Dipartimento di Scienze della Salute
The HCN domain couples voltage gating and cAMP response in hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channels
2019 A. Porro, A. Saponaro, F. Gasparri, D. Bauer, C. Gross, M. Pisoni, G. Abbandonato, K. Hamacher, B. Santoro, G. Thiel, A. Moroni
Real-Time Ex-Vivo MR Image-Guided Dissection of Human Brain White-Matter: A Proof-of-Principle Study
2019 G. Bertolini, E. La Corte, D. Aquino, E. Greco, Z. Rossini, A. Cardia, F. Nicolosi, D. Bauer, M.G. Bruzzone, P. Ferroli, G. Serrao
An unusual case of tracheo-pleural fistula and cardiac metastases in oropharyngeal carcinoma: a case report and review of the literature
2016 D. Ferrari, C. Codecà, G. Viale, B. Bocci, F. Broggio, F. Crepaldi, M. Violati, A. Luciani, D. Bauer, L. Moneghini, G. Bulfamante, P. Foa, G. Viale
The lateral infratrigeminal transpontine window to deep pontine lesions
2015 P. Ferroli, M. Schiariti, R. Cordella, C. Boffano, S. Nava, E. La Corte, C. Cavallo, D. Bauer, M. Castiglione, M. Broggi, F. Acerbi, G. Broggi
Rare case of Cushing's disease due to double ACTH-producing adenomas, one located in the pituitary gland and one into the stalk
2014 M. Mendola, A. Dolci, L. Piscopello, G. Tomei, D. Bauer, S. Corbetta, B. Ambrosi
A rare case of transmural endometriosis in primary adenocarcinoma of the rectum
2014 M. Falleni, D. Bauer, E. Opocher, L. Moneghini, G.P. Bulfamante
Relapse in medulloblastoma : what can be done after abandoning high-dose chemotherapy? A mono-institutional experience
2013 M. Massimino, M. Casanova, D. Polastri, V. Biassoni, P. Modena, E. Pecori, E. Schiavello, M.V. De Pava, A. Indini, P. Rampini, D. Bauer, S. Catania, M. Podda, L. Gandola
Epidermoid Cyst of the Pituitary Stalk : Case Report and Review of the Literature
2013 F. Costa, M. Fornari, G. Felisati, A. Maccari, D. Bauer, G. Lasio
Adjuvant temozolomide chemotherapy for treatment of papillary tumor of the pineal region
2011 M. Lorenzetti, F. Motta, R. Campanella, D. Bauer, A. Assi, C. Arienta, S. Gaini, M. Caroli
Differential signature of the centrosomal MARK4 isoforms in glioma
2011 I. Magnani, C. Novielli, L. Fontana, S. Tabano, D. Rovina, R.F. Moroni, D. Bauer, S. Mazzoleni, E.A. Colombo, G. Tedeschi, L. Monti, G. Porta, S. Bosari, C. Frassoni, R. Galli, L. Bello, L. Larizza
MARK4 : a tricky balance of L and S isoforms rules glial differentiation and glioma progression
2010 I. Magnani, C. Novielli, S. Tabano, L. Fontana, R.F. Moroni, E.A. Colombo, L. Monti, L. Bello, D. Bauer, S. Mazzoleni, R. Galli, G. Porta, C. Frassoni, L. Larizza
Automatic detection of neurons in large cortical slices
2009 M. Sciarabba, G. Serrao, D. Bauer, F. Arnaboldi, N.A. Borghese
Cerebellar medulloblastoma associated with pineal enhancing mass lesion : case report and review of the literature
2008 G.A. Bertani, M. Caroli, M.A.S. Zella, P. Rampini, D. Bauer, S.M. Gaini
Sudden cardiac death in a young HIV-positive man on effective antiretroviral therapy
2008 C. Tincati, D. Bauer, G.M. Bellistrì, M. Casana, R. Ranieri, T. Bini, G. Marchetti, A. d'Arminio Monforte
Cerebellar medulloblastoma associated with pineal enhancing mass lesion : case report and review of the literature
2008 G.A. Bertani, M. Caroli, M.A. Zella, P. Rampini, D. Bauer, S.M. Gaini
Intracranial metastasis of testicular seminoma in an HIV-positive. Case report and review
2003 R Alimehmeti, R Campanella, D Bauer, S Balbi, R Rampini, M Egidi, M Locatelli, C Sina, G Moscatelli, M Zavanone
Cerebellar mature teratoma in adulthood
2002 M. Zavanone, R. Alimehmeti, R. Campanella, P. Rampini, M. Locatelli, M. Egidi, A. Righini, D. Bauer
Isolated cervical juvenile xanthogranuloma in childhood
2001 P.M. Rampini, R.H. Alimehmeti, M.G. Egidi, M. Zavanone, D. Bauer, E. Fossali, R.M. Villani
Low cost alternative equipment for telepathology. Use of 35mm film scanners for teleconsultation
1998 D. Bauer, R. Colombi, A. Faravelli
Hodgkin's disease occurring in a child after liver transplantation
1998 V. Conter, B. Tschumperlin, B. Gridelli, A. Lucianetti, S. Ascani, D. Bauer, R. Burnelli, S. Poggi, V. Ramaccioni, M. Milani, S. Pileri