DIPARTIMENTO DI MEDICINA, CHIRURGIA E ODONTOIATRIA (attivo dal 01/01/1999 al 26/04/2012)
Effect of Vitamin D and Docosahexaenoic Acid Co-Supplementation on Vitamin D Status, Body Composition, and Metabolic Markers in Obese Children: A Randomized, Double Blind, Controlled Study
2022 V. DE COSMI, A. Mazzocchi, V. D'Oria, A. Re, G.C.I. Spolidoro, G.P. Milani, C. Berti, S. Scaglioni, C. Giavoli, S. Bergamaschi, G. Rodari, E. Profka, R. Colombo, C.V. Agostoni
Understanding feeding problems in autistic children: Exploring the interplay between internalizing symptoms and sensory features
2022 A. Crippa, P. Colombo, V. De Cosmi, A. Mazzocchi, S. Scaglioni, G.C.I. Spolidoro, S. Bettocchi, V. D'Oria, N. Vigano, E. Mani, M. Molteni, C. Agostoni
Nutritional Habits and Interventions in Childhood
2022 S. Scaglioni, V. DE COSMI, A. Mazzocchi
Nutrient intake in aging infants and toddlers: 3-year follow-up of the Nutrintake study
2020 G.V. Zuccotti, C. Cassatella, A. Morelli, M.C. Cucugliato, C. Mameli, E. Troiano, S. Scaglioni, G. Bedogni
Snacking in nutrition and health
2019 F. Marangoni, D. Martini, S. Scaglioni, M. Sculati, L.M. Donini, F. Leonardi, C. Agostoni, G. Castelnuovo, N. Ferrara, A. Ghiselli, M. Giampietro, C. Maffeis, M. Porrini, B. Barbi, A. Poli
Micronutrient intake adequacy in children from birth to 8 years : data from the Childhood Obesity Project
2018 M. Zaragoza-Jordana, R. Closa-Monasterolo, V. Luque, N. Ferre, V. Grote, B. Koletzko, I. Pawellek, E. Verduci, A. Redionigi, J. Socha, A. Stolarczyk, P. Poncelet, D. Rousseaux, J. Escribano, R. Closa-Monasterolo, J. Escribano, N. Ferre, M. Gispert-Llaurado, C. Rubio-Torrents, V. Luque, M. Zaragoza-Jordana, J. Beyer, M. Fritsch, G. Haile, U. Handel, I. Hannibal, B. Koletzko, S. Kreichauf, I. Pawellek, S. Schiess, S. Verwied-Jorky, R. von Kries, M. Weber, A. Dobrzanska, D. Gruszfeld, R. Janas, A. Wierzbicka, P. Socha, A. Stolarczyk, J. Socha, C. Carlier, E. Dain, P. Goyens, J.N. Van Hees, J. Hoyos, J.P. Langhendries, F. Martin, P. Poncelet, A. Xhonneux, E. Perrin, C. Agostoni, M. Giovannini, A. Re Dionigi, E. Riva, S. Scaglioni, F. Vecchi, E. Verducci
Adequate calcium intake during long periods improves bone mineral density in healthy children : data from the Childhood Obesity Project
2018 R. Closa-Monasterolo, M. Zaragoza-Jordana, N. Ferre, V. Luque, V. Grote, B. Koletzko, E. Verduci, F. Vecchi, J. Escribano, R. Closa-Monasterolo, J. Escribano, N. Ferre, M. Gispert-Llaurado, V. Luque, C. Rubio-Torrents, M. Zaragoza-Jordana, J. Beyer, M. Fritsch, G. Haile, U. Handel, I. Hannibal, B. Koletzko, S. Kreichauf, I. Pawellek, S. Schiess, S. Verwied-Jorky, R. von Kries, M. Weber, A. Dobrzanska, D. Gruszfeld, R. Janas, A. Wierzbicka, P. Socha, A. Stolarczyk, J. Socha, C. Carlier, E. Dain, P. Goyens, J.N. Van Hees, J. Hoyos, J.P. Langhendries, F. Martin, P. Poncelet, A. Xhonneux, E. Perrin, C. Agostoni, M. Giovannini, A.R. Dionigi, E. Riva, S. Scaglioni, F. Vecchi, E. Verducci
