Dipartimento di Scienze Farmaceutiche
The chiral 5,6-cyclohexane-fused uracil ring-system: A molecular platform with promising activity against SARS-CoV-2
2025 E. Marcantonio, D. Guazzetti, C. Coppa, L. Battistini, A. Sartori, K. Bugatti, B. Provinciael, C. Curti, A. Contini, K. Vermeire, F. Zanardi
Editorial: Spotlight on Europe - chemical sciences 2023
2024 C.S.B. Gomes, A. Contini, A. Pratesi, P. Musto, F. Zamora, E. Brachet, T.D. James
Doubly Metathetic NiCl2-Catalyzed Coupling Between Bis(2-oxazolines) and Aldehydes: A Novel Access to Bis(ester-imine) Derivatives
2024 C. Sara, J. Oble, G. Poli, L. LO PRESTI, G. Macetti, A. Contini, G. Broggini, M. Papis, C. Loro
Identification of a short ACE2-derived stapled peptide targeting the SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein
2023 L. Calugi, G. Sautariello, E. Lenci, M.L. Mattei, C. Coppa, N. Cini, A. Contini, A. Trabocchi
Non-Conventional Peptide Self-Assembly into a Conductive Supramolecular Rope
2023 N. Forlano, R. Bucci, A. Contini, M. Venanzi, E. Placidi, M.L. Gelmi, R. Lettieri, E. Gatto
Accelerated Molecular Dynamics for Peptide Folding: Benchmarking Different Combinations of Force Fields and Explicit Solvent Models
2023 C. Coppa, A. Bazzoli, M. Barkhordari, A. Contini
Progettazione in-silico, sintesi e valutazione di ciclopeptidi inibitori dell’interazione tra la SARS-CoV2 Spike protein e ACE2 umana
2023 C. Coppa, A. Contini
Novel Polymyxin-Inspired Peptidomimetics Targeting the SARS-CoV-2 Spike:hACE2 Interface
2023 K. Bugatti, A. Sartori, L. Battistini, C. Coppa, E. Vanhulle, S. Noppen, B. Provinciael, L. Naesens, A. Stevaert, A. Contini, K. Vermeire, F. Zanardi
Open science discovery of potent noncovalent SARS-CoV-2 main protease inhibitors
2023 M.L. Boby, D. Fearon, M. Ferla, M. Filep, L. Koekemoer, M.C. Robinson, J.D. Chodera, A.A. Lee, N. London, A. von Delft, F. von Delft, H. Achdout, A. Aimon, D.S. Alonzi, R. Arbon, J.C. Aschenbrenner, B.H. Balcomb, E. Bar-David, H. Barr, A. Ben-Shmuel, J. Bennett, V.A. Bilenko, B. Borden, P. Boulet, G.R. Bowman, L. Brewitz, J. Brun, S. Bvnbs, M. Calmiano, A. Carbery, D.W. Carney, E. Cattermole, E. Chang, E. Chernyshenko, A. Clyde, J.E. Coffland, G. Cohen, J.C. Cole, A. Contini, L. Cox, T. Ian Croll, M. Cvitkovic, S. De Jonghe, A. Dias, K. Donckers, D.L. Dotson, A. Douangamath, S. Duberstein, T. Dudgeon, L.E. Dunnett, P. Eastman, N. Erez, C.J. Eyermann, M. Fairhead, G. Fate, O. Fedorov, R.S. Fernandes, L. Ferrins, R. Foster, H. Foster, L. Fraisse, R. Gabizon, A. García-Sastre, V.O. Gawriljuk, P. Gehrtz, C. Gileadi, C. Giroud, W.G. Glass, R.C. Glen, I. Glinert, A.S. Godoy, M. Gorichko, T. Gorrie-Stone, E.J. Griffen, A. Haneef, S. Hassell Hart, J. Heer, M. Henry, M. Hill, S. Horrell, Q. Yu Judy Huang, V.D. Huliak, M.F.D. Hurley, T. Israely, A. Jajack, J. Jansen, E. Jnoff, D. Jochmans, T. John, B. Kaminow, L. Kang, A.L. Kantsadi, P.W. Kenny, J.L. Kiappes, S.O. Kinakh, B. Kovar, T. Krojer, V. Ngoc Thuy La, S. Laghnimi-Hahn, B.A. Lefker, H. Levy, R.M. Lithgo, I.G. Logvinenko, P. Lukacik, H. Bruce