Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 5.942
NA - Nord America 3.080
AS - Asia 1.695
SA - Sud America 90
OC - Oceania 15
AF - Africa 8
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 3
Totale 10.833
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 3.054
IT - Italia 2.126
GB - Regno Unito 1.556
CN - Cina 748
SE - Svezia 581
DE - Germania 526
SG - Singapore 420
RU - Federazione Russa 282
FR - Francia 193
UA - Ucraina 169
IN - India 155
IE - Irlanda 137
KR - Corea 103
TR - Turchia 100
FI - Finlandia 81
EU - Europa 76
NL - Olanda 75
DK - Danimarca 66
CO - Colombia 43
JP - Giappone 38
ID - Indonesia 36
HK - Hong Kong 32
RO - Romania 30
GR - Grecia 25
BE - Belgio 24
CH - Svizzera 24
BR - Brasile 19
ES - Italia 19
VN - Vietnam 19
CA - Canada 18
CL - Cile 10
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 10
PE - Perù 8
IR - Iran 7
HU - Ungheria 6
IL - Israele 6
NO - Norvegia 6
AU - Australia 5
EC - Ecuador 5
MX - Messico 5
TW - Taiwan 5
BD - Bangladesh 4
PH - Filippine 4
AR - Argentina 3
CR - Costa Rica 3
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 3
PK - Pakistan 3
PL - Polonia 3
SC - Seychelles 3
TH - Thailandia 3
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 2
AT - Austria 2
HR - Croazia 2
KE - Kenya 2
LK - Sri Lanka 2
MN - Mongolia 2
MY - Malesia 2
NP - Nepal 2
PT - Portogallo 2
RS - Serbia 2
VE - Venezuela 2
ZA - Sudafrica 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
BG - Bulgaria 1
GH - Ghana 1
IQ - Iraq 1
JO - Giordania 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
LT - Lituania 1
Totale 10.908
Città #
Southend 1.425
Milan 451
Chandler 326
Singapore 302
Seattle 210
Mountain View 178
Princeton 166
Wilmington 162
Beijing 148
Ashburn 144
Dublin 132
Jacksonville 132
Santa Clara 106
Fairfield 104
Sunnyvale 97
Ann Arbor 87
Dearborn 80
Redmond 76
Nanjing 72
Houston 71
Woodbridge 68
Rome 58
Turin 58
Serra 57
Cambridge 55
Jinan 55
Bengaluru 53
Des Moines 50
New York 46
Andover 43
Boardman 41
Phoenix 41
Medford 40
Bogotá 39
Sakarya 39
Roxbury 37
Somerville 36
Brescia 32
Redwood City 32
Grafing 31
Shenyang 31
Fuzhou 28
Padova 26
Pisa 26
Florence 25
Saint Petersburg 25
Jakarta 24
Bologna 22
Hong Kong 22
Nanchang 22
Pune 22
Shanghai 22
Bad Kreuznach 20
Hebei 20
Helsinki 20
Trieste 20
Changsha 19
Athens 18
Guangzhou 18
Brussels 17
Berlin 16
Catania 16
Geisenheim 16
Istanbul 16
Nürnberg 16
Tianjin 16
Verona 16
Cardano 15
Hangzhou 15
Zhengzhou 15
Hanoi 14
Horia 14
Udine 14
Kiez 13
Kunming 13
Ningbo 13
Bühl 12
Dallas 12
Falls Church 12
Torino 12
Fremont 11
Lanzhou 11
Segrate 11
Zurich 11
Eitensheim 10
Los Angeles 10
Quanzhou 10
Scranton 10
Seoul 10
Taizhou 10
Wageningen 10
Ferrara 9
Napoli 9
San Diego 9
Taiyuan 9
Bari 8
Boulder 8
London 8
Reggio Emilia 8
Cassano D'adda 7
Totale 6.302
Nome #
Cover crop: schede tecniche per la coltivazione 510
Impiego delle cover crop nella coltivazione del mais 425
Inerbimento del vigneto con specie autoriseminanti 360
Come fertilizzare con il digestato 299
Sensitivity analysis of six soil organic matter models applied to the decomposition of animal manures and crop residues 297
Near infrared monitoring of mineralisation of liquid dairy manure in agricultural soils 261
Assessing the Reliability of Thermal and Optical Imaging Techniques for Detecting Crop Water Status under Different Nitrogen Levels 247
Effect of the reduction of nutrient solution concentration on leafy vegetables quality grown in floating system 231
Analisi rapida dei liquami bovini tramite spettroscopia nel vicino infrarosso: risultati ottenuti su un campione di 101 liquami eterogenei raccolti in allevamenti lombardi 221
Coltivazione in floating system degli ortaggi baby leaf : rese e qualità 221
