Dipartimento di Scienze della Salute
Vaccination against influenza viruses reduces infection, not hospitalization or death, from respiratory COVID-19: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
2024 A. Pontiroli, F. Scovenna, V. Carlini, E. Tagliabue, J. Martin-Delgado, L. La Sala, E. Tanzi, I. Zanoni
Maternal Salivary miR-423-5p Is Linked to Neonatal Outcomes and Periodontal Status in Cardiovascular-High-Risk Pregnancies
2024 L. La Sala, V. Carlini, C. Mando', G.M. Anelli, A.E. Pontiroli, E. Trabucchi, I. Cetin, S. Abati
Metabolic disorders affecting the liver and heart: Therapeutic efficacy of miRNA-based therapies?
2024 L. La Sala, V. Carlini, C. Conte, M.B. Macas-Granizo, E. Afzalpour, J. Martin-Delgado, M. D'Anzeo, R.F.E. Pedretti, A. Naselli, A.E. Pontiroli, R. Cappato
Alanine transferase levels (ALT) and triglyceride-glucose index are risk factors for type 2 diabetes mellitus in obese patients
2023 F. Folli, A.E. Pontiroli, A.S. Zakaria, L. Centofanti, E. Tagliabue, L. La Sala
Obesity effect on newly diagnosed and recurrent post-ablation atrial fibrillation: a systematic review and meta-analysis
2023 F. Folli, L. Centofanti, S. Magnani, E. Tagliabue, M. Bignotto, L. La Sala, A.E. Pontiroli
Effect of Prolonged and Substantial Weight Loss on Incident Atrial Fibrillation: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
2023 A.E. Pontiroli, L. Centofanti, C. Le Roux, S. Magnani, E. Tagliabue, F. Folli
Advice of General Practitioner, of Surgeon, of Endocrinologist, and Self-determination: the Italian Road to Bariatric Surgery
2022 A.E. Pontiroli, G. Mingrone, A. Colao, L. Barrea, G. Cannavale, F. Pinna, V. Ceriani, S.M. De Carli, G. Cesana, S. Olmi, G. Scolari, S. Sarro, G. Sarro, C. Procopio, A. Giovanelli, L. Morricone, G. Micheletto, A. Malavazos, V. Panizzo, L. Plebani, M.A. Zappa, I. Tubazio, D. Foschi, S. Capogrossi, C. Conte, A. Saibene, C. Socci, M. Gozza, S. Testa, G. Marinari, S. Maccatrozzo, M. Croci, E. Mozzi, O. Verrastro, E. Capristo, M. Raffaelli, V. Bruni, A. Soare, G. Spagnolo, S. Manfrini, I. Gallo, G. Casella, L. Castagneto-Gissey, M. Watanabe, S. Frontoni, M. Di Paola, B. Russo, P. Bigarelli, J.R. Casella-Mariolo, F. Filippi, F. Leonetti, A. Di Biasio, G. Silecchia, V. Guglielmi, C. Arcudi, A. Vitiello, M. Musella, R. Schiano, C. Giardiello, M.G. Iovino, M. De Palma, S. Tolone, L. Docimo, M. Renzulli, V. Pilone, M. Police, L. Angrisani, E. Tagliabue
Body mass index versus surrogate measures of central adiposity as independent predictors of mortality in type 2 diabetes
2022 E. Orsi, A. Solini, G. Penno, E. Bonora, C. Fondelli, R. Trevisan, M. Vedovato, F. Cavalot, O. Lamacchia, J. Haxhi, A. Nicolucci, G. Pugliese, L. Laviola, L. Bollanti, E. Alessi, M. Vitale, T. Cirrito, P. Cavallo-Perin, G. Gruden, B. Lorenzati, M. Trovati, L. Di Martino, F. Mazzaglia, G. Zerbini, V. Martina, S. Maestroni, V. Capuano, E. Palmieri, E. Lunati, V. Grancini, V. Resi, A. Pontiroli, A. Veronelli, B. Zecchini, M. Arosio, L. Montefusco, A. Rossi, G. Adda, A. Corsi, M. Albizzi, G. Zoppini, A. Avogaro, L. Pucci, D. Lucchesi, E. Russo, M. Garofolo, F. Dotta, L. Nigi, S. Morano, T. Filardi, I. Turinese, M. Rossetti, R. Buzzetti, C. Foffi, M. Cignarelli, S. Pinnelli, L. Monaco, F. Giorgino, A. Natalicchio, G. Sesti, F. Andreozzi, M.G. Baroni, G. Frau, A. Boi
Baseline conditions and nutritional state upon hospitalization are the greatest risks for mortality for cardiovascular diseases and for several classes of diseases : a retrospective study
2022 L. Loreggian, F. Giorgini, A.S. Zakaria, M. Fanchini, A. Veronelli, A.E. Pontiroli, E. Tagliabue
High plasma renin activity associates with obesity-related diabetes and arterial hypertension, and predicts persistent hypertension after bariatric surgery
2021 L. La Sala, E. Tagliabue, E. Vieira, A.E. Pontiroli, F. Folli
New Fast Acting Glucagon for Recovery from Hypoglycemia, a Life-Threatening Situation: Nasal Powder and Injected Stable Solutions
2021 L. LA SALA, A.E. Pontiroli
Correction to: Length of hospitalization is associated with selected biomarkers (albumin and lymphocytes) and with co-morbidities: study on 4000 patients
2021 A.E. Pontiroli, L. Loreggian, M.P.L. Rovati, E. De Patto, L. Folini, F. Raveglia, M. De Simone, A. Baisi, U. Cioffi
Biliopancreatic Diversion (BPD), Long Common Limb Revisional Biliopancreatic Diversion (BPD + LCL–R), Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass [RYGB] and Sleeve Gastrectomy (SG) mediate differential quantitative changes in body weight and qualitative modifications in body composition: a 5-year study
2021 V. Ceriani, F. Pinna, A. Galantino, A.S. Zakaria, R. Manfrini, A.E. Pontiroli, F. Folli
Does microrna perturbation control the mechanisms linking obesity and diabetes? Implications for cardiovascular risk
2021 L.L. Sala, M. Crestani, S. Garavelli, P. de Candia, A.E. Pontiroli
Body mass index and acute respiratory distress severity in patients with and without SARS-CoV-2 infection
2020 D. Chiumello, T. Pozzi, E. Storti, A. Caccioppola, A.E. Pontiroli, S. Coppola
Is blood glucose or obesity responsible for the bad prognosis of COVID-19 in obesity – diabetes?
2020 A.E. Pontiroli, L. La Sala, D. Chiumello, F. Folli
Prevention of Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease in Obesity
2020 L. LA SALA, A.E. Pontiroli
Key Points for Cholelithiasis and Gallstone Ileus Prevention Following Biliointestinal Bypass
2019 G. Micheletto, G.N. Piozzi, V. Panizzo, E. Reitano, D. Tringali, A.E. Pontiroli
Long-term mortality in obese subjects undergoing malabsorptive surgery (biliopancreatic diversion and biliointestinal bypass) versus medical treatment
2019 V. Ceriani, G. Sarro, G. Micheletto, A. Giovanelli, A.S. Zakaria, M. Fanchini, C. Osio, I. Nosari, A. Morabito, A.E. Pontiroli
Guido Pozza M.D.: a visionary scholar
2019 F. Folli, A. Secchi, E. La Rocca, E. Bosi, A.E. Pontiroli