Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 4.955
NA - Nord America 1.133
AS - Asia 898
SA - Sud America 50
AF - Africa 25
OC - Oceania 14
Totale 7.075
Nazione #
DE - Germania 3.319
US - Stati Uniti d'America 1.073
IT - Italia 853
SG - Singapore 369
CN - Cina 207
FR - Francia 169
RU - Federazione Russa 165
GB - Regno Unito 126
SE - Svezia 105
IE - Irlanda 96
IN - India 89
HK - Hong Kong 87
CA - Canada 56
ID - Indonesia 55
BR - Brasile 37
JP - Giappone 20
CH - Svizzera 19
UA - Ucraina 18
NL - Olanda 16
FI - Finlandia 12
AU - Australia 11
ES - Italia 11
PH - Filippine 11
AT - Austria 10
KR - Corea 9
EG - Egitto 7
RO - Romania 7
TR - Turchia 7
IL - Israele 6
VN - Vietnam 6
AR - Argentina 5
BD - Bangladesh 5
BE - Belgio 5
PL - Polonia 5
PT - Portogallo 5
SC - Seychelles 5
GR - Grecia 4
IR - Iran 4
CL - Cile 3
DZ - Algeria 3
EE - Estonia 3
JO - Giordania 3
KG - Kirghizistan 3
MX - Messico 3
AM - Armenia 2
DK - Danimarca 2
EC - Ecuador 2
GE - Georgia 2
GU - Guam 2
MA - Marocco 2
MY - Malesia 2
TN - Tunisia 2
TW - Taiwan 2
UZ - Uzbekistan 2
ZA - Sudafrica 2
AF - Afghanistan, Repubblica islamica di 1
AL - Albania 1
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 1
CO - Colombia 1
CR - Costa Rica 1
CY - Cipro 1
HR - Croazia 1
IQ - Iraq 1
KE - Kenya 1
KH - Cambogia 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
LY - Libia 1
MU - Mauritius 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
PE - Perù 1
PK - Pakistan 1
PS - Palestinian Territory 1
RS - Serbia 1
SN - Senegal 1
TH - Thailandia 1
VE - Venezuela 1
Totale 7.075
Città #
Frankfurt am Main 3.234
Singapore 265
Milan 141
Chandler 137
Princeton 126
Dublin 96
Southend 94
Council Bluffs 87
Ashburn 73
Rome 66
Fairfield 59
Hong Kong 50
Des Moines 47
Santa Clara 47
Jakarta 46
Wilmington 46
Bengaluru 39
Central District 29
Ann Arbor 28
Beauharnois 28
Beijing 28
Eitensheim 28
Redwood City 26
Turin 25
Bologna 24
Houston 24
Florence 23
Naples 21
Woodbridge 21
Cambridge 19
Genoa 19
Latina 18
Seattle 17
Nuremberg 16
Los Angeles 15
Montreal 15
Padova 14
Jinan 13
Medford 13
London 12
Ferrara 10
San Giuliano 10
Yubileyny 10
Berlin 9
Guangzhou 9
Helsinki 9
Hyderabad 9
Paris 9
Cattolica 8
Bühl 7
Shanghai 7
São Paulo 7
Verona 7
Bari 6
Boardman 6
Istanbul 6
Manila 6
Nanjing 6
New York 6
Pune 6
San Diego 6
Stockholm 6
Wuhan 6
Alingsås 5
Catania 5
Chicago 5
Fuzhou 5
Iasi 5
Mahé 5
Montagny 5
Musashino 5
Palermo 5
Quanzhou 5
Redmond 5
Silver Spring 5
Sydney 5
Tokyo 5
Toronto 5
Zurich 5
Augsburg 4
Brescia 4
Cairo 4
Chennai 4
Gravina di Catania 4
Haikou 4
Huntington 4
Ivrea 4
Macerata 4
Madrid 4
Monza 4
Mozzanica 4
North Las Vegas 4
Norwalk 4
Parma 4
Rho 4
Riese Pio X 4
San Francisco 4
Seoul 4
Sesto Fiorentino 4
Tianjin 4
Totale 5.464
Nome #
An internet-based intervention to alleviate stress during social isolation with guided relaxation and meditation: Protocol for a randomized controlled trial 248
Qualità dell’esperienza di partecipazione e senso di comunità : effetti sul benessere sociale di adolescenti e giovani 211
Brief report - “Every little thing gonna be all right” (at least for me): Dispositional optimists display higher optimistic bias for infection during the Italian COVID-19 outbreak 198
Partecipazione sociale e benessere in adolescenza: una rassegna della letteratura 194
Conoscere qualcuno con HIV/AIDS e intenzione di usare il preservativo: uno studio nella popolazione italiana 148
Benessere sociale e senso di appartenenza in un campione di studenti universitari cesenati: Quale relazione con l’impegno civico? 147
The voices of breast cancer survivors with chronic pain: A qualitative thematic analysis of patients’ challenges to pain management 147
Cosa me ne faccio dell’AI? : Esperienze d’uso in clinica e nella didattica universitaria 146
La psicologia di comunità come linking science : potenzialità e sfide delle competenze transdisciplinari 144
Ghosting and orbiting : An analysis of victims’ experiences 143
Cross-border mobility, European identity and participation among European adolescents and young adults 142
The emotional side of taking part in a cancer clinical trial 127
Belimumab and the measurement of fatigue 124