Estimation of the properties of heterogeneous soils on a multiregional scale in Italy using near infrared spectroscopy and LOCAL calibration procedures 219
Effect of nitrogen fertilization levels on melon fruit quality at the harvest time and during storage 215
Changes in the pyruvic acid content correlates with phenotype traits in onion clones 202
Applicabilità della spettroscopia NIR per la caratterizzazione analitica delle torbe 195
Fertilizzazione delle insalate baby leaf 190
Modellizzazione del ruscellamento, dell’erosione e della qualità del deflusso in ambiente collinare 179
Severity of respiratory failure at admission and in-hospital mortality in patients with COVID-19: a prospective observational multicentre study 178
Near infrared spectral analysis of cattle slurries from Lombardy (Northern Italy) breeding farms 175
Gene Expression Biomarkers for Evaluating Nitrogen Nutritional Status in Rice 174
La fertirrigazione azotata del melone in coltura semiforzata 169
Effect of nitrogen fertilization on nitrate content of lettuce cultivated as baby leaf 168
Statistiche descrittive e analisi di regressione tra le variabili compositive di un esteso campione di liquami bovini raccolti in Lombardia 167
Carbon and nitrogen mineralization of raw and separated, digested animal manures 157
Agronomic and Environmental Benefits of Cover Crops in Northern Italy 152
Optimization of the ICBM/2 soil organic matter simulation model using C respiration and near infrared data 146
Mineralizzazione della sostanza organica di letami bovini 143
Use of spectral and thermal imaging sensors to monitor crop water and nitrogen status 143
Fertilisation with digested manure from biogas plants : a methodological proposal at the district scale 141
Analisi della sensibilità e calibrazione multi-obiettivo di un modello per la mineralizzazione di reflui zootecnici 139
Definizione e mappatura dell’impatto idrometeorico per lo studio degli effetti sul suolo 139
Nitrogen fertilization in rice : efficiency and dynamics of mineral nitrogen 138
Carbon mineralisation of liquid dairy manures in soils of different texture : measurements and modelling 138
Valutazione di metodi NIRS per la caratterizzazione rapida dei reflui a basso contenuto in sostanza secca 138
Carbon and nitrogen dynamics in soils under repeated manure applications : preliminary results 135
Proceedings of the 16th Nitrogen Workshop : Connecting different scales of nitrogen use in agriculture 134
Valutazione di quattro tipologie di spettroscopi NIR nell’analisi dei liquami bovini 133
Dinamica del 15N a seguito di incorporazione nel terreno di stocchi di mais e liquame suino tal quale e digerito 132
Utilizzo della spettroscopia NIR per la determinazione del contenuto di azoto nelle foglie fresche di mais 131
Application of a low-cost camera on a UAV to estimate maize nitrogen-related variables 130
Description of a Sample of Liquid Dairy Manures and Relationships Between Analytical Variables 129
Sensitivity analysis of C and N modules in biogeochemical crop and grassland models following manure addition to soil 129
Can a unique model simulate C and N dynamics of different liquid dairy manures ? 127
Nitrogen fertiliser value of digested dairy cow slurry, its liquid and solid fractions, and of dairy cow slurry 125
Evaluation of in-season management zones from high-resolution soil and plant sensors 125
Study of transcriptional regulation of nitrate accumulation in leaves of spinach 123
Short-Term Nitrogen Fertilizing Value of Liquid Dairy Manures is Mainly Due to Ammonium 122
Efficienza dell' azoto a confronto tra concime minerale e reflui 122
Does remote and proximal optical sensing successfully estimate maize variables? A review 121
