Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche e Cliniche
The emerging role of nanotechnology in skincare
2021 L. Salvioni, L. Morelli, E. Ochoa, M. Labra, L. Fiandra, L. Palugan, D. Prosperi, M. Colombo
Engineered Ferritin Nanoparticles for the Bioluminescence Tracking of Nanodrug Delivery in Cancer
2020 M. Bellini, B. Riva, V. Tinelli, M.A. Rizzuto, L. Salvioni, M. Colombo, F. Mingozzi, A. Visioli, L. Marongiu, G. Frascotti, M.S. Christodoulou, D. Passarella, D. Prosperi, L. Fiandra
H-ferritin allows nanometronomic treatment of breast cancer with doxorubicin preventing drug resistance and circumventing cardiotoxicity
2017 S. Mazzucchelli, L. Fiandra, M. Bellini, M. Truffi, M. Rizzuto, L. Sorrentino, E. Longhi, M. Nebuloni, D. Prosperi, F.M.R. Corsi
Nanoformulated Antiretrovirals for Penetration of the Central Nervous System: State of the Art
2017 L. Fiandra, A. Capetti, L. Sorrentino, F. Corsi
Nanometronomic treatment of 4T1 breast cancer with nanocaged doxorubicin prevents drug resistance and circumvents cardiotoxicity
2017 S. Mazzucchelli, M. Bellini, L. Fiandra, M. Truffi, M.A. Rizzuto, L. Sorrentino, E. Longhi, M. Nebuloni, D. Prosperi, F.R.M. Corsi
Antiretroviral therapy through barriers : a prominent role for nanotechnology in HIV-1 eradication from sanctuaries
2016 F. Corsi, L. Sorrentino, S. Mazzucchelli, M. Truffi, A. Capetti, G. Rizzardini, L. Fiandra
Oral delivery of insulin via polyethylene imine-based nanoparticles for colonic release allows glycemic control in diabetic rats
2016 L. Salvioni, L. Fiandra, M.D. Del Curto, S. Mazzucchelli, R. Allevi, M. Truffi, L. Sorrentino, B. Santini, M. Cerea, L. Palugan, F. Corsi, M. Colombo
Tumour homing and therapeutic effect of colloidal nanoparticles depend on the number of attached antibodies
2016 M. Colombo, L. Fiandra, G. Alessio, S. Mazzucchelli, M. Nebuloni, C. De Palma, K. Kantner, B. Pelaz, R. Rotem, F. Corsi, W.J. Parak, D. Prosperi
Ferritin nanocages : A biological platform for drug delivery, imaging and theranostics in cancer
2016 M. Truffi, L. Fiandra, L. Sorrentino, M. Monieri, F. Corsi, S. Mazzucchelli
Nanoformulation of antiretroviral drugs enhances their penetration across the blood brain barrier in mice
2015 L. Fiandra, M. Colombo, S. Mazzucchelli, M. Truffi, B. Santini, R. Allevi, M. Nebuloni, A. Capetti, G. Rizzardini, D. Prosperi, F. Corsi
Protein nanocages for self-triggered nuclear delivery of DNA-targeted chemotherapeutics in cancer cells
2014 M. Bellini, S. Mazzucchelli, E. Galbiati, S. Sommaruga, L. Fiandra, M. Truffi, M.A. Rizzuto, M. Colombo, P. Tortora, F. Corsi, D. Prosperi
Densovirus crosses the insect midgut by transcytosis and disturbs the epithelial barrier function
2013 Y. Wang, A.S. Gosselin Grenet, I. Castelli, G. Cermenati, M. Ravallec, L. Fiandra, S. Debaisieux, C. Multeau, N. Lautredou, T. Dupressoir, Y. Li, M. Casartelli, M. Ogliastro
Assessing the in vivo targeting efficiency of multifunctional nanoconstructs bearing antibody-derived ligands
2013 L. Fiandra, S. Mazzucchelli, C. De Palma, M. Colombo, R. Allevi, S. Sommaruga, E. Clementi, M. Bellini, D. Prosperi, F. Corsi
A viral chitinase enhances oral activity of TMOF
2010 L. Fiandra, I. Terracciano, P. Fanti, A. Garonna, L. Ferracane, V. Fogliano, M. Casartelli, B. Giordana, R. Rao, F. Pennacchio
Leucine transport by the larval midgut of the parasitoid Aphidius ervi (Hymenoptera)
2010 L. Fiandra, S. Caccia, B. Giordana, M. Casartelli
Proctolin affects gut functions in lepidopteran larvae
2010 L. Fiandra, M. Casartelli, B. Diamante, B.C. Giordana
The densovirus of Junonia coenia DNV has two strategies to cross the insect midgut barrier
2010 M. Casartelli, G. Cermenati, L. Fiandra, A.S. Gosselin, I. Castelli, S. Debaisieux, D. Mutuel, M. Ogliastro
Effetto del proctolin sull'attività intestinale delle larve di lepidottero
2009 L. Fiandra, M. Casartelli, B. Diamante, B. Giordana
Uso di sonde fluorescenti per lo studio dell'attività e della regolazione del sistema di trasporto K+/aminoacidi neutri in Bombyx mori
2009 M.G. Leonardi, L. Fiandra, M. Casartelli, B. Giordana
The intestinal barrier in lepidopteran larvae: permeability of the peritrophic membrane and of the midgut epithelium to two biologically active peptides
2009 L. Fiandra, M. Casartelli, G. Cermenati, N. Burlini, B. Giordana