Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche e Cliniche
The pathophysiological role of estrogens in the initial stages of pregnancy: molecular mechanisms and clinical implications for pregnancy outcome from the periconceptional period to end of the first trimester
2023 F. Parisi, C. Fenizia, A. Introini, A. Zavatta, C. Scaccabarozzi, M. Biasin, V. Savasi
Natural SARS-CoV-2 Infection Affects Neutralizing Activity in Saliva of Vaccinees
2022 M. Garziano, O. Utyro, M. Poliseno, T.A. Santantonio, I. Saulle, S. Strizzi, S. Lo Caputo, M. Clerici, A. Introini, M. Biasin
The progestin medroxyprogesterone acetate affects hiv-1 production in human lymphoid tissue explants in a dose-dependent and glucocorticoid-like fashion
2021 C. Vanpouille, G. Gunaydin, M. Jangard, M. Clerici, L. Margolis, K. Broliden, A. Introini
Chemical Strategies for Evaluating New Drug Targets
2020 A.J. Carter, R. Seupel, P.E. Brennan, M. Sundström, A. Introini, A. Mueller-Fahrnow
Histoculture and infection with HIV of functional human lymphoid tissue on Gelfoam®
2018 A. Introini, W. Fitzgerald, C. Vanpouille, L. Margolis
Ex vivo infection of human lymphoid tissue and female genital mucosa with human immunodeficiency virus 1 and histoculture
2018 A. Introini, C. Vanpouille, W. Fitzgerald, K. Broliden, L. Margolis
Human immunodeficiency virus-infected women have high numbers of CD103- CD8+ T Cells Residing Close to the Basal Membrane of the Ectocervical Epithelium
2018 A. Gibbs, M. Buggert, G. Edfeldt, P. Ranefall, A. Introini, S. Cheuk, E. Martini, L. Eidsmo, T.B. Ball, J. Kimani, R. Kaul, A.C. Karlsson, C. Wahlby, K. Broliden, A. Tjernlund
The vaginal microbiome amplifies sex hormone-associated cyclic changes in cervicovaginal inflammation and epithelial barrier disruption
2018 F. Bradley, K. Birse, K. Hasselrot, L. Noel-Romas, A. Introini, H. Wefer, M. Seifert, L. Engstrand, A. Tjernlund, K. Broliden, A.D. Burgener
MAIT cells reside in the female genital mucosa and are biased towards IL-17 and IL-22 production in response to bacterial stimulation
2017 A. Gibbs, E. Leeansyah, A. Introini, D. Paquin-Proulx, K. Hasselrot, E. Andersson, K. Broliden, J.K. Sandberg, A. Tjernlund
CD49a Expression Defines Tissue-Resident CD8+ T Cells Poised for Cytotoxic Function in Human Skin
2017 S. Cheuk, H. Schlums, I. Gallais Serezal, E. Martini, S.C. Chiang, N. Marquardt, A. Gibbs, E. Detlofsson, A. Introini, M. Forkel, C. Hoog, A. Tjernlund, J. Michaelsson, L. Folkersen, J. Mjosberg, L. Blomqvist, M. Ehrstrom, M. Stahle, Y.T. Bryceson, L. Eidsmo
Seminal plasma induces inflammation and enhances HIV-1 replication in human cervical tissue explants
2017 A. Introini, S. Bostrom, F. Bradley, A. Gibbs, A. Glaessgen, A. Tjernlund, K. Broliden
Blood pressure regulation by CD4+ lymphocytes expressing choline acetyltransferase
2016 P.S. Olofsson, B.E. Steinberg, R. Sobbi, M.A. Cox, M.N. Ahmed, M. Oswald, F. Szekeres, W.M. Hanes, A. Introini, S.F. Liu, N.E. Holodick, T.L. Rothstein, C. Lovdahl, S.S. Chavan, H. Yang, V.A. Pavlov, K. Broliden, U. Andersson, B. Diamond, E.J. Miller, A. Arner, P.K. Gregersen, P.H. Backx, T.W. Mak, K.J. Tracey
Distinct cytokine/chemokine network in semen and blood characterize different stages of HIV infection
2016 C. Vanpouille, A. Introini, S.R. Morris, L. Margolis, E.S. Daar, M.P. Dube, S.J. Little, D.M. Smith, A. Lisco, S. Gianella
Innate invariant NKT cell recognition of HIV-1-infected dendritic cells is an early detection mechanism targeted by viral immune evasion
2016 D. Paquin-Proulx, A. Gibbs, S.M. Bachle, A. Checa, A. Introini, E. Leeansyah, C.E. Wheelock, D.F. Nixon, K. Broliden, A. Tjernlund, M. Moll, J.K. Sandberg
Progesterone-based intrauterine device use is associated with a thinner apical layer of the human ectocervical epithelium and a lower ZO-1 mRNA expression
2015 A. Tjernlund, A.M. Carias, S. Andersson, S. Gustafsson-Sanchez, M. Rohl, P. Petersson, A. Introini, T.J. Hope, K. Broliden
Depot medroxyprogesterone acetate use is associated with elevated innate immune effector molecules in cervicovaginal secretions of HIV-1-uninfected women
2015 B.L. Guthrie, A. Introini, A.C. Roxby, R.Y. Choi, R. Bosire, B. Lohman-Payne, T. Hirbod, C. Farquhar, K. Broliden
HIV Transmission in Female Commercial Sex Workers and Host Protective Factors
2014 K. Broliden, A. Introini, A. Burgener
Expression Profiles of Antimicrobial Peptides in the Genital Tract of Women Using Progesterone Intrauterine Devices Versus Combined Oral Contraceptives
2014 A. Introini, T. Kaldensjo, T. Hirbod, M. Rohl, A. Tjernlund, S. Andersson, K. Broliden
2013 A. Introini
A Multi-targeted Drug Candidate with Dual Anti-HIV and Anti-HSV Activity
2013 J. Balzarini, G. Andrei, E. Balestra, D. Huskens, C. Vanpouille, A. Introini, S. Zicari, S. Liekens, R. Snoeck, A. Holy, C.-. Perno, L. Margolis, D. Schols