Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie e Ambientali - Produzione, Territorio, Agroenergia
Miniaturize proximal sensor for medium-sized fruit senescence
2024 A. Pampuri, V. Giovenzana, A. Tugnolo, S. Vignati, M. Menegon, A. Casson, A.D. Narote, R. Beghi, R. Guidetti
Testing of ultrasonic vibration to speed up the remuage operation in sparkling wine production
2024 A. Tugnolo, R. Beghi, V. Giovenzana, A. Pampuri, S.V. Marai, A. Casson, E. Ferrari, R. Guidetti
Soluzioni ottiche intelligenti: valutazione dei benefici ambientali
2023 A. Casson, R. Beghi, A.D. Narote, A. Pampuri, S. Vignati, A. Tugnolo, V. Giovenzana, R. Guidetti
Development of a cost-effective prototype to monitor the must fermentation process: first tests in lab-scale
2023 A. Tugnolo, V. Giovenzana, A. Pampuri, S. Vignati, D. Fracassetti, A. Altomare, A. Casson, R. Guidetti, R. Beghi
Development of a cost-effective hyperspectral camera for food quality monitoring
2023 S. Vignati, A. Tugnolo, A. Pampuri, M. Menegon, A. Casson, R. Beghi, R. Guidetti, V. Giovenzana
Environmental performance comparison among a vis/NIR benchtop device, a cost-effective vis/NIR portable device, and wet-chem analyses for the assessment of grape (Vitis vinifera L.) quality parameters
2023 R. Beghi, A. Casson, A. Pampuri, A. Tugnolo, S. Vignati, R. Guidetti, V. Giovenzana
Measurement of qualitative parameters of grapes during the final stages of ripening using vis/NIR spectroscopy: application in real scale conditions in wineries
2023 A. Pampuri, A. Tugnolo, S. Vignati, M. Menegon, A. Casson, R. Beghi, R. Guidetti, V. Giovenzana
Hyperspectral Imaging for Fresh-Cut Fruit and Vegetable Quality Assessment: Basic Concepts and Applications
2023 S. Vignati, A. Tugnolo, V. Giovenzana, A. Pampuri, A. Casson, R. Guidetti, R. Beghi
Eco‐Design Influence on the Life Cycle Assessment of Frozen Cauliflower Gnocchi: A Comprehensive Cradle‐to‐Grave Analysis
2023 A. Casson, V. Giovenzana, A. Pampuri, M. Zambelli, S. Contiero, A. Tugnolo, A.D. Narote, R. Beghi, R. Guidetti
Simplified environmental impact tools for agri-food system: A systematic review on trends and future prospective
2023 A. Casson, M. Zambelli, V. Giovenzana, A. Tugnolo, A. Pampuri, S. Vignati, R. Beghi, R. Guidetti
Is there mutual methodology among the environmental impact assessment studies of wine production chain? A systematic review
2023 M. Zambelli, V. Giovenzana, A. Casson, A. Tugnolo, A. Pampuri, S. Vignati, R. Beghi, R. Guidetti
Grape-HAND: a smart optical prototype for measuring grapes’ qualitative parameters
2022 A. Pampuri, V. Giovenzana, A. Tugnolo, A. Casson, S. Vignati, R. Guidetti, R. Beghi
Development of a cost-effective IoT hyperspectral device for distributed and autonomous monitoring of vine crops
2022 A. Tugnolo, V. Giovenzana, S. Vignati, A. Pampuri, A. Casson, M. Zambelli, R. Guidetti, R. Beghi
Optimization of the Olive Production Chain through Optical Techniques and Development of New Cost-Effective Optical Systems Inspired by Agriculture 4.0
2022 V. Giovenzana, A. Pampuri, A. Tugnolo, A. Casson, R. Guidetti, R. Beghi
2022 R. Guidetti, R. Beghi, V. Giovenzana, A. Tugnolo, A. Casson, A. Pampuri, F. Torta, F. Molteni, M. Bonino
Grape polyphenol content prediction through vis/NIR spectroscopy in a view of real time application at winery consignment
2022 A. Pampuri, A. Tugnolo, V. Giovenzana, S. Vignati, A. Casson, M. Zambelli, R. Beghi, R. Guidetti
Environmental Performance Comparison Between Optical and Wet-chem Analyses to Assess Quality Parameters of Grape (Vitis vinifera L.)
2022 M. Zambelli, R. Beghi, A. Casson, A. Pampuri, A. Tugnolo, R. Guidetti, V. Giovenzana
Smart-HAND: a low-cost and portable visible/Near Infrared prototype for measuring qualitative parameters of fruits
2022 S. Vignati, A. Pampuri, A. Tugnolo, V. Giovenzana, A. Casson, M. Zambelli, R. Guidetti, R. Beghi
L’utilizzo di tecniche ottiche speditive per l’analisi rapida di vini di pregio
2022 A. Pampuri, A. Tugnolo, R. Beghi, A. Casson, A. Magno, V. Giovenzana, R. Guidetti
Misurare il contenuto di polifenoli in real time
2022 A. Pampuri, A. Tugnolo, R. Beghi, V. Giovenzana, S. Vignati, A. Casson, M. Zambelli, R. Guidetti