Dipartimento di Chimica
New Chemotypes for the Inhibition of (p)ppGpp Synthesis in the Quest for New Antimicrobial Compounds
2022 C. Coppa, L. Sorrentino, M. Civera, M. Minneci, F. Vasile, S. Sattin
Structure-Based Design of RSH inhibitors to Hamper persistence
2021 C. Coppa, M. Civera, L. Sorrentino, S. Sattin
Retromer stabilization results in neuroprotection in a model of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
2020 L. Muzio, R. Sirtori, D. Gornati, S. Eleuteri, A. Fossaghi, D. Brancaccio, L. Manzoni, L. Ottoboni, L.D. Feo, A. Quattrini, E. Mastrangelo, L. Sorrentino, E. Scalone, G. Comi, L. Marinelli, N. Riva, M. Milani, P. Seneci, G. Martino
Sentinel node biopsy in ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast: never justufied?
2018 L. Sorrentino, A. Sartani, D. Bossi, R. Amadori, M. Nebuloni, M. Truffi, M. Bonzini, E. Riggio, D. Foschi, F.R.M. Corsi
Structural bases of the altered catalytic properties of a pathogenic variant of apoptosis inducing factor
2017 L. Sorrentino, F. Cossu, M. Milani, A. Aliverti, E. Mastrangelo
Structural bases of the altered functional properties of a pathological variant of the apoptosis inducing factor (AIF)
2017 A. Aliverti, L. Sorrentino, F. Cossu, P.G. Cocomazzi, M. Milani, E. Mastrangelo
H-ferritin allows nanometronomic treatment of breast cancer with doxorubicin preventing drug resistance and circumventing cardiotoxicity
2017 S. Mazzucchelli, L. Fiandra, M. Bellini, M. Truffi, M. Rizzuto, L. Sorrentino, E. Longhi, M. Nebuloni, D. Prosperi, F.M.R. Corsi
The G308E variant of the apoptosis inducing factor, responsible of a rare encephalopathy, is hampered in NAD+/H binding
2015 L. Sorrentino, L. Rigamonti, M. Krasniqi, A. Calogero, V. Pandini, M.A. Vanoni, A. Aliverti
Key role of the adenylate moiety and integrity of the adenylate-binding site for the NAD(+)/H binding to mitochondrial apoptosis-inducing factor
2015 L. Sorrentino, A.M. Calogero, V. Pandini, M.A. Vanoni, I.F. Sevrioukova, A. Aliverti
An improved expression system for the Vc1 ligand binding domain of the receptor for advanced glycation end products in Pichia pastoris
2015 G. Degani, M. Colzani, A. Tettamanzi, L. Sorrentino, A. Aliverti, G. Fritz, G. Aldini, L. Popolo
The G308E variant of the apoptosis inducing factor, responsible of a rare encephalopathy, is hampered in NAD+/H binding
2014 L. Sorrentino, L. Rigamonti, M. Krasniqi, A. Calogero, V. Pandini, M.A. Vanoni, A. Aliverti
The point mutation in the apoptosis inducing factor (AIF) gene causing early derangement in human brain development specifically alters the NADH reactivity of the flavoprotein
2012 A. Aliverti, S. Baroni, V. Pandini, E. Piccolo, L. Sorrentino, M.A. Vanoni
The biochemical properties of a pathogenic variant of human apoptosis inducing factor (AIF) provide insight into its unusual reactivity toward NADH
2012 S. Baroni, A. Calogero, E. Piccolo, L. Sorrentino, V. Pandini, M.A. Vanoni, A. Aliverti