DIPARTIMENTO DI MEDICINA, CHIRURGIA E ODONTOIATRIA (attivo dal 01/01/1999 al 26/04/2012)
X chromosome inactivation pattern in BRCA gene mutation carriers
2013 S. Manoukian, P. Verderio, S. Tabano, P. Colapietro, S. Pizzamiglio, F.R. Grati, M. Calvello, B. Peissel, J. Burn, V. Pensotti, C. Allemani, S.M. Sirchia, P. Radice, M. Miozzo
Microchimerismo fetale bovino in gravidanze normali e con embryo transfer
2010 L. Turin, P. Invernizzi, M. Woodcock, F.R. Grati, F. Riva, G. Tribbioli, G. Laible
Placental IGF2 expression in normal and intrauterine growth restricted (IUGR) pregnancies
2008 P. Antonazzo, G. Alvino, V. Cozzi, F.R. Grati, S. Tabano, S. Sirchia, M. Miozzo, I. Cetin
Bovine fetal microchimerism in normal and embryo transfer pregnancies and its implications for biotechnology applications in cattle
2007 L. Turin, P. Invernizzi, M. Woodcock, F.R. Grati, F. Riva, G. Tribbioli, G. Laible
Fetal microchimerism in normal and embryo transfer bovine pregnancies
2007 L. Turin, G. Tribbioli, P. Invernizzi, F.R. Grati, S. Crema, G. Laible, F. Riva
Chromosome 11 segmental paternal isodisomy in amniocytes from two fetuses with omphalocoele : new highlights on phenotype-genotype correlations in Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome
2007 F.R. Grati, L. Turolla, P. D’Ajello, A. Ruggeri, M. Miozzo, G. Bracalente, D. Baldo, L. Laurino, R. Boldorini, E. Frate, N. Surico, L. Larizza, F. Maggi, G. Simoni
Preferential X chromosome loss but random inactivation characterize primary biliary cirrhosis
2007 M.R. Miozzo, C.F. Selmi, B. Gentilin, F.R. Grati, S.M. Sirchia, M. Zuin, M.E. Gershwin, M. Podda, P. Invernizzi
Microchimerismo fetale in gravidanze bovine normali e con embryo transfer
2006 L. Turin, G. Tribbioli, P. Invernizzi, F.R. Grati, S. Crema, G. Laible, F. Riva
Placental LPL gene expression is increased in severe intrauterine growth-restricted pregnancies
2006 S.M. Tabano, G. Alvino, P.G.M. Antonazzo, F.R. Grati, M.R. Miozzo, I. Cetin
Ruolo di ESX1L nella spermatogenesi umana
2005 E. Bonaparte, F.R. Grati, S.M. Sirchia, F. Rossella, G. Contalbi, F. Nerva, G.M. Colpi, G. Simoni, M. Miozzo
Analisi dell'inattivazione del cromosoma X in donne affette da cirrosi biliare primitiva
2005 B. Gentilin, F.R. Grati, P. Invernizzi, C. Selmi, P. Busatto, S.M. Sirchia, F. Rossella, G. Simoni, M. Miozzo
Three cases with de novo 6q imbalance and variable prenatal phenotype
2005 FR Grati ,F Lalatta ,L Turolla ,U Cavallari ,B Gentilin ,F Rossella ,I Cetin ,P Antonazzo ,M Bellotti ,F Dulcetti ,D Baldo,R Tenconi,G Simoni,M Miozzo
Loss of the inactive X chromosome and replication of the active X in BRCA1-defective and wild-type breast cancer cells
2005 S.M. Sirchia, L. Ramoscelli, F.R. Grati, F. Barbera, D. Coradini, F. Rossella, G. Porta, E. Lesma, A. Ruggeri, P. Radice, G. Simoni, M. Miozzo
X chromosome monosomy : a common mechanism for autoimmune diseases
2005 P. Invernizzi, M. Miozzo, C. Selmi, L. Persani, P.M. Battezzati, M. Zuin, S. Lucchi, P.L. Meroni, B. Marasini, S. Zeni, M. Watnik, F.R. Grati, G. Simoni, M.E. Gershwin, M. Podda
Fetal and placental chromosomal mosaicism revealed by QF-PCR in severe IUGR pregnancies
2005 F.R. Grati, M. Miozzo, B. Cassani, F. Rossella, P. Antonazzo, B. Gentilin, S.M. Sirchia, L. Mori, S. Rigano, G. Bulfamante, I. Cetin, G. Simoni
Frequency of monosomy X in women with primary biliary cirrhosis
2004 P. Invernizzi, M. Miozzo, P.M. Battezzati, I. Bianchi, F.R. Grati, G. Simoni, C. Selmi, M. Watnik, M.E. Gershwin, M. Podda
Loss of heterozygosity on chromosome 4q32-35 in sporadic basal cell carcinomas: evidence for the involvement of p33ING2/ING1L and SAP30 genes
2004 E. Sironi, A. Cerri, D.Tomasini, S.M. Sirchia, G. Porta, F. Rossella, F.R. Grati, G. Simoni
Biparental expression of ESX1L gene in placentas from normal and intrauterine growth-restricted pregnancies
2004 F.R. Grati, S.M. Sirchia, B. Gentilin, F. Rossella, L. Ramoscelli, P. Antonazzo, U. Cavallari , G. Bulfamante, I. Cetin , G. Simoni, M. Miozzo
Loss of heterozygosity of the NOS3 dinucleotide repeat marker in atherosclerotic plaques of human carotid arteries
2001 F.R. Grati, G. Ghilardi, S.M. Sirchia, F. Massaro, B. Cassani, R. Scorza, C. De Andreis, E. Sironi, G. Simoni
Post-zygotic origin of complete maternal chromosome 7 isodisomy and consequent loss of placental PEG1/MEST expression
2001 M. Miozzo, F. R. Grati, G. Bulfamante, F. Rossella, M. Cribiù, T. Radaelli, B. Cassani, T. Persico, I. Cetin, G. Pardi, G. Simoni