Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche e Cliniche
Impact of Maternal Environment and Inflammation on Fetal Neurodevelopment
2024 C. Lubrano, F. Parisi, I. Cetin
Associations between Maternal Nutritional Status, Hemodynamic Parameters, and Delivery Outcomes in Low-Risk Pregnancies: A Prospective Observational Study
2024 C. Lubrano, F. Parisi, C. Coco, E. Marelli, E. Burello, I. Cetin
Universal serological screening for Parvovirus B19 in pregnancy during European epidemic
2024 I. Cetin, B. Tassis, F. Parisi, V. Parodi, V. Romagnoli, G. Giacomel
A real-life prospective blinded evaluation of placental biometry and macroscopic morphology from 1008 unselected consecutive pregnancies
2024 C. Tasca, F. Parisi, M. Zambon, S. Bonato, M. Bombelli, R.S. Rossi, E. Caselli, D. Petrella, M. Nebuloni, I. Cetin
The pathophysiological role of estrogens in the initial stages of pregnancy: molecular mechanisms and clinical implications for pregnancy outcome from the periconceptional period to end of the first trimester
2023 F. Parisi, C. Fenizia, A. Introini, A. Zavatta, C. Scaccabarozzi, M. Biasin, V. Savasi
Characterization of Maternal Circulating MicroRNAs in Obese Pregnancies and Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
2023 A. Serati, C. Novielli, G.M. Anelli, M. Mandalari, F. Parisi, I. Cetin, R. Paleari, C. Mando
Prospective multicentre Italian pregnancy cohort study (SIMPLE) on the associations of maternal first trimester SIMPLE nutritional score with early placental function markers and pregnancy outcomes
2022 F. Parisi, C. Coco, I. Cetin, V. Savasi, M. Vignali, N. Di Simone, F. Petraglia, G.C. Di Renzo, C. Benedetto, F. Facchinetti, R. D’Anna, A. Spinillo, P. Greco, T. Simoncini, A. Lanzone, L. Nappi, M. Franchi, E. Cicinelli, N. Colacurci, F. Zullo, S. Angioni, S. Guerriero, M. Guido
Associations between Maternal Dietary Patterns, Biomarkers and Delivery Outcomes in Healthy Singleton Pregnancies: Multicenter Italian GIFt Study
2022 G.M. Anelli, F. Parisi, L. Sarno, O. Fornaciari, A. Carlea, C. Coco, M. Della Porta, N. Mollo, P.M. Villa, M. Guida, R. Cazzola, E. Troiano, M. Pasotti, G. Volpi, L. Vetrani, M. Maione, I. Cetin
Obesity, Pregnancy and the Social Contract with Today's Adolescents
2022 C. Berti, S. Elahi, P. Catalano, Z.A. Bhutta, M.B. Krawinkel, F. Parisi, C. Agostoni, I. Cetin, M. Hanson
MiRNA profiling in plasma and placenta of SARS-CoV-2-infected pregnant women
2021 I. Saulle, M. Garziano, C. Fenizia, G. Cappelletti, F. Parisi, M. Clerici, I. Cetin, V. Savasi, M. Biasin
Unlikely SARS-CoV-2 Transmission During Vaginal Delivery
2021 C. Fenizia, I. Saulle, M. Di Giminiani, C. Vanetti, D. Trabattoni, F. Parisi, M. Biasin, V. Savasi
The use of biological agents in pregnant women affected by autoimmune disorders : Why we need more research of this neglected area
2021 C. Carnovale, F. Parisi, V. Battini, A. Zavatta, S. Cheli, D. Cattaneo, M. Gringeri, G. Mosini, G. Guarnieri, G. Cammarata, I. Cetin
Placental antioxidant defenses and autophagy-related genes in maternal obesity and gestational diabetes mellitus
2021 C. Diceglie, G.M. Anelli, C. Martelli, A. Serati, A. Lo Dico, F. Lisso, F. Parisi, C. Novielli, R. Paleari, I. Cetin, L. Ottobrini, C. Mando'
Maternal low-grade chronic inflammation and intrauterine programming of health and disease
2021 F. Parisi, R. Milazzo, V.M. Savasi, I. Cetin
Clinical findings and disease severity in hospitalized pregnant women with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
2020 V.M. Savasi, F. Parisi, L. Patane, E. Ferrazzi, L. Frigerio, A. Pellegrino, A. Spinillo, S. Tateo, M. Ottoboni, P. Veronese, F. Petraglia, P. Vergani, F. Facchinetti, D. Spazzini, I. Cetin
Associations between first trimester maternal nutritional score, early markers of placental function, and pregnancy outcome
2020 F. Parisi, V.M. Savasi, I. Di Bartolo, L. Mandia, I. Cetin
Effects of highly active antiretroviral therapy on semen parameters of a cohort of 770 HIV-1 infected men
2019 V. Savasi, F. Parisi, M. Oneta, A. Laoreti, B. Parrilla, P. Duca, I. Cetin
Effect of human embryonic morphological development on fetal growth parameters: the Rotterdam Periconceptional Cohort (Predict Study)
2019 F. Parisi, M. Rousian, A.H.J. Koning, S.P. Willemsen, E.A.P. Steegers, R.P.M. Steegers-Theunissen
Micronutrient supplementation in pregnancy: Who, what and how much?
2019 F. Parisi, I. di Bartolo, V.M. Savasi, I. Cetin
Preoperative and postoperative ultrasound assessment of stress urinary incontinence
2019 P. Antonazzo, I. Di Bartolo, F. Parisi, I. Cetin, V.M. Savasi