Conventional activated sludge vs. photo-sequencing batch reactor for enhanced nitrogen removal in municipal wastewater: Microalgal-bacterial consortium and pathogenic load insights
2024 E. Clagnan, S. Petrini, S. Pioli, F. Piergiacomo, A.A. Chowdhury, L. Brusetti, P. Foladori
Structural and functional microbial diversity in deadwood respond to decomposition dynamics
2023 S. Pioli, E. Clagnan, A.A. Chowdhury, A. Bani, L. Borruso, M. Ventura, G. Tonon, L. Brusetti
Microbial community and performance of a partial nitritation/anammox sequencing batch reactor treating textile wastewater
2021 E. Clagnan, L. Brusetti, S. Pioli, S. Visigalli, A. Turolla, M. Jia, M. Bargna, E. Ficara, G. Bergna, R. Canziani, M. Bellucci
Microdiversity of Deep-Sea Bacillales Isolated from Tyrrhenian Sea Sediments as Revealed by ARISA, 16S rRNA Gene Sequencing and BOX-PCR Fingerprinting
2013 B. Ettoumi, A. Guesmi, L. Brusetti, S. Borin, A. Najjari, A. Boudabous, A. Cherif
Influence of transgenic Bt176 and non-transgenic corn silage on the structure of rumen bacterial communities
2011 L. Brusetti, E. Crotti, A. Tamburini, D. Cittaro, V. Garavaglia, E. Rolli, C. Sorlini, D. Daffonchio, S. Borin
Esterase as an enzymatic signature of Geodermatophilaceae adaptability to Sahara desert stones and monuments
2010 I. Essoussi, F. Ghodhbane Gtari, H. Amairi, H. Sghaier, A. Jaouani, L. Brusetti, D. Daffonchio, A. Boudabous, M. Gtari
Rehabilitation of Mediterranean anthropogenic soils using symbiotic wild legume shrubs: Plant establishment and impact on the soil bacterial community structure
2010 M. Cardinale, L. Brusetti, A. Lanza, S. Orlando, D. Daffonchio, A.M. Puglia, P. Quatrini
2010 N. Raddadi, A. Rizzi, L. Brusetti, S. Borin, I. Tamagnini, D. Daffonchio
Rock weathering creates oases of life in a high arctic desert
2010 S. Borin, S. Ventura, F. Tambone, F. Mapelli, F. Schubotz, L. Brusetti, B. Scaglia, L.P. D'Acqui, B. Solheim, S. Turicchia, R. Marasco, K.U. Hinrichs, F. Baldi, F. Adani, D. Daffonchio
Effects of municipal solid waste compost, farmyard manure and chemical fertilizers on wheat growth, soil composition and soil bacterial characteristics under Tunisian arid climate
2009 H. Cherif, F. Ayari, H. Ouzari, M. Marzorati, L. Brusetti, N. Jedidi, A. Hassen, D. Daffonchio
Sulfur cycling and methanogenesis primarily drive microbial colonization of the highly sulfidic Urania deep hypersaline basin
2009 S. Borin, L. Brusetti, F. Mapelli, G. D’Auria, T. Brusa, M. Marzorati, A. Rizzi, M. Yakimov, D. Marty, G.J. De Lange, P. Van der Wielen, H. Bolhuis, T.J. Mcgenity, P.N. Polymenakou, E. Malinverno, L. Giuliano, C. Corselli, D. Daffonchio
Endophytic bacterial diversity in grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) leaves described by 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis and Length Heterogeneity-PCR
2009 D. Bulgari, P. Casati, L. Brusetti, F. Quaglino, M. Brasca, D.G. Daffonchio, P.A. Bianco
Deterioration of Medieval painting in the chapel of the Holy Nail, Siena (Italy) partially treated with Paraloid B72
2009 C. Milanesi, S. Borin, L. Brusetti, F. Ciampolini, F. Iacopini, F. Baldi
Microbial diversity in healthy, yellows infected and recovered grapevine plants.
2009 D. Bulgari, P. Casati, L. Brusetti, F. Quaglino, D. Daffonchio, P.A. Bianco
Bacterial endophytes isolated from healthy, yellows infected and recovered grapevine plants.
2009 D. Bulgari, P. Casati, L. Brusetti, F. Quaglino, D. Daffonchio, P.A. Bianco
Biodiversity of prokaryotic communities in sediments of different sub-basins of the Venice lagoon
2009 S. Borin, L. Brusetti, D. Daffonchio, E. Delaney, F. Baldi
Study of the bacterial community affiliated to Hyalesthes obsoletus, the insect vector of "bois noir" phytoplasma of grape
2008 E. Gonella, I. Negri, M. Marzorati, L. Brusetti, M. Pajoro, M. Mandrioli, R. Tedeschi, D. Daffonchio, A. Alma
Exploration of methods used to describe bacterial communities in silage of maize (Zea mays) cultivars
2008 L. Brusetti, S. Borin, A. Rizzi, D. Mora, C. Sorlini, D.G. Daffonchio
LH-PCR come metodo di analisi per lo studio del ruolo dei batteri endofiti nel fenomeno del recovery in vite
2008 D. Bulgari, P. Casati, F. Quaglino, L. Brusetti, D.G. Daffonchio, P.A. Bianco
Endophytic bacterial community in yellows infected and recovered grapevine plants
2008 P. Casati, D. Bulgari, L. Brusetti, F. Quaglino, D. Daffonchio, G. Belli, P.A. Bianco