Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie e Ambientali - Produzione, Territorio, Agroenergia
New multi-model approach gives good estimations of wheat yield under semi-arid climate in Morocco
2015 S. Bregaglio, N. Frasso, V. Pagani, T. Stella, C. Francone, G. Cappelli, M. Acutis, R. Balaghi, H. Ouabbou, L. Paleari, R. Confalonieri
Are advantages from the partial replacement of corn with second-generation energy crops undermined by climate change? A case study for giant reed in northern Italy
2015 G. Cappelli, S.S. Yamaç, T. Stella, C. Francone, L. Paleari, M. Negri, R. Confalonieri
Reimplementation and reuse of the Canegro model : from sugarcane to giant reed
2015 T. Stella, C. Francone, S.S. Yamaç, E. Ceotto, V. Pagani, R. Pilu, R. Confalonieri
In-silico evaluation of giant reed productivity in a changing climate: the case of Lombardy plain in Northern Italy
2014 G. Cappelli, T. Stella, S.S. Yamaç, C. Francone, L. Paleari, M. Negri, R. Confalonieri
Any chance to evaluate in vivo field methods using standard protocols?
2014 R. Confalonieri, C. Francone, M.E. Chiodini, E. Cantaluppi, L. Caravati, V. Colombi, D. Fantini, I. Ghiglieno, C. Gilardelli, E. Guffanti, M. Inversini, L. Paleari, G.G. Pochettino, S. Bocchi, S. Bregaglio, G. Cappelli, P. Dominoni, N. Frasso, T. Stella, M. Acutis
Evaluation of WARM for different establishment techniques in Jiangsu (China)
2014 V. Pagani, C. Francone, Z. Wang, L. Qiu, S. Bregaglio, M. Acutis, R. Confalonieri
Comparison of leaf area index estimates by ceptometer and PocketLAI smart app in canopies with different structures
2014 C. Francone, V. Pagani, M. Foi, G. Cappelli, R. Confalonieri
Development of an app for estimating leaf area index using a smartphone : Trueness and precision determination and comparison with other indirect methods
2013 R. Confalonieri, M. Foi, R. Casa, S. Aquaro, E. Tona, M. Peterle, A. Boldini, G. De Carli, A. Ferrari, G. Finotto, T. Guarneri, V. Manzoni, E. Movedi, A. Nisoli, L. Paleari, I. Radici, M. Suardi, D. Veronesi, S. Bregaglio, G. Cappelli, M. Chiodini, P. Dorninoni, C. Francone, N. Frasso, T. Stella, M. Acutis
Wheat modelling in Morocco unexpectedly reveals predominance of photosynthesis versus leaf area expansion plant traits
2013 R. Confalonieri, S. Bregaglio, G. Cappelli, C. Francone, M. Carpani, M. Acutis, M. El Aydam, S. Niemeyer, R. Balaghi, Q. Dong
A multi-approach software library for estimating crop suitability to environment
2013 R. Confalonieri, C. Francone, G. Cappelli, T. Stella, N. Frasso, M. Carpani, S. Bregaglio, M. Acutis, F.N. Tubiello, E. Fernandes
Influence of the Sonic Anemometer Temperature Calibration on Turbulent Heat-Flux Measurements
2012 R. Richiardone, M. Manfrin, S. Ferrarese, C. Francone, V. Fernicola, R.M. Gavioso, L. Mortarini
Simulazione dell'impatto dei cambiamenti climatici sugli aspetti quali-quantitativi delle produzioni risicole in America Latina
2012 R. Confalonieri, S. Bregaglio, G. Cappelli, M. Carpani, C. Francone, M. Donatelli
Sensitivity Analysis and Investigation of the Behaviour of the UTOPIA Land-Surface Process Model : A Case Study for Vineyards in Northern Italy
2012 C. Francone, C. Cassardo, R. Richiardone, R. Confalonieri