Dipartimento di Medicina Veterinaria (attivo dal 23/02/2016 al 01/01/2022)
Genomic analyses unveil helmeted guinea fowl (Numida meleagris) domestication in West Africa
2021 Q. Shen, M. Peng, A.C. Adeola, L. Kui, S. Duan, Y. Miao, N.M. Eltayeb, J.K. Lichoti, N.O. Otecko, M.G. Strillacci, E. Gorla, A. Bagnato, O.S. Charles, O.J. Sanke, P.M. Dawuda, A.O. Okeyoyin, J. Musina, P. Njoroge, B. Agwanda, S. Kusza, H. Asadollahpour Nanaei, R. Pedar, M. Xu, Y. Du, L.M. Nneji, R.W. Murphy, M. Wang, A. Esmailizadeh, Y. Dong, S.C. Ommeh, Y. Zhang
2020 E. Gorla
Copy number variation mapping and genomic variation of autochthonous and commercial turkey populations
2019 M.G. Strillacci, E. Gorla, A. Rios-Utrera, V.E. Vega-Murillo, M. Montano-Bermudez, A. Garcia-Ruiz, S. Cerolini, S.I. Roman-Ponce, A. Bagnato
Looking at genetic structure and selection signatures of the Mexican chicken population using single nucleotide polymorphism markers
2018 M.G. Strillacci, V.E. Vega-Murillo, S.I. Román-Ponce, F.J. Ruiz López, M.C. Cozzi, E. Gorla, S. Cerolini, F. Bertolini, L. Fontanesi, A. Bagnato
A copy number variant scan in the autochthonous Valdostana Red Pied cattle breed and comparison with specialized dairy populations
2018 M.G. Strillacci, E. Gorla, M.C. Cozzi, M. Vevey, F. Genova, K. Scienski, M. Longeri, A. Bagnato
Genomic and genetic variability of six chicken populations using single nucleotide polymorphism and copy number variants as markers
2017 M.G. Strillacci, M.C. Cozzi, E. Gorla, F. Mosca, F. Schiavini, S.I. Román-Ponce, F.J. Ruiz López, A. Schiavone, M. Marzoni, S. Cerolini, A. Bagnato
Mitochondrial DNA genetic diversity in six Italian donkey breeds (Equus asinus)
2017 M.C. Cozzi, P. Valiati, R. Cherchi, E. Gorla, R.T.M.M. Prinsen, M. Longeri, A. Bagnato, M.G. Strillacci
Genomic variability in Mexican chicken population using copy number variants
2017 E. Gorla, M.C. Cozzi, S.I. ROMAN PONCE, F.J. Ruiz López, V.E. Vega Murillo, S. Cerolini, A. Bagnato, M.G. Strillacci