Dipartimento di Fisica Aldo Pontremoli
The Number of Optimal Matchings for Euclidean Assignment on the Line
2021 S. Caracciolo, V. Erba, A. Sportiello
Criticality and conformality in the random dimer model
2021 S. Caracciolo, R. Fabbricatore, M. Gherardi, R. Marino, G. Parisi, G. Sicuro
The Dyck bound in the concave 1-dimensional random assignment model
2020 S. Caracciolo, M.P. D'Achille, V. Erba, A. Sportiello
Selberg integrals in 1D random Euclidean optimization problems
2019 S. Caracciolo, A. Di Gioacchino, E.M. Malatesta, L.G. Molinari
Lattice QCD$_2$ effective action with Bogoliubov transformations
2019 S. Caracciolo, M. Pastore
Average optimal cost for the Euclidean TSP in one dimension
2019 S. Caracciolo, A. Di Gioacchino, E.M. Malatesta, C. Vanoni
Effective mesonic theory for the ’t Hooft model on the lattice
2019 S. Caracciolo, M. Pastore
Anomalous Scaling of the Optimal Cost in the One-Dimensional Random Assignment Problem
2019 S. Caracciolo, M. D’Achille, G. Sicuro
Plastic number and possible optimal solutions for an Euclidean 2-matching in one dimension
2018 S. Caracciolo, A. Di Gioacchino, E.M. Malatesta
Solution for a bipartite Euclidean traveling-salesman problem in one dimension
2018 S. Caracciolo, A. Di Gioacchino, M. Gherardi, E.M. Malatesta
Exact value for the average optimal cost of the bipartite traveling salesman and two-factor problems in two dimensions
2018 R. Capelli, S. Caracciolo, A. DI GIOACCHINO, E.M. Malatesta
Short-Time Behavior and Criticality of Driven Lattice Gases
2017 U. Basu, V. Volpati, S. Caracciolo, A. Gambassi
Finite-size corrections in the random assignment problem
2017 S. Caracciolo, M.P. D'Achille, E.M. Malatesta, G. Sicuro
Current quantization and fractal hierarchy in a driven repulsive lattice gas
2017 P. Rotondo, A..L. Sellerio, P. Glorioso, S. Caracciolo, M. Cosentino Lagomarsino, M. Gherardi
Critical behaviour of spanning forests on random planar graphs
2017 R. Bondesan, S. Caracciolo, A. Sportiello
Spanning forests and OSP(N|2M) -invariant σ-models
2017 S. Caracciolo, A.D. Sokal, A. Sportiello
Random Euclidean matching problems in one dimension
2017 S. Caracciolo, M. D'Achille, G. Sicuro
Universal Gaussian behavior of driven lattice gases at short times
2017 V. Volpati, U. Basu, S. Caracciolo, A. Gambassi
Deterministic Abelian Sandpile and square-triangle tilings
2015 S. Caracciolo, G. Paoletti, A. Sportiello
Scaling hypothesis for the Euclidean bipartite matching problem. II. Correlation functions
2015 S. Caracciolo, G. Sicuro