Macdonald, E.M. Maclean, L.L. Makower, T.R. Malla, P.G. Marples, T. Matviiuk, W. Mccorkindale, B.L. Mcgovern, S. Melamed, K.P. Melnykov, O. Michurin, P. Miesen, H. Mikolajek, B.F. Milne, D. Minh, A. Morris, G.M. Morris, M. Jane Morwitzer, D. Moustakas, C.E. Mowbray, A.M. Nakamura, J. Brandao Neto, J. Neyts, L. Nguyen, G.D. Noske, V. Oleinikovas, G. Oliva, G.J. Overheul, C. David Owen, R. Pai, J. Pan, N. Paran, A. Matthew Payne, B. Perry, M. Pingle, J. Pinjari, B. Politi, A. Powell, V. Pšenák, I. Pulido, R. Puni, V.L. Rangel, R.N. Reddi, P. Rees, S. Patrick Reid, L. Reid, E. Resnick, E. Grace Ripka, R.P. Robinson, J. Rodriguez-Guerra, R. Rosales, D.A. Rufa, K. Saar, K. Singh Saikatendu, E. Salah, D. Schaller, J. Scheen, C.A. Schiffer, C.J. Schofield, M. Shafeev, A. Shaikh, A.M. Shaqra, J. Shi, K. Shurrush, S. Singh, A. Sittner, P. Sjö, R. Skyner, A. Smalley, B. Smeets, M.D. Smilova, L.J. Solmesky, J. Spencer, C. Strain-Damerell, V. Swamy, H. Tamir, J.C. Taylor, R.E. Tennant, W. Thompson, A. Thompson, S. Tomásio, C.W.E. Tomlinson, I.S. Tsurupa, A. Tumber, I. Vakonakis, R.P. van Rij, L. Vangeel, F.S. Varghese, M. Vaschetto, E.B. Vitner, V. Voelz, A. Volkamer, M.A. Walsh, W. Ward, C. Weatherall, S. Weiss, K.M. White, C. Francis Wild, K.D. Witt, M. Wittmann, N. Wright, Y. Yahalom-Ronen, N. Kurt Yilmaz, D. Zaidmann, I. Zhang, H. Zidane, N. Zitzmann, S.N. Zvornicanin
Highly efficient morpholine-based organocatalysts for the 1,4-addition reaction between aldehydes and nitroolefins: an unexploited class of catalysts
2023 F. Vaghi, G. Facchetti, I. Rimoldi, M. Bottiglieri, A. Contini, M.L. Gelmi, R. Bucci
Phosphine-Catalyzed Domino Regio- and Stereo-Selective Hexamerization of 2-(Bromomethyl)acrylates to 1,2-Bis(cyclohexenyl)ethenyl Derivatives
2023 M. Papis, R. Bucci, A. Contini, M.L. Gelmi, L. Lo Presti, G. Poli, G. Broggini, C. Loro
Identification of a novel off-target of paroxetine: Possible role in sexual dysfunction induced by this SSRI antidepressant drug
2022 S. Giatti, A.D. Domizio, S. Diviccaro, L. Cioffi, I. Marmorini, E. Falvo, D. Caruso, A. Contini, R.C. Melcangi
SARS-CoV-2 infects the human kidney and drives fibrosis in kidney organoids
2022 J. Jansen, K.C. Reimer, J.S. Nagai, F.S. Varghese, G.J. Overheul, M. de Beer, R. Roverts, D. Daviran, L.A.S. Fermin, B. Willemsen, M. Beukenboom, S. Djudjaj, S. von Stillfried, L.E. van Eijk, M. Mastik, M. Bulthuis, W.D. Dunnen, H. van Goor, J.-. Hillebrands, S.H. Triana, T. Alexandrov, M.-. Timm, B.T. van den Berge, M. van den Broek, Q. Nlandu, J. Heijnert, E.M.J. Bindels, R.M. Hoogenboezem, F. Mooren, C. Kuppe, P. Miesen, K. Grunberg, T. Ijzermans, E.J. Steenbergen, J. Czogalla, M.F. Schreuder, N. Sommerdijk, A. Akiva, P. Boor, V.G. Puelles, J. Floege, T.B. Huber, H. Achdout, A. Aimon, E. Bar-David, H. Barr, A. Ben-Shmuel, J. Bennett, M.L. Boby, B. Borden, G.R. Bowman, J. Brun, S. Bvnbs, M. Calmiano, A. Carbery, E. Cattermole, E. Chernychenko, J.D. Choder, A. Clyde, J.E. Coffland, G. Cohen, J. Cole, A. Contini, L. Cox, M. Cvitkovic, A. Dias, K. Donckers, D.L. Dotson, A. Douangamath, S. Duberstein