Dipartimento di Biotecnologie Mediche e Medicina Traslazionale
DNAJC12 and dopa-responsive nonprogressive parkinsonism
2017 L. Straniero, I. Guella, R. Cilia, L. Parkkinen, V. Rimoldi, A. Young, R. Asselta, G. Soldã , V. Sossi, A.J. Stoessl, A. Priori, K. Nishioka, N. Hattori, J. Follett, A. Rajput, N. Blau, G. Pezzoli, M.J. Farrer, S. Goldwurm, A.H. Rajput, S. Duga
Schizophrenia miR-137 locus risk genotype is associated with dorsolateral prefrontal cortex hyperactivation
2014 S.G. Potkin, T.G.M. Van Erp, I. Guella, M.P. Vawter, J. Turner, G.G. Brown, G. Mccarthy, D.N. Greve, G.H. Glover, V.D. Calhoun, K.O. Lim, J.R. Bustillo, A. Belger, J.M. Ford, D.H. Mathalon, M. Diaz, A. Preda, D. Nguyen, F. Macciardi
Glucocerebrosidase mutations in primary parkinsonism
2014 R. Asselta, V. Rimoldi, C. Siri, R. Cilia, I. Guella, S. Tesei, G. Soldà, G. Pezzoli, S. Duga, S. Goldwurm
Analysis of miR-137 expression and rs1625579 in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
2013 I. Guella, A. Sequeira, B. Rollins, L. Morgan, F. Torri, T.G.M. van Erp, R.M. Myers, J.D. Barchas, A.F. Schatzberg, S.J. Watson, H. Akil, W.E. Bunney, S.G. Potkin, F. Macciardi, M.P. Vawter
Asp620asn mutation in VPS35 is not a common cause of familial Parkinson's disease
2012 I. Guella, G. Soldà, R. Cilia, G. Pezzoli, R. Asselta, S. Duga, S. Goldwurm
Functional characterization of a novel missense mutation identified in a Turkish patient affected by severe coagulation factor V deficiency
2012 E.M. Paraboschi, S.M. Kayiran, N. Ozbek, B. Gürakan, F. Peyvandi, I. Guella, S. Duga, R. Asselta
SNCA and MAPT genes: Independent and joint effects in Parkinson disease in the Italian population
2012 L. Trotta, I. Guella, G. Soldà, F. Sironi, S. Tesei, M. Canesi, G. Pezzoli, S. Goldwurm, S. Duga, R. Asselta
Identification of the first alu-mediated large deletion involving the f5 gene in a compound heterozygous patient with severe factor v deficiency
2011 I. Guella, E.M. Paraboschi, W.A. van Schalkwyk, R. Asselta, S. Duga
Mutational screening and zebrafish functional analysis of GIGYF2 as a Parkinson-disease gene
2011 I. Guella, A. Pistocchi, R. Asselta, V. Rimoldi, A. Ghilardi, F. Sironi, L. Trotta, P. Primignani, M. Zini, A. Zecchinelli, D. Coviello, G. Pezzoli, L. Del Giacco, S. Duga, S. Goldwurm
Common variants in the haemostatic gene pathway contribute to risk of early-onset myocardial infarction in the Italian population
2011 I. Guella, S. Duga, D. Ardissino, P.A. Merlini, F. Peyvandi, P.M. Mannucci, R. Asselta
Response: Further thoughts on the "phantom" delta6/7 FXI isoform
2010 R. Asselta, V. Rimoldi, I. Guella, G.M. Soldà, R. De Cristofaro, F. Peyvandi, S. Duga
The association of factor V Leiden with myocardial infarction is replicated in 1880 patients with premature disease
2010 P.M. Mannucci, R. Asselta, S. Duga, I. Guella, M. Spreafico, L.A. Lotta, P.A. Merlini, F. Peyvandi, S. Kathiresan, D. Ardissino
The PDXK rs2010795 variant is not associated with Parkinson disease in Italy
2010 I. Guella, R. Asselta, S. Tesei, M. Zini, G. Pezzoli, S. Duga
Effects of PCSK9 genetic variants on plasma LDL cholesterol levels and risk of premature myocardial infarction in the Italian population
2010 I. Guella, R. Asselta, D. Ardissino, P.A. Merlini, F. Peyvandi, S. Kathiresan, P.M. Mannucci, M. Tubaro, S. Duga
Tau and alpha-synuclein and genetic susceptibility to Parkinson Disease in the Italian population
2010 I. Guella, L.C. Trotta, R. Asselta, G.M. Soldà, M. Zini, A. Zecchinelli, G. Pezzoli, S. Goldwurm, S. Duga
Molecular characterization of in-frame and out-of-frame alternative splicings in coagulation factor XI pre-mRNA
2010 R. Asselta, V. Rimoldi, I. Guella, G.Soldà, R. De Cristofaro, F. Peyvandi, S. Duga
Association and functional analyses of MEF2A as a susceptibility gene for premature myocardial infarction and coronary artery disease
2009 I. Guella, V. Rimoldi, R. Asselta, D. Ardissino, M. Francolini, N. Martinelli, D. Girelli, F. Peyvandi, M. Tubaro, P.A. Merlini, P.M. Mannucci, S. Duga
Mutational screening and functional analyses in the zebrafish model of GIGYF2 as a candidate gene for Parkinson disease
2009 I. Guella, L. Del Giacco, R. Asselta, A. Pistocchi, V. Rimoldi, F. Sironi, P. Primignani, M. Zini, G. Pezzoli, S. Duga, S. Goldwurm
Mutational screening and functional analyses in the zebrafish model of GIGYF2 as a candidate gene for Parkinson disease
2009 I. Guella, A.S. Pistocchi, R. Asselta, V. Rimoldi, F. Sironi, L.C. Trotta, P. Primignani, M. Zini, A. Zecchinelli, D. Coviello, G. Pezzoli, L.P.C. Del Giacco, S. Duga, S. Goldwurm
Characterization of the genetic basis of FXI deficiency in fourteen unrelated patients
2009 V. Rimoldi, I. Guella, S. Spena, N. Ciavarella, F. Peyvandi, R. Asselta, P.M. Mannucci, S. Duga