Universita' degli Studi di MILANO
Enhanced circulating retinol and non-esterified fatty acids in pregnancies complicated with intrauterine growth restriction
2010 H. Ortega-Senovilla, G. Alvino, E. Taricco, I. Cetin, E. Herrera
Gestational diabetes mellitus impairs the proportion of fatty acids in umbilical arterial but no venous plasma
2009 H. Ortega-Senovilla, G. Alvino, E. Taricco, I. Cetin, E. Herrera
Long chain fatty acids and dietary fats in fetal nutrition
2009 I. Cetin, G. Alvino, M. Cardellicchio
Intrauterine growth restriction : implications for placental metabolism and transport . A review
2009 I. Cetin, G. Alvino
Ruolo degli acidi grassi omega-3 LC-PUFA in gravidanza e allattamento
2008 G. Alvino, I. Cetin
Maternal and fetal fatty acid profile in normal and intrauterine growth restriction pregnancies with and without preeclampsia
2008 G. Alvino, V. Cozzi, T. Radaelli, H. Ortega, E. Herrera, I. Cetin
Placental IGF2 expression in normal and intrauterine growth restricted (IUGR) pregnancies
2008 P. Antonazzo, G. Alvino, V. Cozzi, F.R. Grati, S. Tabano, S. Sirchia, M. Miozzo, I. Cetin
Differential insulin receptor splicing in trophoblast vs endothelial cells of the human placenta and splicing dysregulation in gestational diabetes but not in IUGR
2007 G. Desoye, T. Radaelli, G. Alvino, C. Wadsack, I. Cetin, U. Hiden
Intrauterine growth restriction is associated with alterations in placental lipoprotein receptors and maternal lipoprotein composition
2007 C. Wadsack, S. Tabano, A. Maier, U. Hiden, G. Alvino, V. Cozzi, M. Huttinger, W. Schneider, U. Lang, I. Cetin, G. Desoye
Role of mature and progenitor endothelial cells in pre-eclampsia
2007 V. Cozzi, G. Alvino, S. Calabrese, N. Fracchiolla, A. Martinelli, M.C. Pasquini, M. Cortiana, I. Silvestris, A. Cortelezzi, I. Cetin
Placental LPL gene expression is increased in severe intrauterine growth-restricted pregnancies
2006 S.M. Tabano, G. Alvino, P.G.M. Antonazzo, F.R. Grati, M.R. Miozzo, I. Cetin
Changes of plasma fatty acid profile and antioxidant vitamins during normal pregnancy
2005 E. Herrera, H. Ortega, G. Alvino, N. Giovannini, E. Amusquivar, I. Cetin
Lipoprotein lipase (LPL) mRNA expression in placentas from normal and IUGR (intrauterine growth restricted) pregnancies by real-time PCR
2005 S. Tabano, G. Alvino, P. Antonazzo, V. Cozzi, F. Grati, M. Miozzo, I. Cetin
Fetal nutrition : a review
2005 I. Cetin, G. Alvino, T. Radaelli, G. Pardi
Fatty acids in normal (AGA) and intrauterine growth restricted (IUGR) pregnancies
2005 G. Alvino, H. Hortega, P. Pileri, T. Radaelli, E. Herrera, I. Cetin
Relationship between plasma fatty acid profile and antioxidant vitamins during normal pregnancy
2004 E. Herrera, H. Ortega, G. Alvino, N. Giovannini, E. Amusquivar, I. Cetin
Intrauterine growth restriction is associated with changes in polyunsaturated fatty acid fetal-maternal relationships
2002 I. Cetin, N. Giovannini, G. Alvino, C. Agostoni, E. Riva, M. Giovannini, G. Pardi
The endocrine and metabolic profile of the growth-retarded fetus
2001 I. Cetin, T. Radaelli, E. Taricco, N. Giovannini, G. Alvino, G. Pardi