Civic Participation and Other Interventions That Promote Children’s Tolerance of Migrants 123
European Cohorts of patients and schools to Advance Response to Epidemics (EuCARE): a cluster randomised interventional and observational study protocol to investigate the relationship between schools and SARS-CoV-2 infection 119
Preference for Subcutaneous Injection or Intravenous Infusion of Biological Therapy Among Italian Patients With SLE 118
The psychological risks associated with the non-medical switch from biologics to biosimilars 112
Drivers of satisfaction with care for patients with Lupus 111
Italian young people through the Lens of Youth Policies 110
Diffusione dell'uso di alcol e droghe nella popolazione giovanile: aspetti epidemiologici 109
Does being involved by doctors satisfy patients’ fundamental psychological needs? A study on a large European sample 108
Luoghi del cuore, luoghi dell'anima : alle radici del sentimento di appartenenza alla comunità 106
Motivazioni e rischi dell'uso di sostanze psicoattive negli studenti universitari: uno studio qualitativo 106
Il volto sociale della psiche: Connessioni sociali per il benessere della persona 105
Promuovere la cittadinanza europea a scuola: un’esperienza di ricerca partecipata con i giovani 101
The dual path of the rejection (dis)identification model : a study on adolescents with a migrant background 99
“In principio era il diritto all’acqua”: la dimensione morale come motore dell’azione collettiva per l’acqua pubblica 97
Shared decision-making and the lessons learned about decision regret in cancer patients 97
La rappresentazione dei giovani NEET nelle politiche giovanili italiane 96
Thinking of future as an older individual increases perceived risks for age-related diseases but not for COVID-19 96
Prognostic Awareness in Terminally Ill Cancer Patients: A Narrative Literature Review of the Processes Involved 95
Alcuni dati sulla partecipazione dei giovani in Italia e in Europa 94
Coping with systemic lupus erythematosus in patients’ words 93
Breast Cancer Survivors' Motivation to Participate in a Tailored Physical and Psychological Intervention: A Qualitative Thematic Analysis 92
The curious, context-dependent case of anger : Explaining voting intentions in three different national elections 92
Medical Students and Professionals Facing the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Sectional Survey Study about Similarities and Differences 91
Discriminatory Contexts, Emotions and Civic/Political Engagement among Native Italians and Migrants 89
Evaluating the persuasiveness of an HIV mass communication campaign using gain-framed messages and aimed at creating a superordinate identity 87
L’ uso di T-LAB in psicologia della salute : una rassegna della letteratura 87
Stili di assunzione e motivazioni all’uso di alcol in un gruppo di studenti universitari italiani : uno studio qualitativo 86
Sense of Community and Empowerment Among Young People : Understanding Pathways from Civic Participation to Social Well-Being 86
Editorial: The Impact of Social Connections on Patients’ Health 85
Psychological characteristics and satisfaction for the whole-body MRI in cancer screening 85
Why do Patients Protest? Collective Action Processes in People with Chronic Illnesses: A Psychosocial Perspective 85
Health-related quality of life after solid organ transplantation : the role of sport activity 84
The influence of knowing someone with HIV/AIDS on preventive behaviors in Italy 82
La “riscoperta” della moralità nell'azione collettiva : una rassegna della letteratura psicosociale 80
The Problematic Support Scale : a validation among patients with systemic lupus erythematosus 79
Tolerance toward migrants among Italian adolescents and young adults : The role of civic and political participation 79
Qualità della vita e fattori psicosociali nei pazienti con insufficienza renale 79
Together to welcome, together to exclude intergroup contact as an antecedent of collective and interpersonal behaviors pro and against migrants 78
