Universita' degli Studi di MILANO
Using electrical impedance tomography to characterize lung impairment of children with primary ciliary dyskinesia: A pilot cross-sectional study
2023 M. Pensabene, S. Gambazza, F. Carta, A. Rocchi, M. Lelii, B. Madini, V. Hassan, M. Piotto, M.F. Patria
Ictal video-electroencephalogram of breath-holding attack
2023 R. Dilena, G. Biffi, E. Mauri, M. Lelii, L. Zazzeron, C. Bana, S. Barbieri, P. Marchisio, P. Striano, A. Cappellari
Therapeutic Strategies for COVID-19 Lung Disease in Children
2022 E. Gatti, M. Piotto, M. Lelii, M. Pensabene, B. Madini, L. Cerrato, V. Hassan, S. Aliberti, S. Bosis, P. Marchisio, M.F. Patria
Familial Sleep Disorders in Unknown Genetic Syndrome
2020 M. Lelii, E. Baggi, L. Senatore, M.F. Bedeschi, R. Dilena, M. Iascone, S. Gangi, P. Marchisio, M.F. Patria
Sleep disordered breathing and daytime hypoventilation in a male with MECP2 mutation
2020 E. Cacciatori, M. Lelii, S. Russo, V. Alari, M. Masciadri, S. Guez, M.F. Patria, P. Marchisio, D. Milani
Kikuchi-Fujimoto disease in children: two case reports and a review of the literature
2018 M. Lelii, L. Senatore, I. Amodeo, R. Pinzani, S. Torretta, S. Fiori, P. Marchisio, S. Bosis
Respiratory morbidity in children with repaired congenital esophageal atresia with or without tracheoesophageal fistula
2017 M.F. Patria, S. Ghislanzoni, F. Macchini, M. Lelii, A. Mori, E. Leva, N. Principi, S. Esposito
Children with recurrent pneumonia and non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis
2016 M.F. Patria, B. Longhi, M. Lelii, C. Tagliabue, M. Lavelli, C. Galeone, N. Principi, S. Esposito
Streptococcus pneumoniae colonisation in children and adolescents with asthma: impact of the heptavalent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine and evaluation of potential effect of thirteen-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine
2016 S. Esposito, L. Terranova, M.F. Patria, G.L. Marseglia, M. Miraglia del Giudice, A. Bodini, A. Martelli, E. Baraldi, O. Mazzina, C. Tagliabue, A. Licari, V. Ierardi, M. Lelii, N. Principi
Transient symptomatic hyperglycaemia secondary to inhaled fluticasone propionate in a young child
2016 M. Lelii, N. Principi, S. Esposito
Streptococcus pneumoniae oropharyngeal colonization in children and adolescents with cystic fibrosis
2016 S. Esposito, C. Colombo, A. Tosco, E. Montemitro, S. Volpi, L. Ruggiero, M. Lelii, A. Bisogno, C. Pelucchi, N. Principi, L. Terranova, A. Zampiero, V. Montinaro, V. Ierardi, M. Gambino, F. Corti, R. Moresco, V. Raia, F. Impronta, V. Lucidi, M. Passiu, I. Meneghelli
Antibody response to respiratory syncytial virus infection in children <18 months old
2016 S. Esposito, E. Scarselli, M. Lelii, A. Scala, A. Vitelli, S. Capone, M. Fornili, E. Biganzoli, A. Orenti, A. Nicosia, R. Cortese, N. Principi
Prospective evaluation of rhinovirus infection in healthy young children
2015 N. Principi, A. Zampiero, M. Gambino, A. Scala, L. Senatore, M. Lelii, B. Ascolese, C. Pelucchi, S. Esposito
Immunization of children with secondary immunodeficiency
2015 S. Esposito, E. Prada, M. Lelii, L. Castellazzi
Vitamin D and respiratory tract infections in childhood
2015 S. Esposito, M. Lelii
Impact of genetic polymorphisms on paediatric atopic dermatitis
2015 S. Esposito, M.F. Patria, S. Spena, C. Codecà, C. Tagliabue, A. Zampiero, M. Lelii, V. Montinaro, C. Pelucchi, N. Principi
Impact of air pollution on respiratory diseases in children with recurrent wheezing or asthma
2014 S. Esposito, C. Galeone, M. Lelii, B. Longhi, B. Ascolese, L. Senatore, E. Prada, V. Montinaro, S. Malerba, M.F. Patria, N. Principi