, T. Dudgeon, L. Dunnett, P.K. Eastman, N. Erez, C.J. Eyermann, M. Fairhead, G. Fate, D. Fearon, O. Federov, M. Ferla, R.S. Fernandes, L. Ferrins, R. Foster, H. Foster, R. Gabizon, A. Garcia-Sastre, V.O. Gawriljuk, P. Gehrtz, C. Gileadi, C. Giroud, W.G. Glass, R. Glen, G. Itai, A.S. Godoy, M. Gorichko, T. Gorrie-Stone, E.J. Griffen, S.H. Hart, J. Heer, M. Henry, M. Hill, S. Horrell, M.F.D. Hurley, T. Israely, A. Jajack, E. Jnoff, D. Jochmans, T. John, S. De Jonghe, A.L. Kantsadi, P.W. Kenny, J.L. Kiappes, L. Koekemoer, B. Kovar, T. Krojer, A.A. Lee, B.A. Lefker, H. Levy, N. London, P. Lukacik, H.B. Macdonald, B. Maclean, T.R. Malla, T. Matviiuk, W. Mccorkindale, B.L. Mcgovern, S. Melamed, O. Michurin, H. Mikolajek, B.F. Milne, A. Morris, G.M. Morris, M.J. Morwitzer, D. Moustakas, A.M. Nakamura, J.B. Neto, J. Neyts, L. Nguyen, G.D. Noske, V. Oleinikovas, G. Oliva, D. Owen, V. Psenak, R. Pai, J. Pan, N. Paran, B. Perry, M. Pingle, J. Pinjari, B. Politi, A. Powell, R. Puni, V.L. Rangel, R.N. Reddi, S.P. Reid, E. Resnick, E.G. Ripka, M.C. Robinson, R.P. Robinson, J. Rodriguez-Guerra, R. Rosales, D. Rufa, C. Schofield, M. Shafeev, A. Shaikh, J. Shi, K. Shurrush, S. Sing, A. Sittner, R. Skyner, A. Smalley, M.D. Smilova, L.J. Solmesky, J. Spencer, C. Strain-Damarell, V. Swamy, H. Tamir, R. Tennant, W. Thompson, A. Thompson, S. Tomasia, A. Tumber, I. Vakonakis, R.P. van Rij, L. van Geel, M. Vaschetto, E.B. Vitner, V. Voelz, A. Volkamer, F. von Delft, A. von Delft, M. Walsh, W. Ward, C. Weatherall, S. Weiss, K.M. White, C.F. Wild, M. Wittmann, N. Wright, Y. Yahalom-Ronen, D. Zaidmann, H. Zidane, N. Zitzmann, I.G. Costa, R.K. Schneider, B. Smeets, R. Kramann
In Vitro Antimalarial Activity of Inhibitors of the Human GTPase Rac1
2022 S. Parapini, S. Paone, E. Erba, L. Cavicchini, M. Pourshaban, F. Celani, A. Contini, S. D'Alessandro, A. Olivieri
Modular synthesis of 2,4-diaminoanilines as CNS drug-like non-covalent inhibitors of asparagine endopeptidase
2022 L. Calugi, E. Lenci, F. Bianchini, A. Contini, A. Trabocchi
A Non‐coded β2,2‐Amino Acid with Isoxazoline Core Able to Stabilize Peptides Folding Through an Unprecedented Hydrogen Bond
2022 R. Bucci, F. Vaghi, D. Di Lorenzo, F. Anastasi, G. Broggini, L. Lo Presti, A. Contini, M.L. Gelmi
Morpholino-based peptide oligomers: Synthesis and DNA binding properties
2021 A. Contini, E. Erba, V. Bondavalli, A. Barbiroli, M.L. Gelmi, A. Romanelli
Targeting transdifferentiated hepatic stellate cells and monitoring the hepatic fibrogenic process by means of IGF2R-specific peptides designedin silico
2021 F. Weber, T. Casalini, G. Valentino, L. Brulisauer, N. Andreas, A. Koeberle, T. Kamradt, A. Contini, P. Luciani
Copper(II)‐Catalyzed Aminohalogenation of Alkynyl Carbamates
2021 S. Giofre', C. Loro, L. Molteni, C. Castellano, A. Contini, D. Nava, G. Broggini, E.M. Beccalli
Three-Dimensional Proteome-Wide Scale Screening for the 5-Alpha Reductase Inhibitor Finasteride: Identification of a Novel Off-Target
2021 S. Giatti, A. Di Domizio, S. Diviccaro, E. Falvo, D. Caruso, A. Contini, C. Melcangi