Dipartimento di Medicina Veterinaria (attivo dal 23/02/2016 al 01/01/2022)
Concentration dependent effect of dimethylacetamide and N-methylacetamide on the quality and fertility of cryopreserved chicken semen,
2022 L. Zaniboni, M. Madeddu, F. Mosca, A.A. Sayed, S.P. Marelli, M.D. Iorio, N. Iaffaldano, S. Cerolini
Assessment of Sperm Viability and Computer-Assisted Motility Analysis in Budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus): Effect of Several In Vitro Processing Conditions
2022 M. Madeddu, S. Marelli, A. ABDEL SAYED, F. Mosca, S. Cerolini, L. Zaniboni
Effect of N-Methylacetamide Concentration and Thawing Rate on Chicken Sperm Quality after Cryopreservation
2020 F. Mosca, L. Zaniboni, A. ABDEL SAYED, N. Iaffaldano, D. Soglia, A. Schiavone, S. Cerolini
Free-Range Rearing Density for Male and Female Milanino Chickens: Growth Performance and Stress Markers
2019 F. Mosca, L. Zaniboni, N. Iaffaldano, A. Abdel Sayed, M.G. Mangiagalli, G. Pastorelli, S. Cerolini
Quality of chicken semen cryopreserved with different N-methylacetamide concentrations combined with trehalose
2019 F. Mosca, A. Abdel Sayed, M.G. Mangiagalli, S. Cerolini, L. Zaniboni
Artificial insemination of cryopreserved chicken semen: do different concentration doses affect fertility ?
2019 S. Cerolini, A. Abdel Sayed, F. Mosca, N. Iaffaldano, L. Zaniboni
Semen freezability in Italian chicken breeds
2019 A. Abdel Sayed, F. Mosca, M. Madeddu, M.G. Mangiagalli, S. Cerolini, L. Zaniboni
Free-range rearing density for male and female Milanino chickens : carcass yield and qualitative meat traits
2019 S. Cerolini, M. Vasconi, A. Abdel Sayed, N. Iaffaldano, M.G. Mangiagalli, G. Pastorelli, V.M. Moretti, L. Zaniboni, F. Mosca
Effect of dimethylacetamide and N-methylacetamide on the quality and fertility of frozen/thawed chicken semen
2019 F. Mosca, L. Zaniboni, A. Abdel Sayed, M. Madeddu, N. Iaffaldano, S. Cerolini
Slaughter performance and meat quality of Milanino chickens reared according to a specific free-range program
2018 F. Mosca, L. Zaniboni, S. Stella, C.A. Kuster, N. Iaffaldano, S. Cerolini
Genomic and genetic variability of six chicken populations using single nucleotide polymorphism and copy number variants as markers
2017 M.G. Strillacci, M.C. Cozzi, E. Gorla, F. Mosca, F. Schiavini, S.I. Román-Ponce, F.J. Ruiz López, A. Schiavone, M. Marzoni, S. Cerolini, A. Bagnato
Effect of cooling rate on the survival of cryopreserved rooster sperm : comparison of different distances in the vapor above the surface of the liquid nitrogen
2016 M. Madeddu, F. Mosca, A.A. Sayed, L. Zaniboni, M. Mangiagalli, E. Colombo, S. Cerolini
Growth performance, carcass characteristics and meat composition of Milanino chickens fed on diets with different protein concentrations
2016 F. Mosca, C.A. Kuster, S. Stella, G. Farina, M. Madeddu, L. Zaniboni, S. Cerolini
Combined effect of permeant and non-permeant cryoprotectants on the quality of frozen/thawed chicken sperm
2016 F. Mosca, M. Madeddu, A.A. Sayed, L. Zaniboni, N. Iaffaldano, S. Cerolini
Data on the positive synergic effect of dimethylacetamide and trehalose on quality of cryopreserved chicken sperm
2016 F. Mosca, M. Madeddu, A.A. Sayed, L. Zaniboni, N. Iaffaldano, S. Cerolini
Phenotypic characterization of the Italian chicken breed Milanino
2015 F. Mosca, M. Madeddu, E. Colombo, M.C. Cozzi, A. Bagnato, M. G Mangiagalli, L. Zaniboni, S. Cerolini
2015 F. Mosca
Ultrastructural and biochemical characterization of mechanically adaptable collagenous structures in the edible sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus
2015 A. Barbaglio, S. Tricarico, A. R. Ribeiro, C. Di Benedetto, M. Barbato, D. Dessì, V. Fugnanesi, S. Magni, F. Mosca, M. Sugni, F. Bonasoro, M. A. Barbosa, I. C. Wilkie, M.D. Candia Carnevali
Bird density, stress markers and growth performance in the Italian chicken breed Milanino
2015 F. Mosca, M. Madeddu, M. Mangiagalli, E. Colombo, C. Cozzi, L. Zaniboni, S. Cerolini
Feasibility study on the FAO chicken microsatellite panel to assess genetic variability in the turkey (Meleagris gallopavo)
2014 E. Colombo, M.G. Strillacci, M.C. Cozzi, M. Madeddu, M.G. Mangiagalli, F. Mosca, L. Zaniboni, A. Bagnato, S. Cerolini