DIPARTIMENTO DI BIOLOGIA (attivo dal 01/07/1979 al 26/04/2012)
Carry-over effects of brood size on morphology, reproduction, and lifespan in barn swallows
2018 N. Saino, R. Ambrosini, D. Rubolini, M. Romano, M. Caprioli, A. Romano, M. Parolini
Yolk vitamin E positively affects prenatal growth but not oxidative status in yellow-legged gull embryos
2018 M. Parolini, C.D. Possenti, F. Karadas, G. Colombo, M. Romano, M. Caprioli, I. Dalle Donne, D. Rubolini, A. Milzani, N. Saino
Sex-dependent carry-over effects on timing of reproduction and fecundity of a migratory bird
2017 N. Saino, R. Ambrosini, M. Caprioli, A. Romano, M. Romano, D. Rubolini, C. Scandolara, F. Liechti
No short-term effects of geolocators on flight performance of an aerial insectivorous bird, the Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica)
2016 P. Matyjasiak, D. Rubolini, M. Romano, N. Saino
Impact of miniaturized geolocators on barn swallow Hirundo rustica fitness traits
2014 C. Scandolara, D. Rubolini, R. Ambrosini, M. Caprioli, S. Hahn, F. Liechti, A. Romano, M. Romano, B. Sicurella, N. Saino
Effects of egg and circulating testosterone on ring-necked pheasant (phasianus colchicus) male traits and combat outcome
2014 D. Rubolini, L. Fusani, A. Bonisoli Alquati, V. Canoine, M. Caprioli, M. Romano, R. Ambrosini, F. Dessì Fulgheri, N. Saino
Melanic coloration differentially predicts transfer of immune factors to eggs with daughters or sons
2014 N. Saino, M. Romano, D. Rubolini, M. Caprioli, A. Costanzo, L. Canova, A.P. Møller
Brownish, small and lousy barn swallows have greater natal dispersal propensity
2014 N. Saino, M. Romano, C. Scandolara, D. Rubolini, R. Ambrosini, M. Caprioli, A. Costanzo, A. Romano
A Trade-Off between Reproduction and Feather Growth in the Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica)
2014 N. Saino, M. Romano, D. Rubolini, R. Ambrosini, A. Romano, M. Caprioli, A. Costanzo, G. Bazzi
Molt, feather growth rate and body condition of male and female Barn Swallows
2013 N. Saino, M. Romano, M. Caprioli, R. Lardelli, P. Micheloni, C. Scandolara, D. Rubolini, M. Fasola
A ptilochronological study of carry-over effects of conditions during wintering on breeding performance in the barn swallow Hirundo rustica
2012 N. Saino, M. Romano, M. Caprioli, R. Ambrosini, D. Rubolini, C. Scandolara, A. Romano
Longevity and lifetime reproductive success of barn swallow offspring are predicted by their hatching date and phenotypic quality
2012 N. Saino, M. Romano, R. Ambrosini, D. Rubolini, G. Boncoraglio, M. Caprioli, A. Romano
MHC genotype predicts mate choice in the ring-necked pheasant Phasianus colchicus
2012 M. Baratti, F. Dessì-Fulgheri, R. Ambrosini, A. Bonisoli Alquati, M. Caprioli, E. Goti, A. Matteo, R. Monnanni, L. Ragionieri, E. Ristori, M. Romano, D. Rubolini, A. Scialpi, N. Saino
Clock gene variation is associated with breeding phenology and may be under directional selection in the migratory barn swallow
2012 M. Caprioli, R. Ambrosini, G. Boncoraglio, E. Gatti, A. Romano, M. Romano, D. Rubolini, L. Gianfranceschi, N. Saino
Maintenance of livestock farming may buffer population decline of the Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica
2012 R. Ambrosini, D. Rubolini, P. Trovò, G. Liberini, M. Bandini, A. Romano, B. Sicurella, C. Scandolara, M. Romano, N. Saino
Characterization of a new trabectedin-resistant myxoid liposarcoma cell line that shows collateral sensitivity to methylating agents
2012 S. Uboldi, S. Bernasconi, M. Romano, S. Marchini, I. Fuso Nerini, G. Damia, M. Ganzinelli, E. Marangon, F. Sala, L. Clivio, G. Chiorino, S. Di Giandomenico, M. Rocchi, O. Capozzi, G.P. Margison, A.J. Watson, A.M. Caccuri, A. Pastore, A. Fossati, R. Mantovani, F. Grosso, J.C. Tercero, E. Erba, M. D'Incalci
Sex-Related effects of reproduction on biomarkers of oxidative damage in free-living barn swallows (Hirundo rustica)
2012 D. Rubolini, G. Colombo, R. Ambrosini, M. Caprioli, M. Clerici, R. Colombo, I. Dalle-Donne, A. Milzani, A. Romano, M. Romano, N. Saino
Maternal effects mediated by egg quality in the Yellow-legged Gull Larus michahellis in relation to laying order and embryo sex
2011 D. Rubolini, M. Romano, K.J. Navara, F. Karadas, R. Ambrosini, M. Caprioli, N. Saino
Hatching asynchrony and offspring sex: an experiment on maternal effects in the yellow-legged gull
2011 N. Saino, M. Romano, M. Caprioli, R. Ambrosini, D. Rubolini, M. Fasola
Egg testosterone affects wattle color and trait covariation in the ring-necked pheasant
2011 A. Bonisoli-Alquati, D. Rubolini, M. Caprioli, R. Ambrosini, M. Romano, N. Saino