimberti, E. Scarpini, M. Bozzali
Diogenes syndrome in dementia: a case report
2021 L. Sacchi, E. Rotondo, S. Pozzoli, A. Fiorentini, G. Schinco, C. Mandelli, C. Coppola, G.G. Fumagalli, T. Carandini, A.M. Pietroboni, D. Galimberti, F. Triulzi, G. Marotta, E. Scarpini, M. Cesari, P. Brambilla, A. Arighi
Evidence of retinal anterograde neurodegeneration in the very early stages of multiple sclerosis: a longitudinal OCT study
2020 A.M. Pietroboni, T. Carandini, L. Dell'Arti, F. Bovis, A. Colombi, M.A. De Riz, E. Casazza, E. Scola, C. Fenoglio, A. Arighi, G.G. Fumagalli, F. Triulzi, D. Galimberti, F. Viola, E. Scarpini
Low CSF β-amyloid levels predict early regional grey matter atrophy in multiple sclerosis [Low CSF beta-amyloid levels predict early regional grey matter atrophy in multiple sclerosis]
2020 A.M. Pietroboni, A. Colombi, T. Carandini, V.E. Contarino, L. Ghezzi, G.G. Fumagalli, A. Arighi, C. Fenoglio, M.A. De Riz, F. Triulzi, E. Scarpini, D. Galimberti
Alemtuzumab in multiple sclerosis during the COVID-19 pandemic: A mild uncomplicated infection despite intense immunosuppression
2020 T. Carandini, A.M. Pietroboni, L. Sacchi, M.A. De Riz, M. Pozzato, A. Arighi, G.G. Fumagalli, F. Martinelli Boneschi, D. Galimberti, E. Scarpini