Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie e Ambientali - Produzione, Territorio, Agroenergia
Root bacterial endophytes confer drought resistance and enhance expression and activity of a vacuolar H+-pumping pyrophosphatase in pepper plants
2019 G. Vigani, E. Rolli, R. Marasco, M. Dell'Orto, G. Michoud, A. Soussi, N. Raddadi, S. Borin, C. Sorlini, G. Zocchi, D. Daffonchio
Harnessing the new emerging imaging technologies to uncover the role of Ca2+ signaling in plant nutrient homeostasis
2019 G. Vigani, A. Costa
GWAS and linkage mapping for the identification of loci involved in salt tolerance in rice
2018 M. Pesenti, G. Orasen, M. Maghrebi, M. Hazarika, G. Vigani, A. Abruzzese, A.C. Rai, P. De Nisi, M. Dell'Orto, S. Morgutti, N. Negrini, F.F. Nocito, M. Cocucci, G.A. Sacchi
Architettura radicale in due varietà di riso con differente capacità di accumulo di cadmio : indagini bi- e tri-dimensionali
2017 G. Vigani, C. Porfido, E. Baldoni, M. Pesenti, G. Lucchini, F.F. Nocito, M. Spagnuolo, R. Terzano, G.A. Sacchi
Studio delle risposte precoci allo stress salino in varietà di riso mendiate analisi di infrared thermography
2017 G. Vigani, A.C. Rai, M. Dell’Orto, M. Pesenti, G. Lucchini, F.F. Nocito, G.A. Sacchi
Genome-wide association study for mild-salt tolerance in rice
2017 M. Pesenti, G. Orasen, A. Abruzzese, M. Maghrebi, M. Dell’Orto, P. De Nisi, E. Baldoni, A.C. Rai, A. Volante, G. Valè, N. Negrini, S. Morgutti, G. Vigani, F.F. Nocito, G.A. Sacchi
Molybdenum and iron mutually impact their homeostasis in cucumber (Cucumis sativus) plants
2017 G. Vigani, D. Di Silvestre, A.M. Agresta, S. Donnini, P. Mauri, C. Gehl, F. Bittner, I. Murgia
Knocking down mitochondrial iron transporter (MIT) reprograms primary and secondary metabolism in rice plants
2016 G. Vigani, K. Bashir, Y. Ishimaru, M. Lehmann, F.M. Casiraghi, H. Nakanishi, M. Seki, P. Geigenberger, G. Zocchi, N.K. Nishizawa
Impairment of respiratory chain under nutrient deficiency in plants : does it play a role in the regulation of iron and sulfur responsive genes?
2016 G. Vigani, J. Briat
Three-dimensional reconstruction, by TEM tomography, of the ultrastructural modifications occurring in Cucumis sativus L. mitochondria under Fe deficiency
2015 G. Vigani, F. Faoro, A.M. Ferretti, F. Cantele, D. Maffi, M. Marelli, M. Maver, I. Murgia, G. Zocchi
Improved plant resistance to drought is promoted by the root-associated microbiome as a water stress-dependent trait
2015 E. Rolli, R. Marasco, G. Vigani, B. Ettoumi, F. Mapelli, M.L. Deangelis, C. Gandolfi, E. Casati, F. Previtali, R. Gerbino, F. Pierotti Cei, S. Borin, C. Sorlini, G. Zocchi, D. Daffonchio
Analysis of Arabidopsis thaliana atfer4-1, atfh and atfer4-1/atfh mutants uncovers frataxin and ferritin contributions to leaf ionome homeostasis
2015 I. Murgia, G. Vigani
Understanding plant nutrition for a sustainable agriculture
2015 G. Vigani
TEM tomography reveals a three-dimensional reconstruction of the ultrastructural modifications occurring in Cucumis sativus mitochondria under Fe deficiency
2014 G. Vigani, F. Faoro, A.M. Ferretti, F. Cantele, D. Maffi, M. Marelli, M. Maver, I. Murgia, G. Zocchi
Interazioni molecolari tra l’omeostasi del ferro e del molibdeno in mitocondri di Cucumis sativus L
2014 G. Vigani, D. Di Silvestre, S. Donnini, A. Agresta, P. Mauri, F. Bittner, I. Murgia
Ricostruzione tridimensionale, mediante tomografia, delle modificazioni ultrastruturali di mitocondri indotte da una carenza di Fe in Cucumis sativus L
2014 G. Vigani, F. Faoro, A.M. Ferretti, F. Cantele, D. Maffi, M. Marelli, M. Maver, I. Murgia, G. Zocchi
Towards the unveiling of the molecular interactions connecting subcellular Molybdenum and Iron homeostasis
2014 G. Vigani, D. Di Silvestre, S. Donnini, A. Agresta, P.L. Mauri, F. Bittner, I. Murgia
Rhizospheric organic compounds in the soil-microorganism-plant system : their role in iron availability
2014 T. Mimmo, D. Del Buono, R. Terzano, N. Tomasi, G. Vigani, C. Crecchio, R. Pinton, G. Zocchi, S. Cesco
The maize pentatricopeptide repeat gene empty pericarp4 (emp4) is required for proper cellular development in vegetative tissues
2014 D. Gabotti, E. Caporali, P. Manzotti, M. Persico, G. Vigani, G. Consonni
Where do root exudates come from? Metabolic reprogramming under nutrient deficiency: Fe nutrition as a case study
2014 G. Vigani, S. Donnini, P. De Nisi, M. Dell'Orto, L.M. Tato, F.M. Casiraghi, G. Zocchi