Clinical and genetic familial study of a large cohort of Italian children with idiopathic epilepsy
2009 R. Combi, D. Grioni, M. Contri, S. Redaelli, F. Redaelli, M.T. Bassi, D. Barisani, M.L. Lavitrano, G. Tredici, M.L. Tenchini, M. Bertolini, L. Dalprà
Maternal heterodisomy/isodisomy and paternal supernumerary ring of chromosome 7 in a child with Silver-Russell syndrome
2008 E. Sala, R. Combi, N. Villa, F. Crosti, L. Beccaria, A. Cogliardi, M.L. Tenchini, L. Dalprà
I giovani, la società, la ricerca scientifica : Cus-Mi-Bio, un progetto-ponte università-scuola per la formazione e la diffusione della cultura scientifica
2008 G. Viale, T. Calciolari, C. Grazioli, G. Pavesi, P. Plevani, M.L. Tenchini
The role of the Protein Kinase C Alpha (PRKCA) gene in the predisposition to multiple sclerosis in the Italian population
2008 C. Dall’Osso, G. Rizzo, D. Gemmati, P. Zamboni, M.D. Benedetti, A. Salviati, P. Invernizzi, S. Bonissoni, E. Bolognesi, L. Bergamaschi, S. Duga, M.L. Tenchini, R. Asselta
Non-random retention of protein-coding overlapping genes in Metazoa
2008 G. Solda’, M. Suyama, P. Pelucchi, A. Guffanti, S. Boi, E. Rizzi, P. Bork, M.L. Tenchini, F.D. Ciccarelli
Molecular characterization of two novel mutations causing factor XI deficiency : a splicing defect and a missense mutation responsible for a CRM+ defect
2008 I. Guella, G. Soldà, S. Spena, R. Asselta, R. Ghiotto, M.L. Tenchini, G. Castaman, S. Duga
Reply to: [Factor XI mutation and the origin of Ashkenazi Jews. Haematologica 2008; 93:e59]
2008 G. Zadra, R. Asselta, M.L. Tenchini, G. Castaman, U. Seligsohn, P.M. Mannucci, S. Duga
Hedgehogs, humans and high-school science : the benefits of involving high-school students in university research
2008 G. Pavesi, A. Siccardi, G. Viale, C. Grazioli, T. Calciolari, M.L.G. Tenchini, P. Plevani
The role of the Protein Kinase C Alpha (PRKCA) gene in the predisposition to multiple sclerosis in the Italian population
2008 C. Dall’Osso, G. Rizzo, G. Soldà, D. Gemmati, P. Zamboni, M.D. Benedetti, A. Salviati, P. Invernizzi, S. Bonissoni, E. Bolognesi, L. Bergamaschi, S. D’Alfonso, S. Duga, M.L. Tenchini, R. Asselta
CusMiBio : an opportunity for talented young people in biosciences
2008 C. Grazioli, P. Plevani, M.L.G. Tenchini, G. Viale
Simultaneous genotyping of coagulation factor XI type II and type III mutations by multiplex real-time polymerase chain reaction to determine their prevalence in healthy and factor XI-deficient Italians
2008 G. Zadra, R. Asselta, M.L. Tenchini, G. Castaman, U. Seligsohn, P.M. Mannucci, S. Duga
Molecular characterization of three novel splicing mutations causing factor V deficiency and analysis of the F5 gene splicing pattern
2008 C. Dall'Osso, I. Guella, S. Duga, N. Locatelli, E.M. Paraboschi, M. Spreafico, A. Afrasiabi, C. Pechlaner, F. Peyvandi, M.L. Tenchini, R. Asselta
Compound heterozygosity with dominance in the Corticotropin Releasing Hormone (CRH) promoter in a case of nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy
2008 R. Combi, L. Ferini Strambi, M.L. Tenchini
Congenital hypofibrinogenemia : characterization of two missense mutations affecting fibrinogen assembly and secretion
2008 M. Platè, R. Asselta, S. Spena, M. Spreafico, S. Fagoonee, F. Peyvandi, M.L. Tenchini, S. Duga
Multidrug resistance 1 gene polymorphism and susceptibility to inflammatory bowel disease
2007 S. Ardizzone, G. Maconi, A. Russo, E. Colombo, A. Cassinotti, C.M. Penati, M.L. Tenchini, G. Bianchi Porro
The role of the Myocyte Enhancer Factor 2A (MEF2A) gene in the pathogenesis of myocardial infarction
2007 V. Rimoldi, I. Guella, R. Asselta, C. Ruggiero, M. Francolini, F. Peyvandi, D. Ardissino, M.L. Tenchini, P.M. Mannucci, S. Duga
Molecular characterization of the first missense mutation in the fibrinogen Aalpha-chain gene identified in a compound heterozygous afibrinogenemic patient
2007 M. Platé, R. Asselta, F. Peyvandi, M.L. Tenchini, S. Duga
A novel factor XI missense mutation (Val371Ile) in the activation loop is responsible for a case of mild type II factor XI deficiency
2007 C. Bozzao, V. Rimoldi, R. Asselta, M. Landau, R. Ghiotto, M.L. Tenchini, R. De Cristofaro, G. Castaman, S. Duga
Multidrug resistance 1 gene polymorphism and susceptibility to inflammatory bowel disease
2007 S. Ardizzone, G. Maconi, V. Bianchi, A. Russo, E. Colombo, A. Cassinotti, C. Penati, M. Tenchini, G. Bianchi Porro
Activation of NF-kappaB by IL-1beta blocks IL-6-induced sustained STAT3 activation and STAT3-dependent gene expression of the human gamma-fibrinogen gene
2007 U. Albrecht, X. Yang, R. Asselta, V. Keitel, M.L. Tenchini, S. Ludwig, P.C. Heinrich, D. Häussinger, F. Schaper, J.G. Bode