Detection of ribonucleotides embedded in DNA by Nanopore sequencing
2024 L. Grasso, A. Fonzino, C. Manzari, T. Leonardi, E. Picardi, C. Gissi, F. Lazzaro, G. Pesole, M. Muzi-Falconi
Macroalgal microbiomes unveil a valuable genetic resource for halogen metabolism
2024 A. Lavecchia, B. Fosso, A.H. Engelen, S. Borin, C. Manzari, E. Picardi, G. Pesole, A. Placido
Dynamic configuration and data security for bioinformatics cloud services with the Laniakea Dashboard
2024 M.A. Tangaro, M. Antonacci, G. Donvito, N. Foggetti, P. Mandreoli, D. Colombo, G. Pesole, F. Zambelli
Different states of stemness of glioblastoma stem cells sustain glioblastoma subtypes indicating novel clinical biomarkers and high-efficacy customized therapies
2023 A. Visioli, N. Trivieri, G. Mencarelli, F. Giani, M. Copetti, O. Palumbo, R. Pracella, M.G. Cariglia, C. Barile, L. Mischitelli, A.A. Soriano, P. Palumbo, F. Legnani, F. Dimeco, L. Gorgoglione, G. Pesole, A.L. Vescovi, E. Binda
How genomics can help biodiversity conservation
2023 K. Theissinger, C. Fernandes, G.P. Formenti, I. Bista, P. R Berg, C. Bleidorn, A. BOMBARELY GOMEZ, A. Crottini, G. R Gallo, J. A Godoy, S. Jentoft, J. Malukiewicz, A. Mouton, R. A Oomen, S. Paez, P. J Palsbøll, C. Pampoulie, M. J Ruiz-López, S. Secomandi, H. Svardal, C. Theofanopoulou, J. de Vries, A. Waldvogel, G. Zhang, E. D Jarvis, M. Bálint, C. Ciofi, R. M Waterhouse, C. J Mazzoni, J. Höglund, S. A Aghayan, T. S Alioto, I. Almudi, N. Alvarez, P. C Alves, I. R Amorim do Rosario, A. Antunes, P. Arribas, P. Baldrian, G. Bertorelle, A. Böhne, A. BONISOLI ALQUATI, L. L Boštjančić, B. Boussau, C. M Breton, E. Buzan, P. F Campos, C. Carreras, L.F. C Castro, L. J Chueca, F. Čiampor, E. Conti, R. Cook-Deegan, D. Croll, M. V Cunha, F. Delsuc, A. B Dennis, D. Dimitrov, R. Faria, A. Favre, O. D Fedrigo, R. Fernández, G.F. Ficetola, J. Flot, T. Gabaldón, D. R Agius, A. M Giani, M.T. P Gilbert, T. Grebenc, K. Guschanski, R. Guyot, B. Hausdorf, O. Hawlitschek, P. D Heintzman, B. Heinze, M. Hiller, M. Husemann, A. Iannucci, I. Irisarri, K. S Jakobsen, P. Klinga, A. Kloch, C. F Kratochwil, H. Kusche, K. KS Layton, J. A Leonard, E. Lerat, G. Liti, T. Manousaki, T. Marques-Bonet, P. Matos-Maraví, M. Matschiner, F. Maumus, A. M Mc Cartney, S. Meiri, J. Melo-Ferreira, X. Mengual, M. T Monaghan, M. Montagna, R. W Mysłajek, M. T Neiber, V. Nicolas, M. Novo, P. Ozretić, F. Palero, L. Pârvulescu, M. Pascual, O. S Paulo, M. Pavlek, C. Pegueroles, L. Pellissier, G. Pesole, C. R Primmer, A. Riesgo, L. Rüber, D. Rubolini, D. Salvi, O. Seehausen, M. Seidel, B. Studer, S. Theodoridis, M. Thines, L. Urban, A. Vasemägi, A. Vella, N. Vella, S. C Vernes, C. Vernesi, D. R Vieites, C. W Wheat, G. Wörheide, Y. Wurm, G. Zammit
The era of reference genomes in conservation genomics
2022 G. Formenti, K. Theissinger, C. Fernandes, I. Bista, A. Bombarely, C. Bleidorn, C. Ciofi, A. Crottini, J.A. Godoy, J. Hoglund, J. Malukiewicz, A. Mouton, R.A. Oomen, S. Paez, P.J. Palsboll, C. Pampoulie, M.J. Ruiz-Lopez, H. Svardal, C. Theofanopoulou, J. de Vries, A.-. Waldvogel, G. Zhang, C.J. Mazzoni, E.D. Jarvis, M. Balint, F. Ciampor, J. Hoglund, P. Palsboll, M.J. Ruiz-Lopez, G. Zhang, E. Jarvis, S.A. Aghayan, T.S. Alioto, I. Almudi, N. Alvarez, P.C. Alves, I.R. Amorim, A. Antunes, P. Arribas, P. Baldrian, P.R. Berg, G. Bertorelle, A. Bohne, A. Bonisoli-Alquati, L.L. Bostjancic, B. Boussau, C.M. Breton, E. Buzan, P.F. Campos, C. Carreras, L.F. Castro, L.J. Chueca, E. Conti, R. Cook-Deegan, D. Croll, M.V. Cunha, F. Delsuc, A.B. Dennis, D. Dimitrov, R. Faria, A. Favre, O.D. Fedrigo, R. Fernandez, G.F. Ficetola, J.