Dipartimento di Scienze Cliniche e di Comunità
Pentraxina 3 come potenziale marcatore di danno endoteliale in gravidanze complicate da preeclampsia e ritardato accrescimento intrauterino.
2012 V. Cozzi
Estimation of fetal oxigen uptake in human term pregnancies
2012 T. Radaelli, S. Boito, E. Taricco, V. Cozzi, I. Cetin
Altered maturation of peripheral blood dendritic cells in human normal pregnancy
2009 S. Della Bella, S. Giannelli, M. Cappelletti, V. Signorelli, V. Cozzi, I. Cetin, M.L. Villa
Characterization of peripheral blood dendritic cells in normal pregnancies
2009 V. Signorelli, V. Cozzi, S. Giannelli, M. Cappelletti, S. Della Bella, M.L. Villa, I. Cetin
First trimester PTX3 levels in women who subsequently develop preeclampsia and fetal growth restriction
2009 I. Cetin, V. Cozzi, A.T. Papageorghiou, V. Maina, A. Montanelli, C. Garlanda, B. Thilaganathan
Infertility as a cancer risk factor – a review
2008 I. Cetin, V. Cozzi, P. Antonazzo
Maternal and fetal fatty acid profile in normal and intrauterine growth restriction pregnancies with and without preeclampsia
2008 G. Alvino, V. Cozzi, T. Radaelli, H. Ortega, E. Herrera, I. Cetin
Placental IGF2 expression in normal and intrauterine growth restricted (IUGR) pregnancies
2008 P. Antonazzo, G. Alvino, V. Cozzi, F.R. Grati, S. Tabano, S. Sirchia, M. Miozzo, I. Cetin
Counseling e trattamento della PROM pre-termine
2007 V. Cozzi, A. Martinelli, G. Rossi, B. Agnoli, I. Cetin
Maternal and foetal resistin and adiponectin concentrations in normal and complicated pregnancies
2007 D. Cortelazzi, S. Corbetta, S. Ronzoni, F. Pelle, A. Marconi, V. Cozzi, I. Cetin, R. Cortelazzi, P. Beck-Peccoz, A. Spada
Role of mature and progenitor endothelial cells in pre-eclampsia
2007 V. Cozzi, G. Alvino, S. Calabrese, N. Fracchiolla, A. Martinelli, M.C. Pasquini, M. Cortiana, I. Silvestris, A. Cortelezzi, I. Cetin
Contribution of peripheral blood dendritic cells to the fetomaternal tolerance occurring in physiologic pregnancy
2007 A. Taddeo, P. Presicce, V. Cozzi, I. Cetin, M.L. Villa, S. Della Bella
Intrauterine growth restriction is associated with alterations in placental lipoprotein receptors and maternal lipoprotein composition
2007 C. Wadsack, S. Tabano, A. Maier, U. Hiden, G. Alvino, V. Cozzi, M. Huttinger, W. Schneider, U. Lang, I. Cetin, G. Desoye
Elevated maternal levels of the long pentraxin 3 (PTX3) in preeclampsia and intrauterine growth restriction
2006 I. Cetin, V. Cozzi, F. Pasqualini, M. Nebuloni, C. Garlanda, L. Vago, G. Pardi, A. Mantovani
Maternal concentrations of pentraxin-3 (PTX3) in pregnancies complicated by preeclampsia and intrauterine growth restriction
2005 V. Cozzi, C. Garlanda, N. Ciappina, F. Pasqualini, G. Pardi, A. Mantovani, I. Cetin
Lipoprotein lipase (LPL) mRNA expression in placentas from normal and IUGR (intrauterine growth restricted) pregnancies by real-time PCR
2005 S. Tabano, G. Alvino, P. Antonazzo, V. Cozzi, F. Grati, M. Miozzo, I. Cetin
Fetal development after assisted reproduction--a review
2003 I. Cetin, V. Cozzi, P. Antonazzo