Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie e Ambientali - Produzione, Territorio, Agroenergia
A complex interaction between pre-harvest and post-harvest factors determines fresh-cut melon quality and aroma
2019 N.D. Spadafora, G. Cocetta, M. Cavaiuolo, R. Bulgari, R. Dhorajiwala, A. Ferrante, A. Spinardi, H.J. Rogers, C.T. Muller
Effect of temperature and cut size on the volatile organic compound profile, and expression of Chorismate synthase in fresh-cut melon
2018 G. Cocetta, N.D. Spadafora, M. Cavaiuolo, R. Bulgari, H.J. Rogers, A. Spinardi, C.T. Műller, A. Ferrante
Studio dell’effetto di stress abiotici sul metabolismo dei glucosinolati in rucola
2018 G. Cocetta, S. Mishra, M. Cavaiuolo, A. Ferrante
Gene expression analysis of rocket salad under pre-harvest and postharvest stresses : a transcriptomic resource for Diplotaxis tenuifolia
2017 M. Cavaiuolo, G. Cocetta, N.D. Spadafora, C.T. Müller, H.J. Rogers, A. Ferrante
Detection and enumeration of Listeria monocytogenes in fresh cut vegetables using MPN-Real-Time PCR
2015 P. Russo, G. Botticella, M.L. Amodio, G. Colelli, M. Cavaiuolo, A. Ferrante, S. Massa, G. Spano, L. Beneduce
Evaluation of an ELISA method to detect Listeria monocytogenes in fresh-cut rocket
2015 M. Cavaiuolo, A. Ferrante, G. Botticella, L. Beneduce, G. Spano
Estimation of listeria monocytogenes and escherichia coli O157:H7 prevalence and levels in naturally contaminated rocket and cucumber samples by deterministic and stochastic approaches
2015 A. Hadjilouka, K. Mantzourani, A. Katsarou, M. Cavaiuolo, A. Ferrante, S. Paramithiotis, M. Mataragas, E.H. Drosinos
Chlorophyll a fluorescence, photosynthesis activity and chlorophyll content in senescing leaves
2015 M. Cavaiuolo, R. Bulgari, G. Cocetta, A. Ferrante
The maize fused leaves1 (fdl1) gene controls organ separation in the embryo and seedling shoot and promotes coleoptile opening
2015 N. La Rocca, P. Manzotti, M. Cavaiuolo, A. Barbante, F. Dalla Vecchia, D. Gabotti, G. Gendrot, D.S. Horner, J. Krstajic, M. Persico, N. Rascio, P. Rogowsky, A. Scarafoni, G. Consonni
Identification of innovative potential quality markers in rocket and melon fresh-cut produce
2015 M. Cavaiuolo, G. Cocetta, R. Bulgari, A. Spinardi, A. Ferrante
Validation of innovative methods for human pathogen bacteria detection in fresh cut vegetables
2014 M. Cavaiuolo, A. Ferrante, P. Russo, L. Beneduce, G. Spano, S. Paramithiotis, A. Hadjilouka, P. Tzamalis, E.H. Drosinos
Transcriptome analysis of transcription factors and glucosinolate metabolism in rocket (Diplotaxis tenuifolia L.)
2014 G. Cocetta, M. Cavaiuolo, A. Ferrante
Transcriptome analysis of transcription factors in rocket (Diplotaxis tenuifolia L.) under postharvest stress
2014 G. Cocetta, M. Cavaiuolo, A. Ferrante
Physiological and biochemical markers associated with quality losses of fresh-cut melon fruits
2014 M. Cavaiuolo, G. Cocetta, R. Bulgari, A. Spinardi, A. Ferrante
Marcatori molecolari associati alla qualità di melone di IV gamma
2014 G. Cocetta, M. Cavaiuolo, R. Bulgari, A. Spinardi, A. Ferrante
Nitrates and Glucosinolates as Strong Determinants of the Nutritional Quality in Rocket Leafy Salads
2014 M. Cavaiuolo, A. Ferrante
Isolation of molecular markers for the evaluation of quality in pre-harvest and postharvest stages in rocket and melon
2014 M. Cavaiuolo, G. Cocetta, A. Spinardi, A. Ferrante
Effects of stresses on the regulation of glucosinolates metabolism in rocket (Diplotaxis tenuifolia L.)
2014 G. Cocetta, M. Cavaiuolo, A. Ferrante
Validation of ELISA-based detection of L. monocytogenes and E. coli O157:H7 in fresh cut vegetables
2014 M. Cavaiuolo, A. Ferrante, S. Paramithiotis, A. Hadjilouka, P. Tzamalis, E.H. Drosinos
Isolamento di marcatori molecolari per la valutazione della qualità in rucola
2013 M. Cavaiuolo, A. Spinardi, A. Ferrante