Predictors of civic and political participation among native and migrant Youth in Italy: the role of organizational membership, sense of community and perceived social well-being 78
Sport Activity and Health-Related Quality of Life After Kidney Transplantation 78
"Is it your concern?" Perceived similarity and identification with the characters of the 2012-2013 Italian media campaign against AIDS 77
Water as a Commons : an Exploratory Study on the Motives for Collective Action Among Italian Water movement Attiviste 77
Psychosocial predictors and HIV-related behaviors of old adults versus late middle-aged and younger adults 77
Sharing experiences and social support requests in an Internet forum for patients with systemic lupus erythematosus 77
Explaining Offline and Online Civic engagement intentions among Italian and Migrant Youth 76
Valutazione della campagna nazionale 2012-2013 per la lotta all’AIDS: uno studio qualitativo mediante focus group 76
Positive and problematic support, stress and quality of life in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus 75
Problematic Social Support From Patients' Perspective: The Case of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus 75
Patients' participation in research projects as partners 75
From self to social relationships: an essentially relational perspective on social motivation di Martijn Van Zomeren, Cambridge University Press, 2016. ISBN 978-1-107-09379-9, pp. 194 74
Health anxiety and oppressive support: their impact on decisions for non-urgent use of the emergency department of obstetrics and gynecology 70
Sex Differences in Quality of Life in Patients With Systemic Lupus Erythematosus 70
Patients' direction, empowerment and quality of life in haemodialysis 70
The Impact of Unsupportive Social Support on the Injured Self in Breast Cancer Patients 68
The Social Exclusion Bench Tool (SEBT) : A visual way of assessing interpersonal social exclusion 64
Health-related quality of life in systemic lupus erythematosus : a longitudinal study on the impact of problematic support and self-efficacy 59
Does hydroxychloroquine improve patient reported outcomes in patients with lupus? 57
Cross-border friendships and collective European identity : a longitudinal study 42
Editorial: Emotions and perception in cancer patients and survivors: the role of body image 38
The motivating role of perceived right violation and efficacy beliefs in identification with the Italian Water Movement 36
Living with systemic lupus erythematosus : a patient engagement perspective 28
Università e Covid-19 : Una fotografia delle fragilità e delle risorse degli studenti 26
Metaphors and representations of Systemic Lupus Erithematosus (SLE) : a comment on the article by Sutanto et al 25
Social support and health in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) : a literature review 23
Observations Regarding the Detection of Abnormal Findings Following a Cancer Screening Whole‐Body MRI in Asymptomatic Subjects: The Psychological Consequences and the Role of Personality Traits Over Time 22
Perceived behavioural control, subjective norms, attitudes and intention to use condom : a longitudinal cross-lagged design 21
The journey of patients in cancer clinical trials: A qualitative meta-synthesis on experiences and perspectives 19
Specificity and integration of meaning in self-defining memories of breast cancer survivors: clinical reflections to promote a narrative identity integration 19
The dual path of the technology acceptance model: An application of machine learning cardiotocography in delivery rooms 17
Cancer Pain Experience Through the Lens of Patients and Caregivers: Mixed Methods Social Media Study 1
Totale 7.430
Categoria #
all - tutte 20.278
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 20.278

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020315 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 53 138 99 25
2020/2021484 40 16 20 24 80 50 47 31 59 48 50 19
2021/2022666 34 25 65 32 30 31 57 38 47 54 51 202
2022/2023834 90 69 142 38 54 146 34 53 67 15 89 37
2023/20242.801 51 48 36 21 140 86 465 396 207 444 456 451
2024/20252.330 434 420 366 345 201 115 175 199 75 0 0 0
Totale 7.430