Determinazione della struttura : spettrometria di massa e spettroscopia infrarossa
2009 E. Pini, R. Stradi, V. Bertacche
Structural Analysis of Fagopyrin Extracts by HPLC-MS, NMR and CD
2009 A. Tagliabue, V. Galbusera, V. Bertacche, S. Mazzini, E.M. Ragg
Hybrid inorganic-organic materials carrying tertiary amine and thiourea residues tethered on mesoporous silica nanoparticles : synthesis, characterization and cooperative catalysis
2009 A. Puglisi, R. Annunziata, M. Benaglia, F. Cozzi, A. Gervasini, V. Bertacche, M. Sala
Phenotypic correlates of yolk and plasma carotenoid concentration in yellow-legged gull chicks
2008 N. Saino, V. Bertacche, A. Bonisoli Alquati, M. Romano, D. Rubolini
Estimation and characterisation of budesonide tablets impurities
2008 P. Ferraboschi, V. Bertacche, I. Maccone, E. Pini, L. Ragonesi, A. Venturini, R. Stradi
Complete characterization of extracts of Onopordum illyricum L (Asteraceae) by HPLC/PDA/ESIMS and NMR
2008 L. Verotta, L. Belvisi, V. Bertacche, M.C. Loi
Direct conversion of polyconjugated compounds into their corresponding carboxylic acids by Acetobacter aceti
2008 E.R.E. Pini, V. Bertacche, F.E. Molinari, D. Romano, R. Gandolfi
Plumage carotenoids of the Pin-tailed Manakin (Ilicura militaris) : evidence for the endogenous production of rhodoxanthin from a colour variant
2007 J. Hudon, M. Anciaes, V. Bertacche, R. Stradi
Synthesis of 4-dialkylaminopyridine derivatives through ring-rearrangement of 3-nitro-2H-pyran-2-one acetamidines
2007 V. Bertacche, A. Contini, E. Erba, D. Nava, P. Trimarco
Structural elucidation of an unknown Simvastatin by-product in industrial synthesis starting from Lovastatin
2007 V. Bertacche, A. Milanese, D. Nava, E. Pini, R. Stradi
Modificazioni delle funzionalità di carboni attivi con gruppi amminici
2006 J. Theuerkauf, M. Longhi, L.G. Formaro, I. Galbiati, V. Bertacche, G. Di Silvestro
Quantitative determination of amorphous cyclosporine in crystalline cyclosporine samples by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy
2006 R. Stradi, E. Pini, F. Stratta, V. Bertacche
Skin carotenoid concentration correlates with male hunting skill and territory quality in the kestrel Falco tinnunculus
Host-guest interaction study of resveratrol with natural and modified cyclodextrins
2006 V. Bertacche, N. Lorenzi, D. Nava, E. Pini, C. Sinico
Preparation and Characterization of Aminated Carbon from a Single-Step Reaction
2006 M. Longhi, V. Bertacche, C.L.M. Bianchi, L. Formaro
Health-promoting potential of Onopordum Illyricum L (Asteraceae)
2005 L. Verotta, E. Sala, V. Bertacche, C. Navarrete, E. Munoz, M.C. Loi
Carotenoid concentration in barn swallow eggs is influenced by laying order, maternal infection and paternal ornamentation
2002 N. Saino, V. Bertacche, P.R. Ferrari, R. Martinelli , P. Moller Anders, R. Stradi