Dipartimento di Bioscienze
Molecular mechanisms of thalidomide effectiveness on COVID-19 patients explained: ACE2 is a new ΔNp63α target gene
2024 L. Monteonofrio, I. Virdia, S. Pozzi, R. Quadri, A. Amendolare, F. Marzano, M. Braile, V. Sulfaro, M. Paroni, A. Tullo, S. Soddu, L. Guerrini
A Haspin-ARHGAP11A axis regulates epithelial morphogenesis through Rho-ROCK dependent modulation of LIMK1-Cofilin
2023 R. Quadri, G. Rotondo, S. Sertic, S. Pozzi, M.C. Dell'Oca, L. Guerrini, M. Muzi-Falconi
The Underestimated Role of the p53 Pathway in Renal Cancer
2022 A. Amendolare, F. Marzano, V. Petruzzella, R.A. Vacca, L. Guerrini, G. Pesole, E. Sbisa, A. Tullo
Emerging roles of TRIM8 in health and disease
2021 F. Marzano, L.F.I. Guerrini, G. Pesole, E. Sbisà, A. Tullo
p63 is a cereblon substrate involved in thalidomide teratogenicity
2019 T. Asatsuma-Okumura, H. Ando, M. De Simone, J. Yamamoto, T. Sato, N. Shimizu, K. Asakawa, Y. Yamaguchi, T. Ito, L. Guerrini, H. Handa
TRIM8 Blunts the Pro-proliferative Action of ΔNp63α in a p53 Wild-Type Background
2019 M.F. Caratozzolo, F. Marzano, D. Abbrescia, F. Mastropasqua, V. Petruzzella, V. Calabrò, G. Pesole, E. Sbisà, L. Guerrini, A. Tullo
Sumoylation and ubiquitylation crosstalk in the control of ΔNp63α protein stability
2018 M. Ranieri, M. Vivo, M. De Simone, L. Guerrini, A. Pollice, G. Lamantia, V. Calabrò
TRIM8 restores p53 tumour suppressor function by blunting N-MYC activity in chemo-resistant tumours
2017 F. Mastropasqua, F. Marzano, A. Valletti, I. Aiello, G. Di Tullio, A. Morgano, S. Liuni, E. Ranieri, L. Guerrini, G. Gasparre, E. Sbisà, G. Pesole, A. Moschetta, M.F. Caratozzolo, A. Tullo
FGF8, c-Abl and p300 participate in a pathway that controls stability and function of the ΔNp63α protein
2015 M. Restelli, E. Molinari, B. Marinari, D. Conte, N. Gnesutta, A. Costanzo, G. Merlo, L.F. Guerrini
DLX5, FGF8 and the Pin1 isomerase control ΔNp63α protein stability during limb development : a regulatory loop at the basis of the SHFM and EEC congenital malformations
2014 M. Restelli, T. Lopardo, N. Lo Iacono, G. Garaffo, D. Conte, A. Rustighi, M. Napoli, G. Del Sal, D. Perez Morga, A. Costanzo, G.R. Merlo, L. Guerrini
Vomer aplasia in a patient carrying a de novo mutation of the TP63 gene (3q27)
2013 A. Schindler, L. Guazzarotti, C. Mameli, E. Urbani, F. Mozzanica, L.F. Guerrini, G.V. Zuccotti
BMP-Mediated Functional Cooperation between Dlx5;Dlx6 and Msx1;Msx2 during Mammalian Limb Development
2013 M. Vieux-Rochas, K. Bouhali, S. Mantero, G. Garaffo, P. Provero, S. Astigiano, O. Barbieri, M.F. Caratozzolo, A. Tullo, L. Guerrini, Y. Lallemand, B. Robert, G. Levi, G.R. Merlo
TRIM8 modulates p53 activity to dictate cell cycle arrest
2012 M. Caratozzolo, L. Micale, M. Turturo, S. Cornacchia, C. Fusco, F. Marzano, B. Augello, A. D'Erchia, L. Guerrini, G. Pesole, E. Sbisà, G. Merla, A. Tullo
Developmental factor IRF6 exhibits tumor suppressor activity in squamous cell carcinomas
2011 E. Botti, G. Spallone, F. Moretti, B. Marinari, V. Pinetti, S. Galanti, P.D. De Meo, F. De Nicola, F. Ganci, T. Castrignanò, G. Pesole, S. Chimenti, L. Guerrini, M. Fanciulli, G. Blandino, M. Karin, A. Costanzo
A symphony of regulations centered on p63 to control development of ectoderm-derived structures
2011 L. Guerrini, A. Costanzo, G.R. Merlo
HIPK2 phosphorylates Delta Np63α and promotes its degradation in response to DNA damage
2011 C. Lazzari, A. Prodosmo, F. Siepi, C. Rinaldo, F. Galli, M. Gentileschi, A. Bartolazzi, A. Costanzo, A. Sacchi, L.F. Guerrini, S. Soddu
Protein kinase PAK4 is involved in keratinocyte differentiation and modulates transcription factor p63
2010 A.M.E. Calogero, F. Galli, L.F. Guerrini, N.B. Gnesutta
Role of protein kinase PAK4 in differentiation and survival of human keratinocytes and regulation of transcription factor p63
2010 A. Calogero, F. Galli, L. Guerrini, N. Gnesutta
Identification of DeltaNp63 alpha protein interactions by mass spectrometry.
2010 L. Guerrini
A regulatory feedback loop involving p63 and IRF6 links the pathogenesis of 2 genetically different ectodermal dysplasias
2010 F. Moretti, B. Marinari, N. Lo Iacono, E. Botti, A. Giunta, G. Spallone, G. Garaffo, E. Vernesson-Lindahl, G. Merlo, A.A. Mills, C. Ballarò, S. Alemà, S. Chimenti, L. Guerrini, A. Costanzo