DIPARTIMENTO DI MEDICINA, CHIRURGIA E ODONTOIATRIA (attivo dal 01/01/1999 al 26/04/2012)
Suggestive evidence on the involvement of polypyrimidine-tract binding protein in regulating alternative splicing of MAP/microtubule affinity-regulating kinase 4 in glioma
2015 L. Fontana, D. Rovina, C. Novielli, E. Maffioli, G. Tedeschi, I. Magnani, L. Larizza
Microtubule-associated protein/microtubule affinity-regulating kinase 4 (MARK4) plays a role in cell cycle progression and cytoskeletal dynamics
2014 D. Rovina, L. Fontana, L. Monti, C. Novielli, N. Panini, S.M. Sirchia, E. Erba, I. Magnani, L. Larizza
Differential signature of the centrosomal MARK4 isoforms in glioma
2011 I. Magnani, C. Novielli, L. Fontana, S. Tabano, D. Rovina, R.F. Moroni, D. Bauer, S. Mazzoleni, E.A. Colombo, G. Tedeschi, L. Monti, G. Porta, S. Bosari, C. Frassoni, R. Galli, L. Bello, L. Larizza
Role of the centrosomal MARK4 protein in gliomagenesis
2011 I. Magnani, C. Novielli, L. Larizza
2010 G. Negri, C. Gervasini, F. Mottadelli, S. Ronzoni, I. Magnani, F. Rossella, M. Venturin, P. Riva, P. Pelicci, L. Larizza
MARK4 : a tricky balance of L and S isoforms rules glial differentiation and glioma progression
2010 I. Magnani, C. Novielli, S. Tabano, L. Fontana, R.F. Moroni, E.A. Colombo, L. Monti, L. Bello, D. Bauer, S. Mazzoleni, R. Galli, G. Porta, C. Frassoni, L. Larizza
Differential cytogenomics and miRNA signature of the Acute Myeloid Leukaemia Kasumi-1 cell line CD34(+)38(-) compartment
2010 L. Pedranzini, F. Mottadelli, S. Ronzoni, F. Rossella, M. Ferracin, I. Magnani, G. Roversi, P. Colapietro, M. Negrini, P.G. Pelicci, L. Larizza
Multiple localization of endogenous MARK4L protein in human glioma
2009 I. Magnani, C. Novielli, M. Bellini, G. Roversi, L. Bello, L. Larizza
Ukrain modulates glial fibrillary acidic protein, but not connexin 43 expression, and induces apoptosis in human cultured glioblastoma cells
2007 N. Gagliano, C. Moscheni, C. Torri, E. Donetti, I. Magnani, F. Costa, W. Nowicky, M. Gioia
Caveolin-1 expression is variably displayed in astroglial-derived tumors and absent in oligodendrogliomas: concrete premises for a new reliable diagnostic marker in gliomas.
2007 P. Cassoni, R. Senetta, I Castellano, E. Ortolan, M. Bosco, I. Magnani, A. Ducati
Effects of Ukrain on cultured human glioblastoma cells
2006 N. Gagliano, C. Moscheni, C. Torri, E. Donetti, I. Magnani, M. Gioia
Matrix metalloproteinase 2 (MMP-2) and Secreted Protein Acidic and Rich in Cysteine (SPARC) expression in human glioblastoma cells treated with Ukrain
2006 N. Gagliano, C. Moscheni, C. Torri, I. Magnani, W.L. Nowicky, M. Gioia
Rothmund-Thomson syndrome and RECQL4 defect : splitting and lumping
2006 L. Larizza, I. Magnani, G. Roversi
Identification of novel genomic markers related to progression to glioblastoma through genomic profiling of 25 primary glioma cell lines
2006 G. Roversi, R. Pfundt, R.F. Moroni, I. Magnani, S. van Reijmersdal, B. Pollo, H. Straatman, L. Larizza, E. Schoenmakers
Effect of resveratrol on matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) and secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine (SPARC) on human cultured glioblastoma cells
2005 N. Gagliano, C. Moscheni, C. Torri, I. Magnani, A. Bertelli, M.E. Gioia
Identification of oligodendroglioma specific chromosomal copy number changes in the glioblastoma MI-4 cell line by array-CGH and FISH analyses. [Erratum to document cited in CA144:085286]
2005 I. Magnani, F. Moroni Ramona, G. Roversi, A. Beghini, R. Pfundt, E.F. Schoenmakers, L. Larizza
STI 571 inhibition effect on KITAsn822Lys-mediated signal transduction cascade
2005 A. Beghini, M. Bellini, I. Magnani, P. Colapietro, R. Cairoli, E. Morra, L. Larizza
The Kasumi-1 cell line : a t(8;21)-kit mutant model for acute myeloid leukemia
2005 L. Larizza, I. Magnani, A. Beghini
The neural progenitor-restricted isoform of the MARK4 gene in 19q13.2 is upregulated in human gliomas and overexpressed in a subset of glioblastoma cell lines
2003 A. Beghini, I. Magnani, G. Roversi, T. Piepoli, S. Di Terlizzi, R.F. Moroni, B. Pollo, A.M. Fuhrman Conti, J.K. Cowell, G. Finocchiaro, L. Larizza
Amplification of a novel c-Kit activating mutation Asn(822)-Lys in the Kasumi-1 cell line: a t(8;21)-Kit mutant model for acute myeloid leukemia
2002 A. Beghini, I. Magnani, C.B. Ripamonti, L. Larizza