DIPARTIMENTO DI MEDICINA, CHIRURGIA E ODONTOIATRIA (attivo dal 01/01/1999 al 26/04/2012)
Metabolomic Changes after Coffee Consumption: New Paths on the Block
2020 C. Favari, L. Righetti, M. Tassotti, L.A. Gethings, D. Martini, A. Rosi, M. Antonini, J. Rubert, C. Manach, A. Dei Cas, R. Bonadonna, F. Brighenti, C. Dall'Asta, P. Mena, D. Del Rio
Are treated celiac patients at risk for mycotoxins? An Italian case-study
2017 M. Cirlini, T. Mazzeo, L. Roncoroni, V. Lombardo, L. Elli, M.T. Bardella, C. Agostoni, L. Doneda, F. Brighenti, C. Dall’Asta, N. Pellegrini
Weight loss through gastric banding: effects on TSH and thyroid hormones in obese subjects with normal thyroid function
2010 C. Dall'Asta, M. Paganelli, A. Morabito, P. Vedani, M. Barbieri, G. Paolisso, F. Folli, A.E. Pontiroli
Effect of weight loss through laparoscopic gastric banding on blood pressure, plasma renin activity and aldosterone levels in morbid obesity
2009 C. Dall'Asta, P. Vedani, P. Manunta, P. Pizzocri, M. Marchi, M. Paganelli, F. Folli, A. E. Pontiroli
Echocardiographic alterations in patients with non-functioning adrenal incidentaloma
2008 F. Ermetici, C. Dall'Asta, A.E. Malavazos, C. Coman, L. Morricone, V. Montericcio, B. Ambrosi
MRI in identifying hepatic steatosis in obese children and relation to ultrasonography and metabolic findings
2008 C.P. Pozzato, G. Radaelli, C.G. Dall'Asta, E. Verduci, A. Villa, C. Villa, S. Scaglioni, E. Riva, A.E. Pontiroli, G. Cornalba, M. Giovannini
Sexual dysfunction in diabetic, obese, and hypothyroid women; a marker of increased cardiovascular risk
2008 A. Veronelli, C. Mauri, B. Zecchini, C. Dall'Asta, M.G. Peca, A.E. Pontiroli
Usefulness of chemical-shift MRI in discriminating increased liver echogenicity in glycogenosis
2007 C.P. Pozzato, C.G. Dall'asta, G. Radaelli, M. Torcoletti, A. Formenti, E. Riva, G. Cornalba, A.E. Pontiroli
Ipertensione endocrina
2006 B. Ambrosi, C. Dall'Asta, P. Beck-Peccoz
Assessing the presence of abnormal regulation of cortisol secretion by membrane hormone receptors : in vivo and in vitro studies in patients with functioning and non-functioning adrenal adenoma
2004 C.G. Dall'Asta, E. Ballarè, G. Mantovani, B.E. Ambrosi, A. Spada, L. Barbetta, P. Colombo, P. Travaglini, P. Loli, P.L.M. Beck-Peccoz
Effects of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) supplementation on hormonal, metabolic and behavioral status in patients with hypoadrenalism
2004 R. Libè, L. Barbetta, C. Dall'Asta, F. Salvaggio, C. Gala, P. Beck-Peccoz, B. Ambrosi
Recurrence of Cushing's disease preceded by the reappearance of ACTH and cortisol responses to desmopressin test
2004 C. Dall'Asta, L. Barbetta, L. Bonavina, P. Beck-Peccoz, B. Ambrosi
Baseline and CRH-stimulated ACTH and cortisol levels after administration of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma ligand, rosiglitazone, in Cushing's disease
2004 S. Cannavo, B. Ambrosi, I. Chiodini, T. Vigo, A. Russo, C. Milici, L. Barbetta, C. Dall'Asta, G. Adda, M. Arosio
Effects of chronic administration of PPAR-γ ligand rosiglitazone in Cushing's disease
2004 B. Ambrosi, C. Dall'Asta, S. Cannavò, R. Libè, T. Vigo, P. Epaminonda, I. Chiodini, S. Ferrero, F. Trimarchi, M. Arosio, P. Beck-Peccoz
Significato biologico delle micrometastasi linfonodali e midollari nel carcinoma esofageo
2003 L. Bonavina, R. Incarbone, V. Midolo, D. Bona, S. Ferrero, C. Dall'Asta