Vegetarian Infants and Complementary Feeding
2017 S. Scaglioni, V. De Cosmi, A. Mazzocchi, S. Bettocchi, C. Agostoni
Familial and dietary risk factors in Early Childhood Caries
2016 L. Paglia, S. Scaglioni, V. Torchia, V. De Cosmi, M. Moretti, G. Marzo, M.R. Giuca
Methodology for longitudinal assessment of nutrient intake and dietary habits in early childhood in a transnational multicenter study
2011 S. Verwied Jorky, S. Schiess, V. Luque, V. Grote, S. Scaglioni, F. Vecchi, F. Martin, A. Stolarczyk, B. Koletzko
Determinants of children's eating behavior
2011 S. Scaglioni, C. Arrizza, F. Vecchi, S. Tedeschi
Milk protein intake, the metabolic-endocrine response, and growth in infancy : data from a randomized clinical trial
2011 P. Socha, V. Grote, D. Gruszfeld, R. Janas, H. Demmelmair, R. Closa Monasterolo, J. Escribano Subías, S. Scaglioni, E. Verduci, E. Dain, J.P. Langhendries, E. Perrin, B. Koletzko, F. the European Childhood Obesity Trial Study Group
The introduction of solid food and growth in the first 2 y of life in formula-fed children: analysis of data from a European cohort study.
2011 V. Grote, S. A. Schiess, R. Closa-Monasterolo, J. Escribano, M. Giovannini, S. Scaglioni, A. Stolarczyk, D. Gruszfeld, J. Hoyos, P. Poncelet, A. Xhonneux, J. P. Langhendries, B. Koletzko, for the European Childhood Obesity Trial Study Group
Studio pilota sull'attività motoria e i carichi nei bambini della scuola primaria
2010 G. Bernardelli, M. Sala, M. Tuccio, S. Scaglioni, G. Banderali, M. Giovannini
Intake of energy providing liquids during the first year of life in five European countries
2010 S.A. Schiess, V. Grote, S. Scaglioni, V. Luque, F. Martin, A. Stolarczyk, F. Vecchi, B. Koletzko, E. Childhood Obesity Project
Liver fat change in obese children after a 1-year nutrition-behavior intervention
2010 C.P. Pozzato, E. Verduci, S. Scaglioni, G. Radaelli, M. Salvioni, A. Rovere, G. Cornalba, E. Riva, M. Giovannini
Protein intake and growth in the first 24 months of life
2010 V. Grote, R. von Kries, R. Closa-Monasterolo, S. Scaglioni, D. Gruszfeld, A. Sengier, JP. Langhendries, B. Koletzko, European Childhood Obesity Trial Study Group
Infant feeding and later obesity risk
2009 B. Koletzko, R. von Kries, R.C. Monasterolo, J.E. Subías, S. Scaglioni, M. Giovannini, J. Beyer, H. Demmelmair, B. Anton, D. Gruszfeld, A. Dobrzanska, A. Sengier, J.P. Langhendries, M.F. Cachera, V. Grote
The relationship on insulin resistance with SNP 276G>T at adiponectin gene and plasma long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in obese children
2009 E. Verduci, S. Scaglioni, C. Agostoni, G. Radaelli, M. Biondi, A.S. Manso, E. Riva, M. Giovannini
Proposta riabilitativa nel bambino obeso
2009 S. Scaglioni, G. Bernardelli, L. Norsa, M. Salvioni, C. Arizza, G. Di Landro, C. Galimberti, E. Verduci, M. Giovannini