Mineralisation of liquid dairy manures in soils of different textures: Measurements and modelling 120
A greenhouse experiment for the identification of spectral indices for crop water and nitrogen status assessment 119
Fe-deficiency in soybean roots : metabolic implications 117
Soil fertility monitoring project : a tool for improving the fertilization plan 117
NIR determination of Cation Exchange Capacity and Exchangeable Cations of Italian Corn Areas Soils 114
Iron deficiency differently affects metabolic responses in soybean roots 112
Dinamiche di mineralizzazione del C e dell'N dopo ripetute applicazioni di liquame : risultati preliminari 111
Sensitivity analysis and multi-objective calibration of a manure mineralization model 109
Metabolic responses to Fe deficiency in soybean roots: are there different Strategy I mechanisms? 108
Poinsettia in vaso, l'influenza della tecnica di irrigazione 104
Hyperspectral imaging of spinach canopy under combined water and nitrogen stress to estimate biomass, water, and nitrogen content 104
Carbon and nitrogen residual effects after repeated applications 103
Effetti Residui Del Liquame Bovino Dopo Applicazioni Ripetute 100
Determination of nitrogen concentration in pig slurries using NIR spectroscopy 98
Measuring and modeling soil carbon respiration following repeated dairy slurry application 96
Preliminary study on the use of NIR spectroscopy to determine nitrogen content in fresh leaves of corn 91
CO2 emissions and mineral nitrogen dynamics following application to soil of undigested liquid cattle manure and digestates 88
Growth, weed control, and nitrogen uptake of winter‐killed cover crops, and their effects on maize in conservation agriculture 87
Measurement and simulation of soluble, exchangeable, and non-exchangeable ammonium in three soils 86
Fissazione dell’ammonio nei minerali argillosi dopo l’applicazione di liquami bovini al suolo 85
Nitrogen recovery of a digested dairy cow slurry, its liquid and solid fractions, and of a dairy cow slurry 84
Nitrogen availability after repeated additions of raw and anaerobically digested 15N-labelled pig slurry 83
Nitrogen fertilizer replacement value of undigested liquid cattle manure and digestates 75
Soil mineral nitrogen dynamics following repeated application of dairy slurry 69
Simulation with models of increasing complexity of CO2 emissions and nitrogen mineralisation, after soil application of labelled pig slurry and maize stalks 66
Evaluation of four NIR spectrometers in the analysis of cattle slurry 59
Improved estimation of herbaceous crop aboveground biomass using UAV-derived crop height combined with vegetation indices 58
Interventi sulle caratteristiche chimiche e biologiche del suolo: fertilizzazione 44
Site‑specific recommendations of cattle manure nitrogen and urea for silage maize 39
Soil invertebrate biodiversity and functionality within the intensively farmed areas of the Po Valley 18
Il ruolo della data di semina per il successo delle cover crop 12
Early sowing dates and pre-plant nitrogen affect autumn weed control and nitrogen content of winter cover crops in rotation with spring crops 9
Totale 11.480
Categoria #
all - tutte 28.382
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 28.382

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020889 0 0 0 0 0 110 167 88 242 189 66 27
2020/20211.335 59 80 79 40 98 201 93 101 183 125 231 45
2021/20221.116 79 59 48 58 68 62 110 58 91 124 96 263
2022/20231.686 228 164 177 181 168 290 57 135 169 30 60 27
2023/20241.003 44 73 67 64 201 101 38 55 34 69 116 141
2024/2025921 92 244 50 264 192 79 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 11.480