-. Flot, T. Gabaldon, D.R. Galea Agius, G.R. Gallo, A.M. Giani, M.T.P. Gilbert, T. Grebenc, K. Guschanski, R. Guyot, B. Hausdorf, O. Hawlitschek, P.D. Heintzman, B. Heinze, M. Hiller, M. Husemann, A. Iannucci, I. Irisarri, K.S. Jakobsen, S. Jentoft, P. Klinga, A. Kloch, C.F. Kratochwil, H. Kusche, K.K.S. Layton, J.A. Leonard, E. Lerat, G. Liti, T. Manousaki, T. Marques-Bonet, P. Matos-Maravi, M. Matschiner, F. Maumus, A.M. Mc Cartney, S. Meiri, J. Melo-Ferreira, X. Mengual, M.T. Monaghan, M. Montagna, R.W. Myslajek, M.T. Neiber, V. Nicolas, M. Novo, P. Ozretic, F. Palero, L. Parvulescu, M. Pascual, O.S. Paulo, M. Pavlek, C. Pegueroles, L. Pellissier, G. Pesole, C.R. Primmer, A. Riesgo, L. Ruber, D. Rubolini, D. Salvi, O. Seehausen, M. Seidel, S. Secomandi, B. Studer, S. Theodoridis, M. Thines, L. Urban, A. Vasemagi, A. Vella, N. Vella, S.C. Vernes, C. Vernesi, D.R. Vieites, R.M. Waterhouse, C.W. Wheat, G. Worheide, Y. Wurm, G. Zammit
UTRdb 2.0: a comprehensive, expert curated catalog of eukaryotic {mRNAs} untranslated regions
2022 C. Lo Giudice, F. Zambelli, M. Chiara, G. Pavesi, M. Antonio Tangaro, E. Picardi, G. Pesole
VID22 counteracts G-quadruplex-induced genome instability
2021 E. Galati, M.C. Bosio, D. Novarina, M. Chiara, G.M. Bernini, A.M. Mozzarelli, M.L. Garcia-Rubio, B. Gomez-Gonzalez, A. Aguilera, T. Carzaniga, M. Todisco, T. Bellini, G.M. Nava, G. Frige, S. Sertic, D.S. Horner, A. Baryshnikova, C. Manzari, A.M. D'Erchia, G. Pesole, G.W. Brown, M. Muzi-Falconi, F. Lazzaro
Ascan: a novel method for the study of allele specific expression in single individuals
2021 F. Zambelli, M. Chiara, E. Ferrandi, P. Mandreoli, M. Antonio Tangaro, G. Pavesi, G. Pesole
Next generation sequencing of SARS-CoV-2 genomes : challenges, applications and opportunities
2020 M. Chiara, A.M. D'Erchia, C. Gissi, C. Manzari, A. Parisi, N. Resta, F. Zambelli, E. Picardi, G. Pavesi, D.S. Horner, G. Pesole
Genome Sequencing and Comparative Analysis of Three Hanseniaspora uvarum Indigenous Wine Strains Reveal Remarkable Biotechnological Potential
2020 N. Guaragnella, M. Chiara, A. Capece, P. Romano, R. Pietrafesa, G. Siesto, C. Manzari, G. Pesole
Comparative genomics suggests limited variability and similar evolutionary patterns between major clades of SARS-CoV-2
2020 M. Chiara, D.S. Horner, C. Gissi, G. Pesole
Comparative genomics provides an operational classification system and reveals early emergence and biased spatio-temporal distribution of SARS-CoV-2
2020 M. Chiara, D.S. Horner, C. Gissi, G. Pesole
Endogenous murine microbiota member Faecalibaculum rodentium and its human homologue protect from intestinal tumour growth
2020 E. Zagato, C. Pozzi, A. Bertocchi, T. Schioppa, F. Saccheri, S. Guglietta, B. Fosso, L. Melocchi, G. Nizzoli, J. Troisi, M. Marzano, B. Oresta, I. Spadoni, K. Atarashi, S. Carloni, S. Arioli, G. Fornasa, F. Asnicar, N. Segata, S. Guglielmetti, K. Honda, G. Pesole, W. Vermi, G. Penna, M. Rescigno
Genome sequencing of 3 H. uvarum strains isolated from must fermentation
2019 M. Chiara, N. Guaragnella, G. Pesole
TRIM8 Blunts the Pro-proliferative Action of ΔNp63α in a p53 Wild-Type Background
2019 M.F. Caratozzolo, F. Marzano, D. Abbrescia, F. Mastropasqua, V. Petruzzella, V. Calabrò, G. Pesole, E. Sbisà, L. Guerrini, A. Tullo
Laniakea: an open solution to provide Galaxy "on-demand" instances over heterogeneous cloud infrastructures
2018 M.A. Tangaro, G. Donvito, M. Antonacci, M. Chiara, P. Mandreoli, G. Pesole, F. Zambelli
RNentropy : an entropy-based tool for the detection of significant variation of gene expression across multiple RNA-Seq experiments
2018 F. Zambelli, F. Mastropasqua, E. Picardi, A.M. D'Erchia, G. Pesole, G. Pavesi
Whole transcriptome profiling of Late-Onset Alzheimer's Disease patients provides insights into the molecular changes involved in the disease
2018 A. Annese, C. Manzari, C. Lionetti, E. Picardi, D.S. Horner, M. Chiara, M.F. Caratozzolo, A. Tullo, B. Fosso, G. Pesole, A.M. D'Erchia
A-GAME : improving the assembly of pooled functional metagenomics sequence data
2018 M. Chiara, A. Placido, E. Picardi, L.R. Ceci, D.S. Horner, G. Pesole