Dipartimento di Scienze Farmaceutiche
The chiral 5,6-cyclohexane-fused uracil ring-system: A molecular platform with promising activity against SARS-CoV-2
2025 E. Marcantonio, D. Guazzetti, C. Coppa, L. Battistini, A. Sartori, K. Bugatti, B. Provinciael, C. Curti, A. Contini, K. Vermeire, F. Zanardi
Accelerated Molecular Dynamics for Peptide Folding: Benchmarking Different Combinations of Force Fields and Explicit Solvent Models
2023 C. Coppa, A. Bazzoli, M. Barkhordari, A. Contini
Effect of Fc core fucosylation and light chain isotype on IgG1 flexibility
2023 S. Saporiti, T. Laurenzi, U. Guerrini, C. Coppa, W. Palinsky, G. Benigno, L. Palazzolo, O. Ben Mariem, L. Montavoci, M. Rossi, F. Centola, I. Eberini
Identification of a short ACE2-derived stapled peptide targeting the SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein
2023 L. Calugi, G. Sautariello, E. Lenci, M.L. Mattei, C. Coppa, N. Cini, A. Contini, A. Trabocchi
Progettazione in-silico, sintesi e valutazione di ciclopeptidi inibitori dell’interazione tra la SARS-CoV2 Spike protein e ACE2 umana
2023 C. Coppa, A. Contini
Novel Polymyxin-Inspired Peptidomimetics Targeting the SARS-CoV-2 Spike:hACE2 Interface
2023 K. Bugatti, A. Sartori, L. Battistini, C. Coppa, E. Vanhulle, S. Noppen, B. Provinciael, L. Naesens, A. Stevaert, A. Contini, K. Vermeire, F. Zanardi
New Chemotypes for the Inhibition of (p)ppGpp Synthesis in the Quest for New Antimicrobial Compounds
2022 C. Coppa, L. Sorrentino, M. Civera, M. Minneci, F. Vasile, S. Sattin
2022 C. Coppa
Structure-Based Design of RSH inhibitors to Hamper persistence
2021 C. Coppa, M. Civera, L. Sorrentino, S. Sattin
Structure based design of RSH inhibitors
2019 C. Coppa, M. Civera, S. Sattin
Development and validation of a sensitive LC–MS/MS assay for the quantification of anserine in human plasma and urine and its application to pharmacokinetic study
2019 I. Everaert, G. Baron, S. Barbaresi, E. Gilardoni, C. Coppa, M. Carini, G. Vistoli, T. Bex, J. Stautemas, L. Blancquaert, W. Derave, G. Aldini, L. Regazzoni
Advanced lipoxidation end products (ALEs) as RAGE binders : Mass spectrometric and computational studies to explain the reasons why
2018 M. Mol, G. Degani, C. Coppa, G. Baron, L. Popolo, M. Carini, G. Aldini, G. Vistoli, A. Altomare
Data from docking simulations to develop an efficient strategy able to evaluate the interactions between RAGE and MDA-induced albumin adducts
2017 A. Mazzolari, C. Coppa, A. Altomare, G. Degani, G. Vistoli